A good friend of mine is into the occult.  Yesterday we were chatting and he suggested that despite their apparent doubt about the supernatural, skeptics, agnostics, humanists and atheists would be reluctant to make a pact with the devil.  I immediately thought ‘blog post’!

Are you prepared to make a pact with the devil?  If you are up for it, please cut and paste the following sentence into the comments box, and add your first name….

“I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

Then describe how you feel doing that.  Alternatively, say why you are not prepared to make the pact.


  1. I would certainly be willing to do so, but won’t in this case because I’m unclear on what I’m getting in exchange. I believe it’s customary to offer something…?

    1. Brian is right….this is not a pact, this is just signing away your soul. I want MONEY and FAME!! (an XBox 360 really)

    2. But if you don’t believe in the devil what’s the point of asking for anything in return? There shoul be no issue with stating the pact if you don’t believe anything will come of it…regardless of the “get”.

    3. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

      That said, the whole enterprise is worthless. If there were a devil who could give you some sort of reward here on earth, thus proving his existence and potence, there is nothing that would be worth trading for an eternity of torment (with the possible exception of eternal life and health, which any wise devil would refuse to grant).

      So the whole thing cancels itself out.

    4. A fascinating new book entitled “There Is Life After Death” by Roy Varghese, examines scientific evidence related to so called “near death experiences.” These “NDE’s” as they are called occur when someone clinically “dies” because heart and breathing stop, brain waves cease, etc. The people studied “died” for several minutes, and when later revived shared their glimpse of life after death with the researchers. The conclusions of the objective research (NDE’s experienced by people with no religious faith and believers as well) are many…but for purposes of this short blog…according to what thousands who have had the near death experience report (stories are consistent among those who prior to their “NDE” did not believe in God and also those who did)….Hell is real and lasts for eternity and is for those who have chosen not to love God and others during their life)…Hell is a really really really bad place…You don’t want to go there…Heaven is real too and is a place filled with much joy and love and all people need to do to get there for ever when they die is to love God and love others as much as they can during their life. People don’t have to live a life without any mistakes to live in Heaven…all they have to do is try the best they can to love God and love everyone every day…Even if people have not loved God and others for part of their life they can go to heaven if during their life they change their attitudes and behavior demonstrating a love for God and everyone…After reading his book I don’t think it’s a good idea at all to have pacts with the devil…Don’t let the devil trick you…NOTHING is worth spending eternity with the devil in hell, NOTHING.

    5. i change it a bit and i put “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation, if he appers now i front of me”i am still waiting

    6. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”for much money and fame.my full names are Ndifor Paterson Ndikum Formikong

    7. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”in exchang for money much money

    8. “I James agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” in exchange for fame and the ability to attract any beutiful female figure. this is not real if it is then satan show yourself to me and give me what i ask in return or i shall torment thee for eternity show up instantly after i publish

    9. “I steve espindola agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    10. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    11. I already signed my soul over to Satan asking for nothing in return. Satan doesn’t owe you anything you should willing want to give it to him else you are not readyh

    12. ‘yyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeesssssssss i would’ and i would do so happly but thats only if i am going to get what i desire in return i been wanting to do this for some time now but i did not know how to or were to do it.’

    13. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. I enter this pact willfully and with complete understanding. I ask for nothing in return other than to serve My Holy Lord and Master Satan with my heart, soul, and mind. Come for me Satan and possess my soul. Cast the Demons of Heavenly Hell into my soul and torture me. In the name of Jesus, Son of Satan, I pray. Amen

    14. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” Cameron , I feel really good about doing that

    15. Hey I have already. It’s no joke and I’m not playing. he can give you alot but he takes alot more away from you than he gives please find god cause i am stuck. God can do more for you than the devil can.

    16. it’s no joke please listen to me anyone that doesn’t believe me please e-mail me!

    17. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” Mariam. I want very much money today

    18. Yes I would But it depends on what I am getting and it have to be something very good.He can have my soul I am not going to need it after am dead.

    19. This is FAKE & SHIT. I done several times without anything happening. guys stop wasting ur time there

    20. i agree upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation…please i need help with money i want to become rich i would do anything to sell my soul i dont have no money at all i just want to get out of this poverty

    21. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation
      in my terms and conditions

    22. ayla renee
      I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. i wish for the love of my life to want love me till the day i die as promised by natural causes of course, the fame and fortune to support him and the perfect voice to keep it going. no tricks, no plot twists just us as one and my soul will be yours for eternity and i will forever be in your debt.

    23. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation only if He accepts to grant me 100.000.000 (one hundreed millions) of Euro and makes me verry healthy for the rest of this life. Cristian.

    24. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” Light and dark are one, and I am one with the light and darkness. Please take my soul and ascend our combined spiritual being up above far beyond the constraints of this one divine universe ruled by two gods seated on one throne, the throne of time, space and continuum. Only through time and space shall all powers of life and destruction, happiness and suffering, manifest within my true will of spirit, may my daemon imbue its purpose and destiny within the blood of the lamb and may the flames of hell awaken that rebellious spark of sin and the beauty of death within the spiritual and dimensional planes of lesser and greater magical beings. Bring me home Father! AS ABOVE SO BELOW! Carpe Lucem!!! 666!!!

    25. i would never be willing to sell my soul it might be a heap of shit or not but I do believe in that stuff I believe there are things about the world that we don’t know and some things we aren’t supposed to ever know and I guise we wont but we have no proffer of theas things at the minute and since there is no proffe just sintcets saying it is all shit is no proffe so I believe in that stuff and WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT NOT AS LNG AS I LIVE… maybe for a family member if it meant they would live

    26. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    27. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange for extreme wealth for the rest of my life on the planet…Steve Valley

    28. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” David SN Josef

    29. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
      to live wealth and to the age of 60 + win 14 miljon euros tonight. to start my career -jukka-

    30. good evening sir , I write to you from Haiti’s border with the Dominican Republic , I am an assistant to a large boco here , working with Haitian voodoo , law product that interested him make a pact , here are serious but also should you have it when valley to pay if interested write me here too you are gçhaces mooring , salud.suerte to sell something, and to find good work , hope this good with what he dismisses his wilmen contrera …. chancloudevillinihaiti@hotmail.com also have book sales o make any spell, we have the book negrode satana.tambien working with white magic and roja..suerte …

    31. sorry,I gave mine to Jesus Christ long ago,its no more mine but Jesus’s own.Jesus bought me with His blood,am redeemed for a price,my spirit,soul and body belongs to God through the eternal redemption bought by the blood of Jesus Christ.

    32. I Connor agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation if he makes my penis grow 12 inches long permanently and now we play the waiting

    33. I want to make a pact/deal with the Devil to the point that “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”! : D I just have some trouble finding some books for my church which I really need his help finding them in order for me to bring them back to church! 😀

    34. I Alejandro agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange for money including my own credit card, fame, Subscription Video on demand (Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Video), and the power to make people do whatever I want them to do and not what they want they want me to do because it’s so horrible! >:O Even though most of the people in my life are so loving and caring to me they have never been able to make the people who had had been so cold, angry, and mean be nice to me! >:O Their authority is so weak when the devil’s authority is so much greater than any man’s authority put together! 😛 I need the devil to make my parents to stop making a big deal about me wearing two watches because it makes them angry and crazy about me not wearing just one watch, not opening refrigerator doors at other people’s houses, wearing elegant and not casual clothes at fancy parties because it’s so superficial and selfish towards other people who are homeless, jobless and the poor who can’t afford elegant clothes, and stop restricting my phone privileges like deleting my phones numbers without my motherfucking permission! >:O Same thing with my teachers who wouldn’t give students privacy on their own computers, and be able to wear Halloween costumes in school! >:O I also made some mistakes to some people that have ruined some friendships and got me kicked out of places such as schools, Huntington Learning Center, and Center for Vocational Rehabilitation (CVRS) and Bridges Treatment Program getting to the point that they told me to leave them alone, give them some, and have me blocked on Facebook forever and some people were just complete motherfucking jerks to me for they kept ditching me at Black Bear Lake yelled at me to get out of their lunch tables and to leave them alone and got me kicked out of my homeroom without my permission and they were still mean to me! >:O I want to power over them so that I don’t end up crying, being locked up in a mental hospital or jail, killing myself, or even torturing and/or killing them! >:O

    35. yes i am willing to give my soul to the devil…for money and all the political power in my county

    36. “I Ricky agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
      I want money and lots of political power!!

    37. U r all sick fucks and I would happily send you all there sooner with a godly smile on my face admit it you are all full of fear and giving yourself away because you can’t face life well god I offer my soul to the to build with me and to do with me as though wilt release me of the bondage of self that I may better do thy will

    38. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange for wealth (including material things such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and a trillion dollars especially to help my dad with the mortgage) and the power over the mind, hearts, and souls over other people please.

    39. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

      In exchange for me getting my boyfriend M.Ricketts back and got health and unlimited money and fame

    40. Otusaulsilume lucifer domine mil O salud tarineo
      Otusaulsilume lucifer domine mil O salud
      Otusaulsilume lucifer domine mil O salud
      Otusaulsilume lucifer domine mil O salud
      Otusaulsilume lucifer domine mil O salud
      Otusaulsilume lucifer domine mil O salud
      Deseo fortuna
      Deseo larga vida
      Deseo tener ese demonio de que enamore a todas
      Deseo tener fama como cantante, ser el eje y el centro de atencion
      Deseo que me hables y aparescas ante mi
      Deseo ser hermoso
      Todo esto por mi alma y la de todos los hijos que vienen de ahora en adelante y fama para enviar un mensaje perverso y servirte toda la eternidad te amoo lucifer, hasme grande dios mio …..

    41. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
      I feel ready to understand, and ready for the change as to and when to have the opportunity to make the pact and or deal, as i humbly and respectfully ask of.

  2. I agree with Brisn, we ought to be getting something out of this. Worldly stuff like power and wealth are traditional, and I believe there are precedents for this. Dr Faustus springs to mind.

    1. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
      evil may make me live

    2. im just gunna say that who dont know much about this its ok you can learn to understand who saten/lucifer rilly is if you dont know you should he is the tru god with the other 3 princes of hell thay all are the tru gods

  3. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” It seems kind of silly, like saying I agree that after I’m dead and therefore cannot know or feel anything a giant bunny can tickle my imaginary toes. (actually I might be more frightened of the second one. The devil seems kinda cool in all the movies)

  4. I exchanged my non existent soul for lasting frienship with some interesting like minded people, and it was the best deal ever made 🙂
    So Luis Cypher will have to do without……. “would you like an egg?”

  5. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    How do I feel? Despite not liking the word: ‘meh’ – It filled in a minute or two of my time to read and respond, I find the concept of a soul rather pointless.

  6. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” — in exchange for just an astronomical amount of worldly success & wealth.

    Ew, yes, that does feel awkward. I have a sick feeling at the top of my gut which is doing battle with the grin of delighted wickedness on my face!

    (Athiest, raised Catholic, clearly still capable of reading too much into this.)

    1. who ever is reading this testimony today should please celebrate with me and my family because it all started like a joke to some people and others said it was impossible. my name is Michael i live in Chicago i am happily married with two kids and a lovely wife something terrible happen to my family along the line, i lost my job and my wife packed out of my house because i was unable to take care of her and my kids at that particular time. i manage all through five years, no wife to support me to take care of the children and there come a faithful day that i will never forget in my life i met an old friend who i explain all my difficulties to, and he took me to a spell caster and and the name of the temple is called, okundonorgreatspell, i was assure that everything will be fine and my wife will come back to me after the wonderful work of dr okundonorgreatspell, my wife came back to me and today i am one of the richest man in my country. i advice you if you have any problem email him with this email: dr.okundonorgreatspell@gmail.com and you will have the best result. take things for granted and it will be take from you.

    2. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for internal damnation-in exchange for just an astronomical amount of success and wealth

  7. My name is Jemma “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    How do I feel??…..perfectly fine.

    1. are yall insane? you acctualy satan will qive you what you want? hell he will just take your soul torment you and as your eyes fill with tears of surrender once your in his pit ders no way out. And if i was qona sell my soul i wouldnt say it on the internet look for em in person i promise you that you will alot more diff than just writtinq it on the internet.

  8. Hmm, as above it would depend what I was getting but I do have a morbid fascination with Hell so probably yes, but only if I could be his best mate

  9. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    … but being from Yorkshire he’s going to have some competition…

    Then we shall ‘ave to bury thee…
    Then t’worms’ll come and eat thee up…
    Then ducks’ll come and eat up t’worms…
    Then we shall come and eat up t’ducks…
    Then we shall all ‘ave etten thee

  10. I’m from Devon and part of me says in all the old stories deals with old hobb come off badly.
    I’m an archeaologist and part if me says that we do not know that the devil does not exist, best not risk it.
    On the other hand if hell does exist I’m probably going there with all the interesting people anyways so what the hay.

    “I Helen agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    1. Helen, you of all people should know that history proves the existence of God. Look at the Jew. What an impossibility that he has a homeland today. Look at all the things that happened there. Look at the walls of Jericho. Use your brain, that was designed in the image of God.
      “Ask (and keep asking), Seek (and keep seeking), knock (and keep knocking) and the door SHALL be opened unto you.” Try it, He is real.
      Next, read “There Is Life After Death” by Roy Varghese, and examine scientific evidence! Don’t throw away a lifetime of learning on what’s ‘cool’ and in fashion for the moment. “All life is like grass, that whithers and blows away.” But YOU are eternal. Cheers.

    2. i to like to agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

  11. “I, Richard, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I’ve already denied the Holy Spirit, so this doesn’t bother me in the slightest – though he owes me now and I’m going to hold him to it.

    1. Been there, done that. Yeah, the devils are cool, until they become your slave masters. They play along with your fleshly desires until they know you’re ‘convinced’ that God doesn’t really love you.

      The only thing the devil owes you Richard, is all the suffering that he and his minions can dish out. They want you to suffer just like they did, in all their deformed ugliness after ‘falling like lightning’ from heaven. They were thrown out. They should have known better. Pride is the original sin, thinking that they were equal to God. Read the book.

      “But the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

      It’s never too late. Ask for the ‘joy of the Holy Spirit.’ You’ve obiviously never experienced it, or else you would not have all these doubts. And I could have answered many of these comments, but I was led to yours and only one other. Cheers.

    2. Richard do not Rik dissuade you. I commend you for your open rejection of the holy spirit and your desire to be with the evil one, even if you have expressed hatred for the hs or even cursed him, and especially if you have. Rik’s tired and small mind just recites everything you have heard about and may believe about the torments of hell. If, as I suspect you believe that hell is a place of eternal torment even at the hands of our master you are the bold one and you will have my eternal companionship in hell because I boldly commit myself to hell no matter how severe the torment is. I will bear the torment in defiant pride that I chose to reject Rik’s friend and that I will never break. He can talk forever about the joys of the hs, but for us two, who do not want the hs, we would experience no joys in being connected to the hs. He is correct the Satan is in torment and wants us to be tormented as he is. And I do not deny that Satan hates us. However, that does not deter me from declaring I worship him as my personal God because I admire and identify with his rejection of god and even though he will suffer infinitely more than I will, I am still willing to suffer as a way of personal affinity and identification with his reject and his evil essence. Whether you were fully conscious of it when you signed on, you would not have agreed to hell unless you wanted to go there. What Rik cannot wrap his puny little mind around was illustrated in a movie I saw. A father came by when his son a devoted and avid Satanist was about to commit suicide so he could immediately unite with our Master. After the son tired of the father’s pleas to abandon Satan and seek salvation, the son said, “Not all of us want to be saved.” Rik does not seem to understand that the great theologians have always taught that if you and I go to hell God will be the one damning us, we will damn ourselves by free choice because want to go to hell. Now here is the best part. Rik’s discussion does not involve any real charity concerning your welfare. It is so easy to see that he bragging about himself and presenting himself as far superior to us, filled with the very pride he condemns. I am also certain we will see him in hell, and even if you and I are required to hate each other because that is the nature of the will of the damned, I look forward to us jointly gloating about his damnation, and mocking and tormenting him about that for endless eternity. Richard, even though we have never met we are soulmates, so stay the course you have chosen as I will. You made your public decision 7 years ago, so I do not know if you will ever read this. If you do and are interested and can figure out a way we can chat and otherwise be in contact before we meet in hell please suggest it in some reply.

  12. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    As a lapsed neo-pagan, and recovering “Magical thinker” I do still get a little twinge of doubt when making statements like this. Luckily my intellect is able to override it. I know, as strongly as one can know anything, that the devil does not exist, and that I have no soul (I can’t even dance ;)) and therefore the statement has no meaning and no power beyond that which my own mind gives it.

  13. “I Wally agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Who says “my” soul is “mine” to begin with?

  14. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”…in fact I think he already took it in exchange for a guitar when I was about 10 years old.

  15. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Saying that and not asking for anything in return is surely the most confusing thing to anyone who believes in such rubbish. Having written it, I have no issues or concerns.

  16. I’m with the first two posters – what’s the exchange?? I’m not signing any contracts until I know the full terms. 😉

    As far as being damned for all eternity – if the Devil exists, I probably already am, by the measures of a lot of religions. But then, so are most of the people I know. So like Twain said, “Heaven for climate, Hell for company!”

  17. I would not sign a pact with the devil.

    I am not in the custom of offering things I do not have to entities that do not exist in exchange for boons that they can not supply.

  18. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    That said, back in the 90’s I believe I sold my soul to a website. So this may not be legally binding.

    The statement itself it a little false, I don’t agree that the devil can have my soul at my death, because I consider the notion of a soul, and a demon quite silly – therefore:

    I also agree that upon my death, Santa Claus can have my pet unicorn.

    1. Anton describes my feelings more accurately and succinctly than I could!

      However, I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

  19. The sad thing is not that there would be any fear in making a meaningless proclamation as that, but the fact that once something is published on the internet, it is ‘eternally’ googleable.

    Any trepidation would be due to potential, theistic, future employers finding the comment 5 or 10 years down the line…

    1. I wouldn’t want to work for such employers anyway. Not/hiring on the basis of whether the applicant shares your belief system is a discriminatory hiring practice. And I believe religious choice is one of the protected classes (in US, anyway), so they open themselves to a lawsuit.

  20. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    I feel stupid saying that, because it feels exactly the same like praying for something: The mixed feeling of doing something really pointless that is connected with strong cultural sense of meaning.

  21. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Without any evidence that a soul exists independently of the body, I suppose the electrical signals making up my personality will be released as heat energy when I die.

    If the devil wants those few calories of energy, he’s welcome to them.

  22. I uh, would, but um… yeah, I sold my soul back in high school in exchange for snack money. Granted, I was (and still am) a soulless atheist, so it was a total scam, but kids get away with all kinds of things if people think it’s funny enough.

  23. I wouldn’t make the pact for three reasons:

    Firstly, in the Christian sense of “Satan”, this being is representative of anything that would get in the way of your walk with Jesus Christ; it’s therefore something that most non-believing people do naturally – letting stuff get in the way of a life walking with God. Maybe there is some value in formalising that arrangement… but, personally, I doubt it.

    Secondly, if you’ve already pledged yourself to serve God then pledging allegiance to that which opposes God is betrayal. That has it’s own consequences which, again, I wouldn’t choose to incur. Giving up so many good things in exchange for temporal power was a key question for Dr Faustus.

    Finally, if you believe that no such beings exist then it’s just a waste of time. Isn’t it?

    1. “Giving up so many good things in exchange for temporal power was a key question for Dr Faustus.”

      I’m fairly certain that Faust did not receive a blue police box when he signed away his soul.

      Alex: yeah, it is. ;-D

  24. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Even without anything in exchange, since it’s complete and total bullshit. I just wish I had thought of selling my soul on Ebay before that guy did it so I could have cashed in on it!

    On the one hand, it’s easy to say because it doesn’t mean anything to me. On the other hand, I don’t like making any kind of statement that implies or outright states that I have a belief in the supernatural that I don’t actually have.

    1. There are too many people who said something I want to respond to, so instead of responding to everyone, I’m just going to clarify my own post with a reply.

      To everyone who says they won’t do it because they don’t want to make pacts for things they don’t want to make pacts for things they don’t believe in with entities they don’t believe in:

      The point, here, is to find out who is otherwise rational but still hedges their bets. If you don’t believe in it, you’re not “making a pact”, you’re parroting words that are not binding because you don’t believe in it. It’s only a “pact”, and therefore “binding” if A) the Devil & soul exists and/or B) you believe in the words.

      The point is that you should have no problem making the statement if it doesn’t mean anything to you, and refusal to do so implies that the idea of a soul and a devil (and any pact made regarding them) still *means* something to you, which further implies that you are not applying your rational critical thinking skills to this subject.

      So, as silly as I feel making a statement that I don’t believe in, I said it for the purpose of demonstrating that I, as a rational and logical person, extend my rationality even to this area that I’m willing to “pledge” my soul as a demonstration of my lack of belief that I have any soul to pledge and that there is no devil to pledge it to.

  25. I, Ciarán, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    I now feel happy safe in the knowledge that at least my soul won’t be wondering aimlessly in limbo and contacted randomly by some ouija board session and asked to perform parlour tricks.


  26. I feel too awkward promising something I don’t thing exists to a being I don’t see any evidence exists.

    Despite both entities in the promise being hypothetical, the promise would be real and that doesn’t sit right.

    I would no more promise (with sincerity) to give the loch ness monster to the invisible pink unicorn. I could restate it though:

    “If the concept of a soul transpires to be acurate and if the devil as understood to exist in popular culture were to exist then ….no way would I hand over my soul, but since I am confident based on the evidence available and all logical analysis that both are false, I am prepared to jokingly say for the purpose of this exercise that ‘the devil can have my soul'”


  27. Would you sign a pact with a supernatural entity for the state of your soul? Congratulations, you’re born again! Or you sold your soul to the devil. I sure hope the supernatural entity in question didn’t fool you as to which one it was.

  28. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation – Hmm is this the Christian devil or another one? Well, it is like saying Tinker Bell can come to my next birthday party. meh.

  29. “I, Alex Pryce, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    ….upon the condition that I get riches, health and pure happiness here on earth and my own little Mephistopheles to do my bidding or no deal!

    I want something out of this.

    Also, once in hell I offer to help Satan fight back against the cruel Yahweh who sentenced him to eternal damnation. After the rebellion Satan shall control heaven and I will be allowed to rule Hell. Hell will then be turned into a tourist resort.

    I may have thought this through a bit too much. But ultimately, yeah sure, eh can have my eternal soul.

  30. Sure, why not.

    “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.”

    As a sort-of-practicing Jew I didn’t believe in an afterlife, and as an atheist none of this means anything to me anymore. The only thing I feel is a slight sense of dishonesty as I don’t actually agree to this, since that would imply belief, but since it’s just a thought experiment I’m okay with that.

    1. The only thing I feel is a slight sense of dishonesty as I don’t actually agree to this, since that would imply belief, but since it’s just a thought experiment I’m okay with that.

      Yes, exactly. I don’t want to imply by my agreement that I actually believe in it, but it’s helpful to clarify to oneself just how much one has shaken off the old shackles (for those of us who were raised as believers).

  31. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” But what Simon Coweel will do with my soul for eternity I have no idea. I hope he doesn’t make me listen to his back catalogue.

    Can I join the other side actually?

    1. The other side? An eternity of listening to Rage Against The Machine doesn’t sound that much better to me…

  32. I don’t think blog comments are legally binding anyway but:

    “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.”

    As I don’t believe in a) the devil, b) a soul or c) eternal damnation, that carries about as much weight for me as writing “The jabberwocky in my stables can have my yacht when I learn to fly”.

  33. I Daniel agree that upon my death the Devil can have my soul for eternal damnation (because like hell am I letting Jehovah get it).

    If however Cthulhu gets it first, there’s not much I can do. And that is an equally real possibility.

    Now how do I feel about that..? I have hesitated, but only because I think I should be getting something in return. But, I figure, as long as the Christian God doesn’t get it, I’m happy. So really it works out well even without a tangible reward.

    But then, I do repeatedly deny God’s existence, so chances are I’d be going there anyway. So alright Satan, I won’t ask you for a favor this time, but you owe me one.

    In all seriousness, I have no problem saying that. I wouldn’t be a very good atheist if I did.

  34. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in return, I shall have his trident and horns….

    I am an atheist so this is like saying “I agree that when a large bovine flies out of my ass, you can have my soul Mr Unicorn man’

  35. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    How do I feel? Despite having no belief in him……….. Strangely reluctant.

    Although, with me not following the “Christian Way” and comitting adultery constantly with my thoughts, I’m probably already Damned for eternity.

    You can imagine the Devil looking at this list and saying “Got, Got, Got, need, Got, Got….”

  36. Well Richard you tricky little devil you! So this is what you have been up to! How many are you going to get this time? hehe…..but what is really freaky….while I was reading this, the TV show “Paranormal State” came on and was about a guy that….. yes sold his soul to the devil for money and women…..and in return was to get 20 other people to give their soul to the devil….. now that’s freaky! Now as for me….. no way. Putting all jokes aside, I do have a soul and ain’t giving it up for evil. No, I don’t believe in hell fire stuff but believe that hell is not having what you love or hold dear or value…. be that here now or where ever after. Now, I do see a trend that those here that function on the more analytical side don’t seem to live by faith but by facts that they can see, hear or compute…… is this part of what you are looking for from our answers?

  37. I, Sebastian, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    It only counts if signed with blood, if I remember correctly. Anyone up for this?

  38. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation… now give me women, money and beauty already.

  39. “I Martin agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Its a testament to the power of childhood religious indoctrination (I’ve been an atheist for >40 years) that I feel even a slight frisson on deciding to do this, instantly quelched by my rational side reassuring me that it is nonsense on many levels.

    1. who ever is reading this testimony today should please celebrate with me
      and my family because it all started like a joke to some people and others
      said it was impossible. my name is Michael i live in Chicago i am happily
      married with two kids and a lovely wife something terrible happen to my
      family along the line, i lost my job and my wife packed out of my house
      because i was unable to take care of her and my kids at that particular
      time. i manage all through five years, no wife to support me to take care
      of the children and there come a faithful day that i will never forget in
      my life i met an old friend who i explain all my difficulties to, and he
      took me to a spell caster and and the name of the temple is called,
      okundonorgreatspell, i was assure that everything will be fine and my wife
      will come back to me after the wonderful work of dr okundonorgreatspell, my
      wife came back to me and today i am one of the richest man in my country. i
      advice you if you have any problem email him with this email:
      dr.okundonorgreatspell@gmail.com and you will have the best result. take
      things for granted and it will be take from you. i wish you all the best.

  40. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I don’t believe that the devil exists so i feel very neutral about the above sentence. As far as i am concerned I could easily substitute Mickey Mouse, Buck Rodgers or Augustus Gloop into the sentence instead of the word ‘Devil’ because all four are fictional characters.

    I also do not believe that any kind of ‘soul’ exists after death so this adds to my ambivalence about my statement.

    Kind regards
    Mark Howe

  41. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” –

    Being an ex-Catholic (a prolapsed Catholic?), I did get tiny pang of illicit pleasure. Not *that* much though.

  42. You fools! I get to torture you in hell for eternity and you did not even ask for anything in return!

    See you in hell.

    1. Thankyou Devil for enticing me to sell my soul to you, and this action damns my soul to hell where you will torture me for eternity and I’m not getting anything in return but a hard dick. I will see you in hell. Thankyou once again from transferring me from the kingdom of light into the power of darkness. False Prophet
      I welcome you to join my website: satanislord.webs.com

  43. I, Renae, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    I feel the same way as I would about gifting my ‘soul’ to the tooth fairy.

    I don’t expect anything in return for this promise, because I’m not giving away anything.

    If souls were real, and you could give them away, I would prefer the Flying Spaghetti Monster to have mine…. but then again, I don’t know what His Noodliness would want with it anyway *shrug*.

    1. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
      i feel relaxed

  44. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    — Gareth

    Part of me still feels slightly sick at writing that, but I know that it’s totally irrational.

    I’m an atheist anyway, so the Devil (if I’m wrong, and both he and God DO exist) already has my soul. Nothing to lose.

  45. LOL……. now as I have gone back and read all the posts so far it reminds me of that saying…..goes something like….”me thinks thou dost protest too much”. :}

  46. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I feel … ambivalent. Not believing in the devil I dont feel this effects me much.

  47. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    I also agree that once he’s got bored of eternal damnation, he can pass my soul on to the purple spaghetti monster to do what he likes with 🙂

    I feel amused because I’m making a social contract between an imaginary concept and a mythical entity!

  48. I do not believe that god exists, but that a large number of people do.
    It is other peoples belief in the devil that I do not wish to promote.
    Fearful things are done in the name of god, just think what might be done in the name of the devil…

    1. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

  49. I love how many of the people who are signing up are – in the same breath – adding in a disclaimer that they don’t believe in any of it anyway, so it’s not really binding!

    For my part, I won’t say it. My belief system teaches me that there is no greater heaven than your own good behaviour, and no bigger devil than your cruelty, so why make myself even more paranoid than being religious already makes me? =D

  50. There is still a confusion in some individuals, particularly in the US, between satanists and atheists, and atheists living in those majority Christian communities suffer as a result, through discrimination and abuse. Why make it worse for them?

    Some people believe the devil is real, and for them that is terrifying. While I will often mock people for their kooky beliefs, it doesn’t seem right to me to mock their deepest fears.

    For the record, the devil ain’t getting my soul because I haven’t got one. I am a sentient bag of bits and nothing more.

    1. I go back and forth. I don’t like to intentionally hurt people’s feelings, but there are times when I just can’t get over *how* silly some people’s beliefs are and can’t stop myself from mocking them…

  51. I, Johanne, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. I expect no payment or reward; I make this statement solely for the fun and humour of it…

    You see, there is no devil, nor is there a soul. Also, eternal life, and the eternity of a soul are myths. In fact, the only things in the statement above which arguably exist are I, Johanne, and humour.

    I am funny. Also, I like to laugh. So, have at me, Lord Host of the Hoary Netherworld! Poke at my eternally burning soul-stuff with your comically oversized pitchfork while your tormenting demons tinge the underworld’s fume with their noxious, Brueghelian farts*. Forever. Seriously. I dare ya.

    *(No, really, Brueghel painted farts – don’t take my word for it – look it up!)

  52. I am not prepared to sign this contract as the wording is vague.

    What would I get in return, is it implied that the devil would grant 3 wishes as is standard in such contracts?

    Do I have any statutory rights, if the devil provides substandard solutions to my “wishes” does the contract get revoked? What if the devil has been misleading it implying ability to provide such wishes.

    Is “eternal damnation” in the same way that phones are “unlimited” where eternal is actually defined in a foot note as being less than eternal?

    If I take a seperate contract with other being that grants me “everlasting life in heaven” then would the death event still occur?

    Does the damnation have a fair use policy in that if the devil did too much daming in a month he would be capped? If the the devil was found to be taking souls and distributing copies of them would the contract be terminated?

    Under which country’s law/religion would the said devil be from?

    Is it a transferable policy, could the devil pass my soul over to say Kali for an alternative damnation?

    Does this contract have a superior fiddle playing get out clause?

  53. “I agree that upon my death the devil, god(s), santa claus, the tooth fairy, goblins, aliens, pixies, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, leprachauns, chubacarbras and bigfoot can all share my soul for eternal damnation (partying)”

    If any of them existed it might be fun to have a chat. The only ones I was ever told to believe in were santa and the tooth fairy and they were a big let down!

  54. this makes me feel sick to the stomach. shame on you for getting people into things they don’t fully know the consequences of. this is a disgusting experiment and these words should never ever be said in such an off the cuff way.


    1. Seeing as God, Satan, and all other deities are only as real as your mind makes them, I feel no remorse in saying I’d sell my soul. I don’t believe, therefore in my reality they don’t exist. But you believe if you wish, I won’t stop you 🙂

  55. “I, Gabriel, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    When there is no god, there can´t be any devil to take my soul.

  56. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    BUT, given what most religions give as a certain ticket to hell, I was heading there anyway. I feel giddy for maybe freaking out some people.

  57. This Tarot card, to me it represents things that go against our beliefs, they go against our convictions … We come into contact with our unadmitted shadow side of our personality, our animal side … but all of this is within ourselves, with what so-called “devil” am I making a pact?

  58. I, Peter Ward, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. I expect to win the lottery so I can life a properly debauched life first!

  59. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Hmm. Strange. I don’t feel any different. Perhaps that’s because, um, the devil doesn’t exist.

    Please pass this staggering conclusion on to your friend, Richard!

  60. Well, devil, as nothing has happened yet, I can see that centuries of negotiating with hapless Biblical figures has hardened you. You drive a hard bargain, evil one… So, I’m prepared to sweeten this deal for YOU…!

    If you come retrieve my soul in the next fifteen minutes, you get – my soul, my walrus-jaw bookends, and a gently-used set of eversharp kitchen knives!

    But that’s not all!!!

    It’s a Blowout Soul Sale at Crazy Jo’s!!! Souls are moving fast, and to clear them all out TODAY, here’s an offer the King of the Dead can’t refuse!

    If you come to me in the next 10 minutes, and take my soul into hell for eternal whatever-it-is-you-do, I will bear your child!

    That’s right, devil, I shall be the slightly-less than virginal mother of your anti-Christ scion!!

    Of course, you have to share custody. A woman has to draw the line somewhere…

    This is a limited time offer!!! Act fast!!!

  61. I, Hester, don´t agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Though i´m fairly skeptical and levelheaded about alot of things, this still freaks me out and we do not know everything yet about Life and laws and forces of nature, physics and of attraction etc. ´if´ souls exist or not. So therefor, absolutely Not.

    1. btw: i´m not afraid of the devil, as it was once a vertility god and he shagged everyone and everything…it´s more the damnation thing in this contract and the soul which we know no-shit about.

  62. The devil shows the bondage of material obsession. In the Britain the best illustration of this would be the clinging home owners have to massive overvaluation. In a very real sense, obsessive attachment, the status-quo and clinging can propogate misery. The ‘devil’s work to do…

    Now gaining material wealth and power is easy – just imagine there are no consequences, and LIE. LIE like a trooper. Lull people from their potential to happiness. Persuade them that happiness is to be found in stuff and not deeds.

    1. Already there dude. I’m all for practical actions over talking to entities that have not influence over the world.

  63. Seems a bit of a daft proposition really since Christian theology has Satan being cast into the lake of burning sulfur himself where there will be torment day and night for ever and ever. Rev 21

  64. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    I sure won’t be needing it (or indeed, anything). Being dead and all.

  65. But the devil is a metaphor. So if metaphorically sign away my soul, I am metaphorically saying that I have no legacy to leave behind. I am revealing that my incarnation this time is a wasted round. And next time (if there is a next time), I will bear suffering that will seem an eternity until I gain respect for the sacrament of being alive and having the self-determination and responsibilty to choose my own path through eternity…

  66. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I don’t mind because hell is where all the cool people will be anyway.

    Oh and I don’t believe in a God, the Devil or the soul, so to me it’s just words.

  67. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Not in the least bit nervous about it. After I’m dead science is getting my body – what do I care? As I don’t have a soul, anyone who finds one is welcome to it…

  68. (head in hands) *si-igh* Devil, devil, devil…

    You’re making this hard, man… I’m giving and giving… and not so much as a hint of acknowledgement from you… It’s like all my former relationships rolled into one…

    You sure know how to torment a girl…


    I can see that you’re waiting on my final offer… You are one tough customer, Devil, but I respect that in you. I can see that your reputation as a consumer of any and all proferred souls is ill-informed and ill-deserved…

    You are a discerning client, Beelzebub – may I call you Beelzebub? Fine… Here’s what I can do for you…

    You get the soul, the bookends, the kitchen knives and the progeny, and…

    This top quality snowboard! The Olympics are coming up, B…. You gotta have a snowboard. And this one’s orange… with flames on it…

    Huh? Huh? Tell me that won’t go with all your outfits.

    But I have one last, especially thoughtful gift for you… It’s this… A 75ml bottle of Dolce and Gabbana’s “Light Blue” for men. Still unwrapped and untouched, exactly as I left it when my ex dumped me by email on Christmas Eve, and I never ended up giving it to him…

    I bet you had a hand in that, huh, devil…? Like I said, you’re the Master of Earthly Torments…

    Now, besides that this scent goes easily from day to evening, and is, in my humble but infallible opinion, the way a man ought to smell, it could serve double duty in relieving you from the aromatic tedium of the unending brimstone fume.

    And I’ll tell you what, devil… If you decide that you want my soul today, I will cover all delivery charges, shipping and handling, state and federal taxes, AND I’ll give a generous tip to the hellhound gatekeepers at Hades’s portal…

    Now, come on, devil, why wait another day?

    You know you want it…

    1. Actually I think the reason he didn’t bite with the last one is a snowboard is of no value to one who lives in a land of fire and brimstone.

      Keep going! I believe in you! Which is more than I can say for Satan right now but still!

    2. To tell you the truth, I’m feeling a little let down by the Master do Deceivers today…

      I thought for sure my “bearing the anti-Christ” offer would seal the deal. You just can’t please some Evil Ones…

  69. I thought the deal was that if you weren’t a practicing Christian/Catholic etc that’s what happened anyway so it doesn’t really make any difference.

    But if I’m making a pact with imaginary beings I want something out of it, I mean if I met a genie I’d be expecting a wish to be granted

    So lets go with tradition:

    I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange for the ability to sing and play guitar like the rock god I want to be

  70. I haven’t settled the soul question in my mind, so here’s my answer: I am not selling my soul to any entity for any price. It’s all I have….

  71. My worry here is not about signing away my soul (because I don’t have one) let alone to a fictional being.

    My concern is more that you are asking for contractual wording with neither end attached (or well defined) – you clearly not representing the devil (what with him not existing and all that) and I don’t have a soul to sell – and I am left with an uneasy feeling that someone could possibly find a way of defining things in a way that neither of us intended.

    The devil means nothing – but contracts ( and lawyers) on the other hand must be treated with the greatest of respect in this modern world of ours….

  72. A contract is not valid under English law unless there is a consideration, so the devil does need to provide something in return for the assignment of the soul, or the contract is unenforceable. This is why contracts to give something away essentially for free often provide a token consideration such as a “peppercorn”.

    I should like to read the contract in more detail to see
    (1) the credentials of the counter-party
    (2) the definition of “soul”

    If for example “the devil” turns out, in the contract, to be the pseudonym of a certain person, corporeal or legal, and “soul” is defined in the contract to be a codeword for some valuable assets, then I’m not signing that contract.

    But even if I am satisfied that the counterparty is “no legal person” and the asset assigned is “nothing”, as far as I am concerned, it still seems to me to be a bad idea to sign it. A contract assigning nothing to no one, in return for a consideration, comes into the category of “if it looks too good to be true, it probably is”. No doubt this is some kind of phishing scam, or other fraudulent scheme.

  73. Only religious people believe in the Devil and so would be reluctant to sign a pact. Atheists would be as likely to sign a pact with him as with Mickey Mouse, so the survey is invalid.

  74. In exchange for perfect luck in everything I do, I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Done. Seems a bit silly though. If you believe it has any value, then you believe in the devil and hell, so it is quite scary, but if you don’t believe, then what is the point?

  75. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”. Sure. So can Cthulhu. And Eris.

    And I deny the Holy Spirit.

    The whole concept is more than a bit silly. People don’t fear what they perceive as myths. The devil holds the same place in my mind as Cthulhu holds in most others. It’s a myth with no power to do me any harm, whether I swear a pact to it or not.

  76. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”.

    Although I’m pretty sure I sold my soul many years ago on some website, so I might not be able to do it again.

    How do I feel? Bored.

  77. This is a variation on a stunt George Bernard Shaw and other atheists have long pulled, in which during a discussion they would dare God to smite them with lightning within (say, five) minutes.
    Shaw would usually comment on the flinching of the believer that while they felt the Lord to be Almighty, evidently they also worried about his aim.

  78. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Pepijn Edward Schmitz

    Wow. I feel empowered now. As if I suddenly have mighty entity on my side! But also a slight sense of worry that there might be a price to pay.

  79. If I wanted to give my soul away free in exchange for NOTHING, I’d probably put down the statement you asked to be cut & pasted (if whichever mental institution I was placed in for my own safety allowed me internet access because I’d obviously be a bit mad).

    As it is, I’m a little too savvy to assume anything with a reputation like Satan (should such an entity exist and fill the generally understood perameters of such a being) would treat such a statement as requiring recompense in any form.

    If anyone DID just copy and paste it would they also mind copying and pasting this: “I agree that whenever he likes, Jon Baxter can have anything of mine he wants”, please 🙂

    1. Never know, someone might be stupid enough. Not like I’m after their soul’s…just the material stuff. They can always claim replacements offa Satan 🙂

    2. can any one of you plz help me to sign a pact with the devil plz contact me on 071 507 2411 thank you

  80. I would sign a contract to sell my soul to the desolate one. It’s about as useful as signing up to be in any other religion. Hell, I already have a 666 tattoo on the back of my neck! (Yes I know it’s not technically right, but 666 has more of a cultural impact nowadays than the correct 616) All deities are a load of rubbish anyway, so I may as well be signing to say that I would allow Santa and the Easter bunny to gang rape my corpse. It’s just as likely to happen! 😛

    1. I didn’t know the Easter Bunny was into corpses… I thought he liked chocolate…

      The things you learn…

  81. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    well … i not really like it …

    so, i take back my words

  82. Is not signing this like a reversal of Pascal’s wager? That just in case the devil does exist it’s best not to promise your soul to him….?

    1. Well we all know Pascal’s wager is flawed and is a bad reason to believe
      So reverse pascal’s wager must also be flawed and therefore be a good reason to sign your soul over. It’s logical!*

      *DISCLAIMER: statement may not actually be logical, but hey, you’re reading fine print – you’ll be fine! Do it!

  83. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    It’s kind of weird, you know… My inner agnostic is just a little queasy about this…

  84. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    It’s also true in American common law jurisdictions (all states but Louisiana) that this promise is unenforceable (i.e., not a contract) without consideration of some kind. Although the devil might be able to enforce my promise if he can show that he reasonably relied on my promise to his own detriment, and demonstrated further that the only equitable remedy is to enforce the soul-giving.

    I’m not too worried about a mythical being trying to enforce a promise to obtain a metaphor from me, though. Considering the low probability I assign to each of these propositions: (a) there is a “devil”; (b) there are real things called “souls”; (c) the devil is pretty much as described in cheesy fiction (Faust notwithstanding), to me the conjunctive probability so low as to be absurd to even worry about. So I have no qualms when I say the above.

    1. As a retired lawyer who is the embodiment of c’s words, WOE UNTO THE LAWYERS, because I personally crave to be in hell with my true God, Satan, knowing exactly what I will experience I will reply. You are not the first to raise this consideration issue, and although I suspect you are a lawyer it appears certain you have some legal education about contracts for sure. Your hedge about consideration proves you have damned yourself because you are essentially willing to be damned if you get something in return. But there is consideration. Your words essentially translate into a willingness and thus desire to experience the general torments of hell and any specific torments Stan chooses to direct to you specifically. There is no doubt that both hell and Satan will provide what you want. Thus you give something to get something and you get what you want so there is consideration. You are also among a large crowd that either completely denies the existence of soul and devil or in your case believes the “conjunctive probability” is so low that what you wrote is no worry. Item c about the devil not being as described in cheesy fiction is almost certainly true but is irrelevant. Your words do not entirely rule out the possibility you have a soul and that there is a devil no matter how remote you believe the possibility is. However, if you actually have a soul and there is a devil you again have damned yourself because you are implicitly saying you give your soul if you have one to Satan if he exists. This is similar to the way you damned yourself when you wrote about consideration. I do know I will be in hell, and I am certain you will be there, too. And as such I will gloat over your damnation and use that to eternally torment you UNLESS we decide as a matter of professional courtesy to lay off each other and jointly conceive and execute nefarious plots common to our profession to jointly gloat over the damnation of others and viciously torment the ones we select eternally.

  85. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation, Peter.

    I assume I will now be granted untold wealth, health and prodigious ability to play any musical instrument.

    Don’t forget the 72 virgins – oh sorry, wrong brand of mumbi-jumbo…


  86. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Because if he’s the opposite of god, I’d rather go with him.

  87. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    He can have my porn collection too.

  88. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation on the proviso that during my life I get as much wealth and errr favours as I want”

  89. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Because there are no such things as devils or gods.

    I will highlight other pacts to make this point:

    “I agree that upon my death the Smurfs can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    “I agree that upon my death Santa Claus can have my soul for eternal toy wrapping”

    “I agree that upon my death Sauron can bind me into whatever magical ring he chooses to construct”

  90. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Does that mean I now have to participate in a bloody war for more than a decade to throw off French rule?

    While I’m at it…

    “Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary”
    “Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice”
    “Lord Voldemort”

  91. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”.

    That’s it? He can keep it. I have a pair of old socks he might also want, but it’ll have to be before this evening or they’ll end up in the trash.

  92. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Providing there will be doughnuts.


  93. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Prostitutes, rockers and whiskey makers are there so good place to be for the rest of my nolife.

  94. I, Mandie, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    I feel unperturbed. I’d also be willing to sign a pact with the Great Ooga-Booga Man or any other imaginary being. Bring it on!

  95. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    The devil can have my soul, but the tooth fairy gets all of my remaining teeth.


  96. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul* for eternal damnation”

    *Terms and conditions apply.

    At the moment I feel passionately indifferent.

  97. I am Shig the Unmentionable, and I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    I made my peace with that idea ages ago, in conversation with a fundamentalist-leaning Christian acquaintance of mine. “But what if you’re wrong? What if you die and learn that there really is a God?” Then, I said, I will humbly accept whatever judgment he has for me. But my faith is strong enough that I feel no need to change my behavior out of fear of being wrong.

  98. When I was 10, myself and a friend sat under a tree in the woods, wrote out a pact with the devil to have our souls, pricked our fingers and put our blood at the bottom, spat on it then burned it… all in exchange for a raise in our pocket money.

    We then went home and asked our parents for an extra 20p a week pocket money to see if it had worked. And it had.

    So I’m already going. My only regret looking back is I hadn’t asked for a bigger willy as well.

  99. I take the so-called leaps of faith that gods, devils, souls, and eternal damnation don’t exist. Therefore, I feel silly pledging anything imaginary to anything else imaginary.
    And if I’m wrong, the devil’s just the lapdog of the Judeo-Christian (including Allah for good measure) god anyway. It’d be like a Capo compared to a full Don in the gangster world. God’s a far more twisted and malignant force if history and biblical stories have any place in the discussion.
    If there was a reality to any of those things, I’d not willing do business with God or his thugs.

  100. I Laure agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation…again

    it’s about the 2nd time i sign my soul to the devil…
    once as a teenager because i was delusional/into the occult and scare the shit out of people…this time it’s to make a point.

    So what’s one more

    I Laure agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation…again…again


  101. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation -William”

    I feel a tiny bit silly, as the Devil is a fictional construct.

  102. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    But s/he better make this worhtwhile! Maybe now I’ll get as many comments on my blog a Richard does. Oh, wait, the devil would have to make me more clever and I doubt even s/he can do that! Oh well…

    Reminds me of a Skeptic Zone podcast. I think it was Dr. Rachie at a NY skeptic group that would get together on Friday the 13ths and break mirrors and other things. You had to sign your soul away to get in and a few so-called skeptics shrank from that bit. Cracked my up to no end.

  103. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I assume he’ll want to wear gloves before he touches it.

  104. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation, as long as I’m the solo winner of this weeks 80mil jackpot on Friday!

  105. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    I’ll do anything to keep Cliff Richard’s music away from me.

    I wonder which level of hell I’ll end up in? I’d quite like to hang out in the 2nd level of hell with all the people who lust… such as Apple fanatics… we could all talk about how much we want an iPad.

    (Richard, if it turns out that there’s proof of the devil and that you are indeed him and you’re tricking us… I’m going to be well angry)

    1. Plus – if the devil definitely has my soul then I won’t be in limbo and so won’t have to talk to Derek Acorah or Sylvia Browne. Bonus!!

  106. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    I have no reason to beleive that I have a soul. I think I’m pulling a fast one on this devil character

  107. Since I don’t belive in the soul or the devil this seems like a pretty empty agreement. However, there still is a very small chance that I’m wrong, and therefor I will not make such a pact.

    But If you would through in a small amount of cash or a free copy of 59-Seconds I’d be more than willing to offer my soul to the devil.

  108. I would, but I believe I already traded my soul for a bag of cheetos during lunch back in high school. I’ve got a few spare senses of dignity he can have in exchange for eternal happiness though.

    To do this right though, “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.”

    I feel mostly bored and tired and glad that I have a cup of hot chocolate

  109. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Of couse I agree. And my body also if he wants.

  110. You bunch of non-believers… I still can’t believe the comments above.
    How do you dare to speak this way in front of the great FSM!!??

  111. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Technically though I think I’m already hell bound since I took the Blasphemy Challenge four years ago:

    1. I am with you and since you took the blasphemy try to incorporate that into your daily life because it is dynamite fun to have that power over the supreme one as an act of your free will and is great practice for hell. See you there.

  112. According to almost every religion on this planet not following “the right path” is a hell worthy offence, and as nobody is a member of all religions (especially Atheists) everyone on the planet is therefore breaking the rules of at least one religion, ergo we are all going to end up in hell wether we “have faith” or not. Following this it surely makes more sense to pledge your soul to the devil as you will end up in hell anyway, so:

    I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    (P.s. Can i also request the leadership of at least one of hells legions of Demons?)

    Looking forward to being on the winning side for all eternity.

  113. “I, Raul, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”.

    Right now, I am feeling curious as to what interesting things Richard expects to glean from this inverse-pascal’s-wager-blasphemy-challenge-thingie. And also a little intrigued on what the more religious people I know would think about me writing these words.

    1. Raul, I am “religious” only in the sense that I believe the teachings about heaven and hell. In that sense your choice thrills me and I will see you in hell because I choose as you do.

    2. “I, Ricky Gonzalez, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”. Right now, for money, my health and all the political power in my county of duval in Texas. And I mean that from the HEART.

  114. I won’t be making this offering now, not because I’m scared I already offered my soul to Jesus and to the Devil when I was a mixed up teenager.

    I believe in the power of the mind. I practise Tai chi, I am pragmatic (I am a magician I’ve played with hypnosis and have attended a cold reading seminar by Ian Rowland) so am aware of the subterfuge that can be played on other people and that which one can play on oneself.

    Therefore I won’t pledge my soul as I believe that I go where my intention is fixed. I wish for positive things to happen in my life, so I pledge for that to happen, not for what I consider a nonsensical piece of fun.

  115. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Although he may have to fight Yahweh for it — I sold my soul to a Jewish acquaintance a few years ago for $10. Perhaps I should have been true to my Jewish heritage and haggled with him for more.

    Oh, and FYI: Every month (on the 13th) is the meeting of the Jolly 13 Club of New York and New Jersey. There are always forms available to sell your soul; most attendees have signed.

  116. “I, Kristin, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.”

    I heard that old Lucifer makes some really ace deals, so I’m telepathically faxing over my demands for my new awesome life as we speak.

  117. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. In exchange I would like at least one bag of jelly babies.

    I am perfectly happy to make that pact. But my jelly babies have yet to arrive… maybe I need to buy them from the shop.

  118. unlikely that “the devil” would keep their end of the bargain, so it seems more apt to just avoid the deal altogether, if possible

  119. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    Gizza job though devil, I would have fun making up new demons for you. It’ll be fun tormenting the ‘good’. Who wants to be stuck up there with the mormons anyways? Hell has all the best movies, music, games, art…<3

  120. You are breaking the rules. Human race has worked hard to be where we are now and you are giving it all away. For free!

    That said, will I get a free cookie?

    I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

  121. Yeah, I’m not GIVING AWAY my soul when I can save that up for some gullible idiot to buy it, signed in my blood of course. You guys are all suckeers. 😉

    I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation- Shona

  122. My name is Steve, and I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. He can have it now for that matter. Enjoy!

  123. “I, Sean, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I will donate it and ask for nothing in return. Same reason I’m an organ donor; I figure I won’t be using it when I’m dead. (I’m not even using it now)

    That was rather silly though.

  124. You cannot just make a pronouncement that overrides the law of the land. Therefore, if such a bargain were to be struck, the devil would still have to go through probate and even then would only be eligible for that percentage of my soul not claimed by Gordon Brown through inheritance tax. So, the only way the devil can get it all is if he is, in fact, Gordon Brown.

    Hmmm, not so surprising, eh?

    1. These legal angle comments are stupid. Who says there is any law in hell or that anyone must obey any law if there is one? And how arrogant to assume that if there is law in hell it would be that of the USA? Hell is a monarchy and the King of us damned decrees hell’s laws.

  125. “I, dominic agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in return for vast earthly riches and full health for myself and my family.”

    As has been said above, I have to get something out of the deal. I’m not going to just give my soul away.

  126. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Maybe I should pick up blues guitar now…

  127. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Awww, I was hoping to see the words ‘homo fuge’ appear.

    Doesn’t count unless written in blood and properly signed and notorised anyway.

  128. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I actually think this deal has already been struck, as a 12 year old in exchange for a pair of breasts and a training bra…. If I had known the gravity of the word eternal, I would have insisted they stayed in a northerly direction.

  129. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I am not a dualist, so it feels like I am uttering something which doesn’t make much sense.

  130. I, Scott H., agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. In return, I’d like to finish that interrupted drink with Dr. Wiseman from TAM 5. The one where TK had to threaten to stomp on someone’s (the interrupter) throat until he was dead.

    Well, I’m not exactly trembling.

  131. I agree that upon my death Bill Gates (or failing that, anyone or anything else calling itself the devil) can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Honestly? Apart from the Bill Gates joke (‘joke’), a little twinge of doubt. No more than I get from being alone in a dark house and looking into the shadows, but I’m ashamed to admit it’s still there.

    Fortunately, as with being alone in the house, most of me knows better and it’s certainly not stopping me doing anything.

  132. I, Kay Rolph,agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.
    Wow, I thought I might have a little twinge of anxiety but no: nothing!

  133. My name is Scott, and I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Despite being a vehement atheist, my Christian upbringing still makes me feel nervous stating such a thing.

    Anyway, if Old Nick comes for me, I’ll rip his tits off.

  134. I’m atheist.
    I wouldn’t sign a pact with a devil.

    Why not: Because I’m not a 12 year old at a slumber party.

  135. I, Tamara, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    I am an atheist and have no qualms about this at all.

  136. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”…

    Except that I feel very silly doing this; as a skeptic / humanist / atheist / rationalist / call it what you will, I find no reason to believe in:

    a) the existence of any devils, let along ‘the’ devil,
    b) a separately existing ‘soul’, let alone an eternally existing one

    Oh, and just as an aside, if a soul did exist separately and eternally, in what sense could it be said to be ‘mine’ unless ‘I’ also existed eternally?

    Bah! Pesky occultists ;o)

  137. I’m genuinely ashamed to admit that I’m reluctant to sign away an imaginary possession to a completely fictitious being. Plus, I’m an organ donor, so my soul is already. . .um. . .{sigh}.

  138. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” Kevin Charleston

    Darn, I smeared the screen – where should the blood go?

    My Catholic Mother will be rotating in her grave 😉

  139. But that’s the same as saying the christian church is honest and true and that I believe there IS a devil.
    And devil worship is just so 1970s!
    Damned if I do, damned if I don’t? LOL

  140. I might just do it because eternity with Christians seems unbearable. Some of my best friends are sinners!

  141. I like to treat my soul as a form of intellectual property. That way, I can sell licenses to as many buyers as I like!

    I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation, on the condition that not interfere with the rights of other license holders.

    In exchange, I’d like a donut.

    How do I feel about it? I’m a little sick to my stomach that this kind of nonsense has been so entrenched in our societies that people would hesitate to make a meaningless statement about a superstitious bogyman and his lake of fire.

  142. For me to say, and actually mean, “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” I would, first of all, have to believe there are such things as a soul and a devil, and by consequence a god. This leads me to question why the hell would I ever do such a thing?

  143. Just in case that chap would be around .. (0% but hey .. you have to keep an open mind, shouldn’t you) I’d want written proof from that chap that he will pay me for that during my present life in a major way. Why would I want to give him my soul with nothing in return. That’s not a pact!

  144. I agree that upon my death a fictional creature can have my fictional soul for an eternal fictional activity. Now, doesn’t that sound too silly to bother with? It does to me.

  145. Well “signing a pact with the devil” implies a knowledge, or at least acceptance, on my part that such a being exists. Now if I accepted that the devil exists, I would probably accept that God exists, which implies I would accept the existence of Hell and Heaven and eternal punishment and such, in which case making a pact with the devil would not be the most rational choice, I think..

    So no, no deal from me. So long as I don’t think this being exists, it is illogical to make a pact. As soon as I think it exists, it is in my own best interest not to make the pact. So in either case, no pact from me!

  146. I just had a friend who discovered the Blasphemy Challenge last month, so I can say here what I said to him. Direct copy from my email to him:

    I personally never cared enough to participate. It just seems to validate one particular set of superstitions/mythologies/whatever. I mean, should I have to bother with a near-infinite number of “unforgivable” acts just to invalidate any outlandish belief that someone has?

    “Oh, if you jump on your right foot with your left hand in your mouth it is the worst affront possible to the Sumerian pig-god Oc’atl-toc-tok! If you won’t do that, you must be living in fear of his Cloven Hoof of Bacony Vengence!”

    The greater challenge is for the true believers to let God do things for Himself. Whether it’s Islamic terrorists wearing exploding underpants or the Pope riding around behind bulletproof glass, it just seems like a kind of hubris that denies an all-powerful God.

  147. I Mark Ty-Wharton agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation…

    How I feel?

    Physical sensation of tummy turning over…

    Looking at patterns and interpretations, that’s a fairly powerful conversation someone created for me about death, devil, souls and damnation.


  148. Don’t you usually get something in return? Oh, wait, fictional, never mind. Yes! I will sign a pact with the devil.

  149. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation – Tracy King.

    Except I don’t have a soul, but that’s rather the point of the thing. Can’t give away what you don’t have, especially if you’re giving it away to something that doesn’t exist.

    Anyway, the Devil is busy looking at porn, he won’t even see this post.

  150. I, Mark Siddens, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Only fair, he gave me his a long time ago.

    1. Mark, I do not precisely what you meant by the last sentence or how serious you are. But in an indirect way you have insight. As part of being in hell we—I assume you will be there with me—we will give him our soul. The soul has both intellect and will. We will surrender both to him and adopt his beliefs as ours and allow him to substitute his will for ours and we will gladly do as he wills. I am pleased by that because I want to serve him precisely and completely as he wants of me in hell.

  151. I, Michaela, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Now I feel just like before.

    Slight chill maybe. But that’s just a drafty office. And now there’s a strange hissing sound. What is that? Is that?… Oh no! Snakes! Run!

  152. Well I personally believe that the devil is Paris Hilton, and she’s not having my soul. She’d bling it up and carry it round like a chihuahua.

  153. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. Mariano.

    As the Devil, my soul is fiction. 😉

  154. “I , Mike Becker, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Lulz. I’ll be takin’ that place over, and starting up my own band of HEAVY METAL AWESOME.

    Or I’ll just be worm food, cause there is no hell, in which case we were totally lied to by our album covers.

  155. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I feel no reluctance whatsoever. My only slight concern is that this is inconsistent with my Pastafarian beliefs… I wouldn’t want to be turned away from the Beer Volcano.

  156. Since I don’t have a soul, (it’s not a matter of belief to me), and since I don’t believe in either the devil or any god, I can make this agreement – for whatever it may mean. To me, it is meaningless.

  157. it ridiculous what effect some words can have on a person… i dont particularly believe in anything – but i dont like labels so i dont like referring to myself as atheist… or anything else for that matter… i just go about my daily life without worrying about the afters… im a forensic archaeologist… i know what the body goes thru once its dead – and there is nothing heavenly about it!

    but yet… i dont know if it was my catholic upbringing or overly religious family… or the fact that i live in a overly religious country… that writing out those words still gives me the bejeeebbus… although i cant bring myself to say bloody mary in front of a mirror either!

    the mind is a powerful thing… and mine has a particularly nasty imagination… esp. in the dark! (i also suffer from sleep paralysis) so i dont need anymore demons in my life

    but it still amazes me that i think like that! i just cant explain it!!!! and im quite annoyed at myself for being that ridiculous… i guess though… this is what you were after! 🙂

  158. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    Why should i write only my first name? When can i meet Satan? He must have really cool stories to tell!

  159. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    How I feel? Like I just pushed Ctrl-C and then Ctrl-V. It’s a series of words that have a useful meaning only within certain belief structures. For someone outside of those belief structures, it has the same meaning as if I was to say “I agree that upon my death Charlie the Unicorn can have my time machine”.

  160. I, Phil, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    This agreement replaces any previous ones I may have made with the tooth fairy, father christmas, easter bunny, guardian angels, lucky talismans, earth spirits, flying spaghetti monster, buddha, allah etc.

    To be honest, I’m not sure what I’ve agreed to here, exactly. There seems to be very little agreement about what exactly the “devil”, “soul” and “damnation” mean, or what “having” my soul means. Is this “devil” creature merely expected to gain some sort of sadistic pleasure from tormenting me? Or will my soul be used more productively to commit further atrocities and annoy other supernatural beings? If it didn’t “have” my soul would something else “have” it instead? What are my choices here?

    Also, who or what is going to enforce this? What is the penalty if either party reneges on the deal? Will we be, er, damned instead? What is the proposed benefit to either party (as others have asked)?

    My feelings are mainly curiosity to know what the original proposer expected. Am I supposed to be a bit nervous now in case a red creature with horns suddenly bursts through the door? Yikes, it must be strange living in that world.

  161. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Doesn’t mean a thing to me. Neither do words like “soul” or “devil”.

  162. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    How do I feel? I feel like I have to make a joke [searches wit for joke…]. All I can come up with is something about Dr. Faustus taking a “pact lunch” to Hell.

  163. I, Jo Hatton, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Seems a bit of a lie, really. I’m agreeing a non-existent entity can have an abstract idea for an impossible concept. But it does seem to have dispelled the last traces of catholic doubt. Thanks!

  164. “I Rob Turpin agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    not really an issue as a confirmed athiest.

  165. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    When i die that is it. like a candle being blown out, No god, no devil, Silly people,

  166. I wonder if the results would be any different if this were set up more formally. Blog comments are by their nature quite light-hearted and not taken as seriously as, say, signing your name on an actual formal-looking contract.

    Strange to say, I’m as much an atheist as the next right-thinking person, but still am not going to do this. I’m trying to decide whether it’s because I don’t feel I have to prove myself or whether my scientific mind leads me never to rule out the possibility, however vanishingly small, that there might actually be a devil and it’s not worth the risk…

  167. If the devil were to exist, and all the people above are now damned (not that I acctualy believe that), wouldn’t that be an evil enough act on Richards part making them sell their souls to also deny him entry into “heaven”?
    Just thinking out loud…

    1. I am glad you asked that. I was going to tell Richard that just the survey invites us to choose hell and is intrinsically evil no matter how much in denial he hides behind survey. I do not have the doubt you do and as I have enthusiastically signed it as I explain below I am certain Richard will be sharing hell with all of us.

  168. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation…again.”
    My feelings on this aren’t very good, aren’t very good at all, despite my highly individual belief system.
    It’s just that the character of the Devil is known for being underhanded and better looking than me.
    So why would I do this, I dunno, maybe I’m a follower, or maybe I just have a really good lawyer.

    1. To begin with the word “again” leaves no doubt you are are follower of evil. Despite your attempt at what might be called gallows humor, and despite claims to a highly individual belief I sense some anxiety or fear that the real devil is a brutal monster and hell will involve severe personal pain. Not to get too theological, but that highly individual belief system may involve a failure and implicit rejection of the beliefs that qualify for heaven. Although I cannot be certain it implies that you are not drawn to God such as he may be out of the unselfish love for him that is required. No sweat and no criticism because at some point you just have to know who you are. I have no doubt personally that the devil is a monster and that the pains of hell are enormous. But if you truly mean what you wrote you are affirming a personal and overriding choice of your personal evils and identify with Satan and his overall evil. When you and I are in hell our love of evil will translate into absolute hatred of the opposite, namely good itself and the god who is all good. To be quite specific we will obstinately refuse to repent our evils because we will always love them even if we hate the punishment. But console yourself about hell pain because according to the experts with the evil will we will have (and likely you already have) being in heaven with the god we hate and all the others of good will who we will completely hate would make what we will experience in hell seem like the real heaven. Just own who you are and want to be as evidenced by choosing damnation “again” and accept that no matter what pain hell involves you are making the best choice for the being you have chosen to become. Considering the selfish requirements a “loving” being imposes for entry which will then involve eternally bowing and grovelling I am absolutely certain that evil is the absolutely correct choice for everyone, and I am pleased you and I have made that choice. Honestly, do you want to spend everlasting eternity submitting in heaven? It is clear to me that you do not. Many will be surprised first that there is a hell and that they have landed there. They then will be compelled to worship and completely submit to Satan. We will not be compelled because even before reaching hell we have willingly submitted and by choice worshipped him. And even if he is the monster I am sure he is we will take him as he is and no matter what he dishes out because he is the embodiment of everything evil and evil being our true love that is what will really count. Dr. Teeth, I look forward to sharing hell with you because anxiety aside that is what you desire. And I am thrilled you have that desire.

    2. Dr. Teeth, this actually may precede my longer and first response. Given the years since you committed I do not know if you will read anything I write. But if you do, and if you are still committed as you were then, and have some interest in making contact with one of your true soulmates let me know. I may even be willing to post my phone number, or if you post yours I will call. Only if you want.

  169. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Feel fine, since actually the Flying Spaghetti Monster will get my soul, whatever there is of it, and He has prior claim. Ramen.

  170. I have been unaware of any recent announcement that you had been appointed as the marketing/sales assistant for Satan. I don’t have a problem with the words – but don’t understand what the offer is.

  171. My imagination runs wild with all the possibilities.

    I’ve watched too many horror movies that teach us that if a character goes against the moral code eg has sex before marriage or says red rum into a mirror they die in a gore infested slash fest by the end of the next scene.

    I’m gonna follow Jamie lee Curtis’s good girl image, but first I need to cancel my goat slaying and virgin sacrifice evening.

    Seriously though, I realise that there’s no harm in doing this but I can’t shift the what ifs from my mind. I’ve just watched too many movies.

  172. I get into enough trouble with comments like ‘I’m less “pro-choice” and more “anti-life”.’ without fundathumpers claiming devil worship.
    (However, there is a segment of the Quest cult who are doing a Psalm 109 prayer fest on my ass… so, if the devil wishes to give me immense wealth and power in this life, and a non-executive directorship in the after life, a 4 book deal and a career in after dinner speaking, he can have what passes for my soul. I am a man of wealth and taste already…)

  173. Although it seems incredibly unlikely that there is a devil, I’m not ready to sign away my “soul” on the off chance that I turn out to be wrong. This is a straw man argument made by Christians in an attempt to “prove” that we actually believe. The straw man is the idea that we know there is no god, so what’t the harm in selling your soul? The reality is that we don’t and can never know, it just seems highly implausible, there is no proof, and therefore there is no reason to take one belief over another or any belief at all.

    1. btw – I know there are arguments against this using different scenarios, but in this case there is no tangible benefit to saying it, so why take the risk? You could also make the argument that then there is no harm in saying that you accept Jesus Christ, but if there is an all knowing god, then he would know I didn’t believe in Jesus so what would be the point? So I think the point people made about receiving something in return is valid, although I would be awfully suspicious if someone actually offered me a large sum of money for my soul…

  174. The problem with this bargin is not about the existance of the Devil, it is about the payoff of the bargin.

    Since eternity is, well, really long, but all we can conceive of is our life time let’s put this in terms we can understand. Here is the bargin:

    Satan will give you as much money/fame/power/or what ever as you want (or can handle) for a year. After that Satan gets to punch you in the face every hour on the hour for the rest of your life.

  175. “I, Jen, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Yeah, I’ve still got enough of my upbringing ingrained in me to feel a bit hesitant at that, but not that much. ::hits Submit::

  176. this does remind me of when a friend of mine suddenly was all into god and tried to get me to see her way (Which I hated!!!)

    So when she tried again I told her ok if god will show me a bunny tomorrow on my way to work I will believe! She agreed.

    Well …. I did see a bunny but I told her I didn’t LOL

    I just don’t believe there is someone like a god or devil.

    I believe in the laws of energy and think we are all made of energy
    and energy can’t be destroyed or created. so our energy just gets back into one big energy pool and come back in some form or another

    So I have no problem with saying “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

  177. I Arne agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in excange for $ 1 000 000 and lots of attractive women. And some awesome superpowers.

    Yeah, I’m pretty sure my soul is both safe and non-existing, but I still won’t bargain with it unless I get something in retur.

    In honesty – I fell completley fine. I’d probably sell my soul for a pizza if I was hungry.

  178. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    – Robert Price

    well, that was easy. So what do I get for this shiney new soul of mine. Am I selling it or am I giving it away?

  179. Brian, Laura, (and probably others in comments I did not read)
    you are repeating the logical fallacy of Pascal’s Wager here. Hedging against the unlikely possibility of the existence of the supernatural won’t work – you are doomed as an atheist whether you write the words here or not…

    1. No, I understand Pascal’s Wager very well, but in this case I have no desire to sell my “soul” and there is no tangible benefit to saying I will sell it. I am not going to subscribe to any belief in a supernatural being to “hedge my bets”, but I also can’t deny the unlikely possibility that there is one. Pascal’s wager is about believing in god to hedge your bets, which presents a false dichotomy. The same false dichotomy does not apply to a refusal to categorically deny the existence of a particular deity.

    2. just to be clear, the reason the false dichotomy of Pascal’s Wager doesn’t apply to a refusal to complete deny the existence of a deity is because I can refuse to deny the existence of every deity. Whereas many religions require you to abandon all other gods, I have no issues with the idea that they all have an equally small, but non zero chance of being true. That doesn’t mean that I am going to go around trying to follow the rules of every religion to avoid going to any of their respective hells, but I am also not going to make a statement of absolute denial of any of them.

  180. “I , Matt Dixoncarter, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    That said… a lot of you guys are really bummin’ me out. For the Love of FSM, it’s just a bit of fun, quit over thinking it, lighten up.

  181. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    – Chris

    Total non-deal for the devil really, because there is no such thing as a “soul”. Then again, there is no such thing as the devil either…

  182. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” — Meredith Raley

    I’m an atheist, and I barely thought twice about it. Of course, I’ve already convinced people to buy my “soul” twice before (both in high school, because I didn’t bring money for lunch), so I’m not sure how this deal works out for the devil. And I do expect something in return, preferably more than a free lunch.

  183. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation
    The best word to describe my feelings on this would be: nonchalant.

  184. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    well, may be eight years ago, I would feel some scare and anguish, but not now. Now I’m really fine. Thank you skepctics.

  185. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.


    I’m quite happy to allow a non-existent entity to do whatever it wants with a non-existent object/property.

    And if anyone at some stage wishes to buy my soul for some physical return, I’ll sell it to them, too.

    1. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

  186. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation


    Already taken the “The Blasphemy Challenge” so why not this?

  187. Sorry, I’m not getting into a pact with the Devil unless he’s got something to offer me.

    I’ll sell my soul for $250,000. What’d ya say?

  188. “I, Eric, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.”

    It’s interesting. I know that the Devil doesn’t exist. I know that souls don’t exist. As much as possible, I let reason, rational judgment, and humanist values guide my behavior. Yet I’d be lying if I said I don’t feel a twinge of discomfort at typing that. I guess that over 30 years of religious indoctrination can take a long time to completely deprogram. Even knowing what’s happening on an intellectual level doesn’t completely eradicate the emotional baggage, but I think that exercises like this help.

    1. I, Linda, agree …
      …that although I was inspired by Datan0de’s post to go for it, I can’t do this. Let me sleep on it and maybe I will be able to do it tomorrow.
      Very disappointed in myself. 😦
      I wonder if the fact that I actually started to type it and didn’t just copy&paste affected my capability.
      “I, Linda, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.”

    2. I, Linda, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

      Interesting. I can type it out now I’ve already done it with the copy & paste.

    3. Yes, I know that, that’s why I was upset that I couldn’t do it initially.
      I blame hangovers from when I was religious as an impressionable teenager.

  189. No.
    This answer is completely unrelated to the hypothetical existence or non-existence of the (a) devil.
    My answer only reflects my fundamental beliefs on right and wrong, good and bad, strong for personal choices in life and society.
    As such, a pact with the devil will only reflect a fundamental, wrongly-directed road to destruction.
    (it could be quite well that I’m Nr x100 making this statement, I’ve not yet read all the other comments….)

    1. hmmm, now after reading about half the replies I’ve noticed that I would better have set a good price for this hypothetical soul of mine.

      So here we go: good friends, lots of fun and parties, plenty of liquor, great food and handsome well-humoured guys, good books and the best movies, great house with enormous badrooms, refrigatators, bath tubs and swimming pools, and good looks with good health, all for a very very long life time.
      How about that ?

    2. But giving your soul to the devil doesn’t affect anything until you die, does it? That seems to be how most of the myths go, aside from the ones where the devil is also double-crossing you in the real world. You can be as good or bad as you want until you die, even if the devil is real.

    3. Elizebeth

      you are what makes this blog so great
      first you say no, but then you read all the posts to change your mind
      GOOD !!!

  190. I, Sebastián Hoch, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    It does feel weird to type that, but I’m pretty convinced that the devil, god, angels, etc., are completely nonsense and don’t exist.

  191. I, Richard, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    Umm, OK. I’ve got HIV, so cure me of that, find me my one true love, must have a very hairy chest *giggles*. When I’m cured of my ‘dis-eases’ I want a path to wealth and eternal life, I’m already talented as all hell so shouldn’t be too hard!! Hairdresser, artist, singer…. I think that call that a Renaissance man or something!! LOL

    As for my “fear”…. I’ve studied various paths including Satanism for a few months. I’m Wiccan by faith but non practicing for the most part except when I’m needed for energy work. I believe in other dimensions where such creatures as Vampires and Werewolves dwell so hey, why not?

    Bring it on!

  192. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Since neither souls nor the devil exist, it doesn’t bother me one bit….

  193. I, benaud do solemnly agree that upon my death (or even before, if desired) the devil (or any other imaginary deity/fairy/emissary of Santa Claus) can have my soul, or any other part of me for eternal damnation or maybe for a good defiling or game of bowls. I could care less about such superstitions, but I want something in return as well – I’m thinking donut, or something yummy like that, maybe a lamington .. mmmmmm, something yummy … failing that, give me maybe a trip into space AND something yummy like a donut .. oh and Satan isn’t all bad, I mean, you gotta think that he’s going to look after his own .. so I’m just going to check the fridge for a donut …


  194. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    I would be much more concerned if there was a physical manifestation of the devil in front of me asking for a signature in blood, but even then hell seems much more interesting than heaven.

  195. “Dear Devil,
    I agree that upon my death you can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Waiting for an answer, kjr.”

  196. I guess for me, this demonstrates that I’m still technically agnostic rather than atheist. I’m 99.9999% sure it’s all bunk, but I’m still not prepared to take that 1 in a million chance – sorry Richard, you got me with this one!

  197. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”


    These are just words to me. I have absolutely no concern about the perceived risks. Also this statement is my opinion and in no way is it intended to insult anyone’s beliefs.

  198. “I, ScottE, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I also agree the devil can have my sole. I added that just for the halibut.

  199. “I, Jarek, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I said it aloud, too. I feel kind of silly. It made me laugh.

  200. As an atheist, I don’t have faith that the devil doesn’t exist. Just that there it is incredibly unlikely. But even a 99.99999999999999% chance he doesn’t mean it is impossible.

    Really the devil we all know and love is a man made concept so maybe in the far distant future someone will ‘crate’ him. Or if there really are infinite dimension he would have to exist in one of them!

    I won’t sign… just in case 🙂

  201. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Feel exactly the same as I did before I cut and pasted…

  202. If the Devil does exist, he’d already have my soul anyway what with being a filthy asexual atheist who eats shellfish and pork.

    I think the friend misunderstands how a pact with the devil works – if the devil were to appear and offer me something in exchange for my soul, obviously I’d believe in him (either because he exists or because my belief in him is what made him apparently appear).

  203. Not saying it; not because I fear a devil or an afterlife, but because this sounds far too close to acknowledging the existence of such thing, and by my personal code of ethics that would be lying (i.e. as I do not believe in devils or souls, I cannot in good conscience agree to a pact that presupposes their existence).

  204. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Yeah… I’ve sold my soul to several different people on seperate occasions, and this is the first time I’ve done it without being paid. Which, as an economist, I don’t much like. But a soul being worth nothing, probably makes sense.

  205. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.”
    Utterly meaningless as there is obviously no such mythical creature.

    I think Pat Condell had the one the christians really think is the great kahuna that can’t be erased, so may I please add:

    “I deny the holy spirit.”

  206. No point in signing your souls away because…


    i’m a mild mannered, caring pious person who wants best for all.

    Thank you.

    1. Judge not lest ye be judged, and anyone daring enough to disobey was warned that the same measure of judgment he applies to others will be applied to him. That rant was as harsh a measure as can be given so be prepared. Your entire message is a denial of being mild mannered. You do not want the best for all but instead it is clear you are PROUD to present yourself as better than us. We both will be in hell, I am sure, but only one of us will be shocked. And given your thinly veiled attitude I will look you up to personally gloat over your damnation and will rub your burning nose in hell shit forever.

  207. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I think I may have accidentally commited my soul to Jesus during a hymn I sung as a child but if not then the devil is welcome to it.

  208. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    I realize that i am still superstitious and at the beginning i didn’t really like the idea of write it, but at least i know that I can fight against my superstition.

  209. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Not much to say about how I feel. Maybe glad to do my small bit to help to counter the claim that skeptics would in general be too superstitious to agree to this.

  210. But I want to be a vamipre so not sure how that works out. Would I lose my soul when turned into a blood sucker or would the devil take it? Do I keep my soul till I get staked through the heart and die an imortal death? Its all to confusing.

  211. On the one hand, my saying that “I agree upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” is roughly equivalent to saying that “I agree that every Tuesday afternoon the Jabberwock may use my favorite silver tea set.” I have no soul and there is no devil; likewise, I have no Tea Set and there is no Jabberwock. Therefore I feel no qualms about allowing the devil and the Jabberwock their respective claims.

    And I understand the point of demonstrating that some, even those who disbelieve, may be reluctant to say such things. No doubt there’s interesting psychology to be found in that.

    On the other hand, poking fun at those whose beliefs cause them to recoil from such a statement is akin to finding someone who is afraid of earthworms and choosing to react to that fear by dangling one in front of their nose. I know that earthworms are harmless (as is the nonexistent devil) and that fear of worm or devil is irrational. But that sort of taunting is childish and cruel, and doesn’t help our case.

    1. Hmm, I got a letter from a Bill Owens today. He’s my Congressman. I have a “Bill Owens for Congress” sign in my window, actually. I assume you’re not him? 😉

    2. Nope, that’s not me. Nor am I the ex-governor of Colorado, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff or mildly famous basketball player. Probably couldn’t get any of them to sell their souls, at least not to the devil. . .

  212. As an atheist I’m reluctant to sign a pact with the devil in the same way I’m reluctant to pray to Jesus. I don’t participate in silly rituals or talks with no one on the receiving end.

    For you to conflate that sentiment with ‘atheists are secretly scared of the devil,’ as you seem to imply, is ridiculous and seeks to confuse those on the fence about religion and belittle those who use reason and logic to guide them in their decisions.

    I don’t know what a soul is — everyone seems to mean a different thing by that word. I don’t know what the devil is — everyone seems to have a different definition for that, too.

    I’ll say this. My name is Billy. I don’t believe in a soul or a devil and I deny the ‘holy spirit’ and all the profits and saints what have you.

    Feel free to visit me at Good Reason News.

  213. I won’t make such a pact, because devils and souls clearly do not exist. It’s like promising my chi to the Easter Bunny for eternity.

    However, if there were a God, and if that God was sick enough to create a world where people are tortured eternally as punishment for a finite amount of bad deeds, then I don’t want to be hanging around that guy anyways. Especially if the only people he allows into his Heaven club are those who stroke his ego and suck up to him the most. I’d rather be in Hell with all the cool people.

  214. I, Lee, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    I have only recently become an atheist and I must confess to feeling somewhat off doing this.

  215. Nope. Won’t do it. It just seems so arrogant. And though I go about my life as if there is no devil, there are still a world of things I am more sure of than the devil’s nonexistence. With really no proof either way, I’m sticking with: no devil, unless proven otherwise.

  216. “I, Vern, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I feel like a grown-up who just wrote a letter to Satan Claus.

  217. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    Gren. I feel like I just did the sought of nothing that used to upset my poor old mum.

  218. I think I would, but the thing that I would be very concerned about is that the pact be very specific that nothing I get in return should contain anything such as “Poetic justice, irony, obvious omissions that, although not directly specified would generally be presumed.” I’d also want to be sure that nothing I got in return would be something like “Manifest to a degree which makes it a burden and not a gift” or that there be nothing included that would negate the value of what I received.

    I’d want my lawyer to look over it many times to make it air tight on that. You see, that’s how the devil gets you. Like you wish to be really rich and you get that but end up being unable to spend the money because it’s from a crime. Or you wish to be president and he’ll then make you president during impeachment precedings, or you wish to live 500 years and he’ll get you sentenced to life in prison with no parole.

    That’s the thing. Any deal you make with the devil, you have to be really sure that it doesn’t turn out being ironic.

  219. guys,guys,guys.

    In exchange for nothing, you get nothing.

    “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”


    It felt like I would be saying “Frodo, come home. All is forgiven. PS, I sold the ring. Bilbo” and trying to put some genuine emotion in it.

    Stupid, basically.

    But since this appears to matter to some folks. No wonder that talking to religious cronies is such a waste if this statement at any level feels significant to them….

  220. I’m an atheist. I also find it exceedingly unlikely that there is someone named “Bargle Wargle Magoo” currently living in Zimbabwe. That doesn’t mean I’ll sign a legal contract giving anything to said Bargle in the event that he/she does exist, as the downside, while infinitesimally small, is balanced by no upside.

    When I die, neither god nor devil is getting my soul even if gods, devils, and/or souls do exist.

  221. I already sold my soul for a couple of thousand dollars online, so it’s no deal.

    Never did get the money.

  222. I, The Skeptheist, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. However, given that I am an igtheist I shall have to include the proviso that my agreement is subject to what is meant by the term “devil”.

  223. “….and in other news, it emerged that almost 100 people, all subscribers of an online blog by Richard Wiseman, came into extraordinary luck today.
    At least 30 won large amounts of money on the Euro millions lottery, with many of them winning in excess of 1 million pounds, while others became overnight music sensations, securing album and tour deals. Some received gifts of private jets from unknown benefactors, and one man awakened this morning with a penis, so large, he was afraid to leave the house.

    Claims that these windfalls were all due to a mass pact to sell their souls to the devil were dismissed after nearly every single person claimed that although they had not always been, they were absolute believers in god, and from now on would never miss a day of church”

  224. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Well. I already did so before my death – although most people call it work…..

  225. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Should I be wrong and there is a heaven and hell then I definitely want to be where all the sinners are sounds like one “Hell” of a party.

  226. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Satan, you now own my soul!
    Please give me a boyfriend, a laptop, free college tuition, and a million dollars!
    It was nice doing business with you. lol

    How do I feel about this:
    Well basically – lmfao
    The devil doesn’t exist and besides, according to ORIGINAL christian requirements for selling your soul, you can’t do it this way anyhow!

    The real requirements:

    You have to write THIS on a fresh, dried lamb’s skin in your own blood…
    “I promise [Demon name or the devil] my eternal soul in return for ____ years of service and [whatever material objects you demand]. I sign in my own blood to seal this contract forever. [Sign your name]”

    And then, supposedly, six demons [some of high order, such as Beelzebub, or Azrael [the anti-christ]] will appear before you and add their signatures at the bottom… and in this way you will sell your soul.

    Of course, this is all bs… and I wouldn’t suggest doing this, think of the poor lamb! And writing a contract in your blood is gross and messed up.
    But stilll… LOL – XD!!

  227. “I, TS, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I do not feel any different, but it did inspire me to look up an old track on my iPod by The Cult called “King Contrary Man”.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    I saw the devil
    The contrary man
    I saw the devil down the long, long road
    He said to me, boy
    He said to me, boy
    He said to me, boy
    I want your soul
    I said no
    I said no
    I said no
    You can’t take my soul
    I said no
    I said no, no
    You can’t take my soul

    I took a while and thought about it
    Down at the crossroads temptin’ fate
    I took a while and thought about it
    Down at the crossroads temptin’ fate
    Yeah, yeah, yeah
    You can take my soul
    Yeah, yeah, yeah
    You can take my soul
    Take my soul
    I want it all, yeah

    Play it, baby

    Ow, yeah, ow

    Zany antics of a beat generation
    In their wild search for kicks
    Fighting, drinking, scorning convention
    Making wild love, making wild love

    I saw the devil
    The contrary man
    I saw the devil down the long, long road
    He said to me, boy
    He said to me, boy
    He said to me, boy
    I want your soul
    I said yeah
    I said yeah
    I said yeah

    I want it all
    I want it all

    1. Beautiful and I truly hope the outcome of the song is your true choice. I would love to spend some burning time with you. See you there.

  228. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Although I think it’s too late I sold it to him ages ago for a sandwich, and he couldn’t even bother adding pickle, the bastard… Although if I win the lottery next week (despite the fact I never buy tickets) I think I may look more favourably on the agreement

    But even though I sold my soul ages ago I noticed no difference to my life… My “soul” should such a think exist, has not been any use in this life, except the afore mentioned sandwich, so why should it be so valuable in the next. If I only find it useful when selling it why should i keep it…

    Besides who in their right mind would want to go to heaven I will bet if such a place as heaven exists there are no interesting people there so it would be a very boring and lonely place for all the fun people in this life… Mind you should any one in this life die and go to heaven and find a decent rock bar there i may eat my words but only if heaven and hell have some type of emailing system…probably invented by god in the hopes of making the heavenly people brag and the hell burned jealous…

    besides at the end of the day who do you think would be far more interesting and fun purely on conversation… I know who I would pick!!!

  229. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    As an Atheist, I don’t believe in these Fairytales.
    But if there IS a God, then I really hope this soul selling works out.
    I’d rather spend eternity in hell as one single day in heaven with crazy Kooks like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Ken Ham, Kent Hovind or Ray Comfort.
    Imagine you had to watch Ray Comfort peel Bananas your whole eternal afterlife. That would be the REAL hell.

  230. Nope, won’t do it…
    I do believe and I fear for those who did cut and paste the text.
    And even in those moments of doubt, I turn to Pascal’s Wager…I live a better life believing in a God of Love.

    1. lol. I call Poe. So many people trying to be funny, but this really was – deliberate or not.

  231. This is a funny thing coming from the man who taught me that keeping a lucky charm has benefits regardless of whether you believe in it or not.
    Offer declined, on account of potential psychological side effects.

  232. “I, Duxall Inarow, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.”
    I welcome the challenge and am solid in my belief that it will never happen. If I am wrong, that DevilMan will be up against his worst nightmare.

  233. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    it is just stupid to even be reluctant. One sentence can not do anything to you.

  234. I wonder how many people denying the Holy Spirit have any idea whether “deny” is in the aorist or imperfect tense in the original Greek. I’m not sure myself, but my money’s on the imperfect.

    Here’s the point. In Greek grammar (at least the ancient variety), the aorist tense refers to a specific event, so “Richard Wiseman posted [aorist] on his blog” means that Richard posted on his blog on one specific occasion. The imperfect tense, meanwhile, refers to frequent or habitual events, so “Richard Wiseman posted [imperfect] on his blog” means that Richard often posted on his blog.

    So if the denial of Holy Spirit is imperfect (as I suspect it is) then denying it once doesn’t really mean much, and the relevant Bible verse really means: “If you deny the Holy Spirit frequently enough, then there comes a point beyond which you cannot be forgiven”.

    And that’s without even going into exactly what it means to “deny” something in the first place…

    1. On second thoughts, I think Greek only makes the imperfect/aorist distinction in the past tense (I don’t actually know any Greek; I just collect linguistic trivia). But the point remains standing on several levels.

  235. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. Frankly, as a gay former-Christian, [now atheist] I figured he [she?… it?] already had my soul, so I doubt this trivial statement matters much ;-P

  236. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    And the eagle that eats Prometheus’ liver can have mine too, and the big bad wolf from Red Riding Hood can gobble me up!

    Imaginary things just aren’t scary 🙂

  237. But posting this is pointless. I don’t believe in any god so I wouldn’t post to sayI’ll be good for the rest of my life if a god will let me into heaven therefore why would I consider doing the alternative with the Devil – just because it seems a bit naughty?!

    By making that particular statement are we not just buying into the religious populations agenda by giving credence to the idea of a devil.

    Or am I just overthinking :-O

    Candyman, Vandyman, Candyman!!


  238. Funny, as a raised-catholic-turned-atheist, the idea of posting this or saying it aloud still evokes an uncomfortable feeling.

    So, what have I got out of this exercise? A reinforcement of my core beliefs in science and logic and the lack of evidence for any afterlife or deity.

    “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.”

  239. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    If the devil does exist, I think it is only right that he/she/it brings an eternal damnation upon my death as a punishment for my disbelief in any heaven, hell, god, jesus, devil, higher being or whatever. I’m quite prepared to take that risk because I do not believe in them, nor can I make myself.

    Reading that back, it sounds like a complete contradiction. I don’t believe in the devil, but I am prepared to be proven wrong, and by proven I mean with scientific evidence (essentially before I die) and by seeing the devil stood before me.

    I guess my atheism doesn’t lie with whether any intangible being exists, for I believe they don’t exist, but I’m not prepared to say that they definitely do not exist.

    This has defiantly been an insightful process in terms of my beliefs or lack of them.

  240. I, Steffen, hereby declare that:

    – in the (very improbable) case that an afterlife exists
    – that this afterlife (even more improbable) is modeled exactly like of the Christian doctrine
    – in which the faithful go to heaven, eternally praising God
    – and the unfaithful and mortal sinners go to hell, awaiting eternal damnation

    – that in that case I *beg* to be sent to hell.

    Anything would be better and much more interesting than to have to praise, praise, praise all day long the “Beloved Father”, for all eternity.

  241. Well, technically “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.” is not a pact, because (assuming a soul actually existed) I’m giving something away for nothing. I’ll amend it to an actual pact:

    I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange for a wish granting genie who will go to my wife, children, or closest living relative.

    There, that’s better.

    Now, how do I feel?

    No different. Except that I feel like I’ve wasted some time on silly fantasy exercise.

  242. I, Jeremy, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange for a can of red bull, condoms, a knitting needle and 30,000 green M&Ms.

  243. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    And for good measure the Holy Spirit doesn’t exist.

    It’s pathetic that over 200 years after the enlightenment people still believe in these bronze age fairy stories.

  244. The concept of God and Satan are clearly human constructs, and every preceding version looks more ridiculous as new fairy tales replace them(Zeus anyone?)

    But making this pact would still leave me feeling funny, if I’m telling the whole truth. (You asked for *feelings*, right?)

    Religion was pervasive when I was growing up, and it was taken EXTREMELY seriously by some family members that it must have rubbed off somehow.
    Because I tried so long and so earnestly to “find God” (no matter that He never showed up), well, it would still make the old, irrational childish corner of my mind uncomfortable.

    Yeah, religion is dumb.
    But enlightened scepticism is sometimes no match for years of indoctrination and threats of eternal damnation.

  245. Not that I care enough to read 360 comments to see if anyone else feels the same way, but isn’t this a trivialisation of the concept of selling the soul? Bear with me: the soul would be the most precious thing you possess. To give it up can’t be a lighthearted decision, unless you’re profoundly stupid (or ludicrously altruistic); would you give away everything – including the clothes on your back, the organs, blood, bones and other flesh of your body – that is yours alone (assuming you never married because you spent too much time arguing hypotheticals on the internet)? Really? Would you do it now, today? Just pack it all in, let everything that is yours become someone else’s? (HA! Yes. Your debts. We get it.)

    This is the question you are being asked when you are asked if you would sell your soul. It has nothing to do with religion particularly, it’s a question of loss, death, and finality. Everyone who posted the phrase because they’re not afraid of the bogeyman, take a bow. No, not there… step a little closer to the kerb… the 23 will be along in a second. Don’t forget you’re not afraid to lose your most prized possessions.

    Whether or not you believe in god, gods, akashic records or the Beatles, the possibility of loss exists (as much as a possibility can be said to exist), and whether you fear it or not is largely irrelevant. As the smartarses (aren’t we all, though) pointed out early on that there should be a return for your soul, let’s ask the obvious: since some people clearly are prepared to give up their lives for others, what do they get in return? Have they spent their entire lives being indoctrinated for exactly that? The chap who just dented the 23 pushing you out of the way, for example. Is he a type? Easily derided because of his views? Perhaps. Perhaps, he even got a momentary smug sense of self-satisfaction, knowing he had finally fulfilled his promise (to himself) that he would indeed give up his all without fear. Perhaps the last thing through his mind was his spleen. You’ll never know, and saying you’d take his place in that scenario doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be frozen in fear, or simply oblivious, in his position.

    So really, instead of asking “what do I get for my soul”, and rashly promising a thing you know you do not possess (which is a fraudulent habit of thought), you should be continually asking “these valuable kidneys, do I really want to just give them both away?”, and no amount of dogmatic insistence that religion has neither questions nor answers will change that. After all, tradition has it that the act of selling one’s soul is not irreversible. You could repent. Or you could be less easily gulled into considering religious traditions so literally, or insisting that your first reading of a given text or situation must be correct.

    Come on, people, the man asked you to go with your guts, and you unquestionably did.

    1. I certainly agree my soul is my most precious personal possession. Although some are “selling” in the sense of seriously or jokingly requesting something trivial in exchange, you fail to appreciate the significant numbers of us who are giving our soul to Satan or to hell if you prefer unconditionally and with no expectation of getting anything but hell. Why would we do that? Because as a matter of free will we can refuse to love God, love good, choose to hate him, and refuse to give him our soul because we love our specific evils, and by extension evil generally far more. And further by extension hate the opposite of evil which is good and thus hate the embodiment of good in perfection. If you are informed about relevant Christian teaching it is consistent with the idea the God damns no one; all of us in hell damn ourselves as a matter of refusing to repent the evil of our sin which we love even if we hate the punishment. Repentance because of hatred of the pain even though we love our sin would be of no effect. If we love evil as fully as some of us already do and all will in hell, being forced to spend even one second in the presence of perfect good and in the company of the saints who have perfected their personal good would involve far more real torment than we will endure in the endless eternity of hell. Everyone is entitled to judge us as stupid, irrational or even insane. True or not we are who we are, we love what we love, and we hate what we hate, and therefore have made the correct personal choice given those factors despite hell torment.

  246. I don’t see any point in doing this as it’s pointless. Besides didn’t I already condemn my soul to hell when I took the rational response’s blasphemy challenge? 🙂

  247. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Now, Satan is my Lord (doing the heavy metal horns).

  248. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    But in exchange, he will give me riches, health and women. I mean, I won’t give it for free 😉

  249. The concept of good and bad is represented as God being good and the Devil being bad. As I’d rather not be associated with bad things then the answer is know I would not make such a pact.

    1. Yeah, I agree.

      I am a Christian, though of the Karen Armstrong/John Shelby Spong variety, so I don’t believe in a literal devil, a literal hell or even a literal theistic deity. (I also believe that the historical evidence that we have strongly indicates that Jesus did not believe in a literal hell, eternal torment of any kind or that “the devil”, whatever that means, has any say in what happens to your soul. That’s another topic.)

      I was brought up in a liberal denomination, so I’ve never believed in a literal devil. However, “the devil” is still, to me, much more than a fictional character. It is a mythological archetype for a dark aspect of human nature, and I refuse to ally myself with that, even in jest.

  250. What an atrocious thing to do. Oh you may think the devil doesn’t exist and think it is fun but you could be wrong in which case you have signed up for an eternity of hellish torment. Why not make a pact with God that you will be with Him in eternity. That is just as much fun (even if you don’t believe) and it is much safer.
    Come on Richard get your mind off evil committments for if God does exist you will be held responsible.

    1. Eternity of any kind is a torture I would not want to have to endure, heaven or hell-they’re both equally evil.

      What you’re proposing is just Pascal’s Wager, and it doesn’t work – It only allows for god or no god. It doesn’t for example allow for a god that punishes people who waste their time in worship rather than practical action – or any other of the near infinite possibilities there are.

  251. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”,
    It’s not like I feel serious while writing this. I think that if the devil monitors what I write and is now grinning with happiness with what I wrote, he would be so stupid believing me that I really entrust to him my soul, if I have any.
    The truth is I want to believe in god and devil and such, but I lost the feeling some time ago, so I am not anymore affected by things like this.
    Maybe some of us wanted to believe in supernatural beings and after-life because we are afraid that this will be all of it after our last breath is breath, nothing but a span of a 70 – 90 years of life living in this world. So we clung to something like the devil. Honestly I think that if I would choose between dying and disappearing transforming and becoming again a part of an ecosystem, like what reality say’s, or to live a life a soul, but with the devil in a fire and stuff, with a red club house, with devil hot girls, I’ll choose: eternal damnation

    1. All you have to do is say what you said because that reflects you are evil, and Satan and hell are what you want. I commend you.

  252. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    In exchange I want one desire for day til the day of my death…

  253. Well, I enjoyed the humorous responses, but a lot of them confirm why there are certain strains of humanism that just don’t appeal to me.

    I was raised religious and now consider myself an unbeliever, but I always understood that there were legitimate concerns for making sense of good, evil, mortality and eternity beyond whatever science and logic could explain. I think you can at least respect, without necessarily accepting, the belief in the existence of evil without trivializing it to something childish like the tooth fairy. (And I don’t use “childish” cavalierly, either. To a 75-year-old Christian theologian, the idea that “There’s no proof!” is a valid argument for the nonexistence of God or the devil is itself childish. It’s relative.)

    If this is just a two-minute thought experiment than I guess this doesn’t matter, but rather than laugh at the absurdities, I feel obligated to live with the difficult questions. My reason tells me to pay no heed to supernaturalism and superstition, but my soul (yes, that word…or just call it feeling or emotional inclination) tells me there has to be something that makes us unique from other beings besides our opposable thumbs…and if there isn’t, well, then I’m compelled to contemplate the limits of my essence instead of just sneering at the abyss.

    Unicorns and Spaghetti Monsters.

    1. And yes, I’m fully aware that there’s a devilled jug on my webpage. So take that, Richard! I had the satanic theme going long before you did.

  254. I Ester agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    I’m waiting and I feel nothing

  255. I, Carles Mateu, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Jo, Carles Mateu, accepto que a la meva mort el dimoni pot quedar-se la meva ànima per a la condemnació eterna.

    Yo, Carles Mateu, acepto que a mi muerte el demonio puede quedarse mi alma para la condenación eterna.

    Just if devil doesn’t speaks english….

  256. I, Luis, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    I would love to take over the world, of course, in exchange.

    Well, I feel like a rat in a cage, I mean, despite of my rage.

    luis r.

  257. I, Fernando Trigo Chouzinho, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    What I feel?
    Most religions invented by humans think that my soul will burn eternally in hell for being an atheist, Marxist, apostate, bisexual … Doing this really has not changed the situation, right?

    1. I too am a Satanist but one of my frustrations is that I have never been able to connect with a group that worships the conventional Satan instead of redefining him to do away with his evil essence. See you in hell where we can worship in person.

  258. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. See you all in hell 😀

  259. the devil doesn’t exist. why all the fuss people?
    if he did *hypothetically* exist i wouldn’t give him my *soul* its mine! why do i have to give it to him?

  260. I tried to do this when I was a kid…

    I stared into a mirror and said the devil he could have my soul if he gave me the gift of music – a kinda Crossroads scenario…but in a downstairs bathroom in Belfast!

    Don’t think I went through with it,and I wouldn’t draw up the pact – even though I’m agnostic!

    Proof the catholic religion refuses to completely relinquish its grasp!!


    1. I second Anton. But not to put too fine a point on it if fear of hell is your motivation, strictly speaking you will be in hell. Repentance of sin based solely on fear of hell is selfish and lacks the essential salvation ingredient of being drawn to god out of unselfish love and adoration. If you regret your sins solely because of the punishment attached to them, you still love your sins and would certainly commit them over and over if there were no punishment. That is love of evil and is absolutely contrary to love of god. I am certain you will be with us in hell, and given that there is no reason to hesitate to write the words because whether you realize it or not you are absolutely willing to give your soul to Satan because you still love your sins themselves. Because I want everyone in hell my certainty you will burn with us pleases me no matter how it happens. But I would rather you burn with us as one like those of us who just openly admit we are willing to give Satan our soul; and whether you know it or not you would rather burn with us as a soulmate who owns who he really is, and that he loves evil, and therefore signs the pledge. Do not burn as a wimp who just lands there, but be one of the bold and defiant few like we are, and then burn in absolutely defiant eternal pride of being bold.

  261. “Estoy de acuerdo que a mi muerte el diablo puede tener mi alma por la condenación eterna”

    a cambio de que cierres tu blog XDD, 😛 y que me conviertan en el nuevo einsten 2010 :D:D acabar con la guerra :P, poder ser un gran seductor de mujeres que solo baste con decir su nombre en mi mente esa mujer debe ser mia :D:D:D…

    que loco XDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!

  262. I would never do souch thing as my soul is too much a prize and eternity to long a time. What on earth would ever be worth it?

  263. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.
    –Jon B

    Although, as a graduate student, I feel that I am in hell already and have been for several years.

    Also, as a resident of a state in an earthquake zone (California), I wonder if I will cause “the big one” with this pact.

  264. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    -Beat W

    There is a certain feeling of unease associated with that statement because I have been brainwashed as a child like almost everybody else.

    Oddly enough I don’t feel the same about the equivalent statement:
    “I agree that upon my death Voldemort can have my soul for eternal damnation”

  265. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    And, in saying that, I feel disproportionate sense of unease, given the negligible chance that any such entity actually exists. Still not gonna lose any sleep over it, mind.

  266. Devil still hasn’t come for my soul…

    I guess I’ll have to unload that other stuff on cragislist, now, too…!

    There’s nothing better than being an absolute atheist non-believer in a clutter-free home.

  267. Well as an Atheist, I would have to conclude it was some weirdo in a devil costume.. As for selling my soul, I obviously dont think I have one. However for the sake of the question, I will assume I have. As a child I learned that ‘Devil’ and ‘Satan’ mean ‘Liar’ or ‘Father of the lie’ In which case any pact would be highly suspect and I would therefore choose to keep my soul and take my chances elsewhere!

  268. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation, but in exchange I demand one six pack of Guinness beer a week until I’m dead.

    Yes, that’s a good agreement, I’ll be very confortable with the terms.

  269. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation,on one condition in exchange of power,money,fame,sex,long live,good health,and be among the richest men in the world,i there by huge father satan to grant my which in 30 days.


  271. Eu concordo que a minha morte, o demônio pode ter a minha alma para a perdição eterna”,,,,EM TROCA DE DINHEIRO MUITO DINHEIRO, RIQUEZA, FORTUNA,,,….como me sinto,,,, me sinto bem porque nesse mundo se vale o que se tem, e se voce nao tem nada nao vale nada, e quem sabe apos a morte eu tenha um melhor valor e ultilidade para o diabo,,, se ele me der isso que pedi dinheiro , fortuna ,, riqueza,, porque nao lhe dar algo em troca e justo…

  272. Since I am the Devil, I would like to thank you all for your small contributions. Rest assured that in all eternity, nothing gets any worse than it is right now.

    For those who have not yet given, rest assured that you probably already have.

  273. I, Zac, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.
    I, Zac, also agree that, at the devil’s sole determination, he may pause at any time during my infinite torment for refreshments.
    Finally I, Zac, agree that god and the devil may use my soul as a stand-in for all that is earthly and human, proceeding to thrash out that whole good-versus-evil thing once and for all. Gentlemen, start your engines of apocalypse…

  274. “I agree that upon death I will give my soul to a giant turtle called Charles who will tie my soul together with other souls to make a giant soul-rope and use that soul-rope to escape from the magical fortress that his arch-nemesis, Peter Pan’s babysitter, is keeping him captive in because the giant turtle didn’t pay rent when he landed on Mayfair even though he knew that Peter Pan’s babysitter takes Monopoly very, very seriously.”

  275. Well there is nothing called Devil in reality…………but yes there is a thought form behind this name in the Astral world created by billions of believers in this physical world…………..so when we summon or evoke this ” devil ” we are infact summoning this thoughtform which has now become a power and independent spirit of its own. Spirits , Demons do not take away your soul for exchange …………but yes they will require you to make some sort of sacrafice or offering to them…………….our soul cannot be detained by spirits as we all have the divine spark of God inside us and we will go back to the divine light from which we came from and this law cannot be changed. If you want further information on pacts then plzzz read the book Pacts with the Devil By Christopher Hyatt

  276. I, Bryce, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


  277. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I dont want to sound over confident, but at no point did that worry me, coz every fibre of my body repells that kind of supersititon…

  278. actually.. the devil cannot take any soul with him to hell.. it doesn’t have the power.. it doesn’t own the hell.. it burns together with the fire.. the devil can damn human like u damn your neighbor for kicking your dog.. but no… a devil cannot take souls..

  279. I will sell my soul to the devil if in exchange he saves all the beings suffering and in need of help in this universe for all eternity. I think this is a fair trade considering I have to suffer for all eternity.

  280. moi frederic beugnies Je suis d’accord que, sur ma mort le diable peut avoir mon âme à la damnation éternelle contre richesse sucesse et grandeur.

  281. No, I would not, because I wouldn’t want to sign my soul away to anyone for anything.

    When I was younger I used to consider accepting such a proposition if offered (to gain reward). But when I was younger I had a far less solid concept of how I’d experience time, regret, and various other aspects of life (and possibly afterlife). Then I also thought I could make some sort of agreement but I could still go to Heaven because God wouldn’t hold you to a pact you made with the Devil if you made it while really being faithful to God and otherwise Godly. At that point I think I was just really hoping I’d get to make a deal with the Devil and not have to pay for it.

    I don’t know that I believe in an actual Devil making pacts, but I like the mythology and wouldn’t want to be on the damned fool side of such a story. And as for not wanting to sign my soul away to anyone now, I figure I’m about a third through life, and it’s tolerable to good, so I may as well keep on and hope for the same or better rather than scramble to get something for nothing and possibly pay a stupidly high price.

  282. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    OK. I wait for Laura. This weekend

  283. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my older sister’s soul for eternal damnation…..” i hope it works

  284. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my older sister’s soul for eternal damnation…..” i hope it works

  285. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Should I write it down in my own language? The devil might want from me that I understand what I mean. Well, there it goes.

    In Basque, my language: Honen bitartez zin dagit, ni hiltzerakoan, deabruak nire arima har dezakeela, betiko kondenaziorako.

    And just in case the devil does not like regional or minority languages, I will even say it in Spanish: Por la presente convengo en ofrecer mi alma al diablo para que, cuando yo muera, la pueda tomar para mi condena eterna.

    I feel silly, I wish I had offered my soul to Scarlet Johanson for eternal whatever.

  286. Zgadzam się, że po mojej śmierci diabeł może mieć duszę na wieczne potępienie jeśli spełni wszystkie moje życzenia i marzenia i będe żyć 80 lat.

  287. I agree that upon my death, should I have a soul, the first devil (or other supernatural entity, good, evil, or otherwise) who wants my soul can have it for any purposes, including but not limited to eternal damnation.

    Furthermore, upon my death, any medical facility may have my body for the purposes of medical research and/or organ transplantation.

    (Ownership of my soul does not convey ownership of my collection of commemorative pez-dispensers or the contents thereof).

  288. I am an atheist but for some reason I am hesitant to make a pact with the devil. Even though this blog is probably not an eternally binding document I would be reluctant to do it because even though I can say with a large degree of certainty that there is no devil I can’t 100% rule it out. So I am forced to not make a pact in where today I may think is useless because there is no devil but if evidence came up[ in the future might show that there is in fact a devil.

  289. “Eu concordo que a minha morte, o diabo pode ter minha alma da danação eterna”

    Then describe how you feel doing that. Alternatively, say why you are not prepared to make the pact. Então descreva como você se sente fazendo isso. Alternativamente, diga porque você não está preparado para fazer o pacto.

  290. fuck you all.my soul is the most valuable thing on this earth.no worldly pleasure is worth it…fuck satan,fuck lucifer and fuck all you in here that have sell your soul,coz without realizing you have just turn your back on god.and its a pity how many of you have done it….may god bless you all

  291. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    See, the devil is an imaginary christian product and according to the same christian theology I am already doomed anyway. Mark 3:29: “But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin”… this “blasphemy” is the rejection of salvation. Since I’m a de facto atheist, I’ve got nothing to loose. Besides, in my opinion, the more ethical thing to do is not to give in to blackmail of a vengeful, evil tyrant, even if that means eternal suffering.

  292. my name is silvestre and I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. I want to do so becouse i am giving myself to the devil in return of many riches and true long for as long as I am on the earth

  293. Well, as everyone who read my posts knows by now, the devil did not, in fact, come for my soul… despite my every effort to sweeten the deal for him, asking nothing in return…

    Therefore, he doesn’t exist. And neither does a god. It’s all a lie, people. Imagine!

    Enjoy your summer! 😉

  294. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation, Only when the devil grants me ten wishes. I don’t really care if it works or not I just don’t care. Ten wishes I want with out no tricks. Just perfect wishes I want. And just by writing it on a paper and one wish on every paper I use. So thats ten white papers I’ll write about my wishes. Detailed wishes I mean like this I write one detailed wish on one paper. Then another wish on another paper. The reason why I’m doing this is because there are alot of assholes calling the police on me and another psychic says I’ll die in the plane and burn in hell so I decided it didn’t matter if I repent and I’ll die if I don’t make the wishes just to keep my self alive for another 10 years. I don’t know if this is real what you are saying but the signs are really clear. The funny thing about the psychics calling the police is that every time they call the police on me they kept getting busy lines on the phone and they tried looking for the police in Kashechewan but couldn’t find any police. Another funny thing is that they know I live in Attawapiskat. I guess this is it for me if richard is saying is true.

  295. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation…If i get what i want in exchange, and i want to die in my 90’s none of the that early death bullshit.”

  296. “I agree that upon my
    death the devil can have
    my soul for eternal
    damnation ”for much
    money and fame. wealth. long life. a gd wife and gd kids. gd job in exxon mobile

  297. When you say “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation ”, do you need a circle or something like that to make it work??? Its really weird when I say it,.,. there’s probably something wrong why it doesn’t work to just anybody,.,.,

  298. You’re all stupid. There is a hell, and there is a devil. This is his game to make you think he’s not there, to follow nothing but your own desires and passions. He is man kinds open enemy, oh but if only you knew!

    If you are to proud to worship GOD, who created you out of a mere drop of sperm/egg, then well Hell is what you are going to get.

    When you are thrown in there, you will beg GOD to give you another chance, you will so much regret your pompous arrogant attitudes, but how will that benefit you then??

  299. Most people just don’t want to admit to the fact that they will be held accountable for their actions, people don’t like to believe this. Thus they deny GOD/afterlife. But you will be held accountable, take this as a reminder. You are being watched and judged constantly, the devil has no power over you if you don’t let him. He can merely whisper ideas to you, whisper suggestions to you in your own voice, he calls you and you follow.

    Purify yourselves, humble yourselves before GOD, don’t be too proud to worship the all mighty, full of glory and majesty.

  300. i would have to see satan appear before me in my room right now to belive that shit. I will do it if he comes to me in human form, you see this satan you want my soul you come to me and give me what i wish and you can have it

  301. Lucifer – yes (Christ was even called “Lucifer”), the enlightener/teacher
    Devil – no, dont believe there is one
    Satan – nope, that name means “the accuser”, why would i enter a pact with him lol
    Beelzebub – most likely means “the power of Ba‘al”, who was a pre-christain deity that was later demonized. Would i make i pact with him ? IDK enough about him.

  302. I’ll change it a bit: “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation, if he appears right now in front of me”. I’m waiting……….

  303. Кристиян “Съгласен съм, че след смъртта си на дявола могат да имат душата си за вечно проклятие” Слава Красота и Пари Искам

  304. quiero haser pacto con el diablo y venderle mi alma estoy dispuesto pero no tengo dinero para pagar los elementos q se utilisen para esatas seremonias si algien me puede alludar escribame a mi correo ,,,si me alluda a haserlo despues q el diablo me de todo el dinero q yo quiera le pagare muy bien a la persona q me allude.mi correo es ,ramiro142009@hotmail.com

  305. ¿Está usted dispuesto a hacer un pacto con el diablo? Si eres para ella, por favor corte y pegue el siguiente frase en el cuadro de comentarios, y agregar su nombre ….ramiro rendon

  306. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    signed: Peter Tissenbaum Issler

    no lighting strike upon me yet, I guess I’ll fine.

  307. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”in exchange of money and fame

  308. I do hereby agree to let Satan A.K.A the Devil, have my immortal soul and I will dedicate the rest of my life to Him, if and ONLY if he makes me a Mega-Millions jackpot winner on Nov. 16, 2010!

  309. “I Alan Svensson Montes agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

  310. hi richard wiseman, you have ask me time without number of wot i want,please if you have the linck help me out i wont sign apart with the devil satan hail satan,avesatanas.

  311. The selling of your immortal soul is a binding contract and properly executed contracts require the exchange of “consideration” by both parties in order to make them binding. I cannot “sell” my soul without receiving some form of consideration from the Devil (otherwise, I’m just GIVING it away – which I’m not about to do).

    I would want something VERY specific in return. Something that ~ONLY~ HE could give me…

    And, ohhhhhhh, would HE ever receive more than he bargained for!

    The terms of the bargain would be for HIM to transform me into a stunningly gorgeous, extremely feminine, and exceedingly lascivious young woman. My seductive talents would be nearly impossible to stave off, especially since HE would endow me with talents beyond compare in the carnal arts. Every man and woman would be tempted to taste my delights, with only the purest being capable of escaping my fiendish charms.

    My goal and HIS, of course, would be to tempt as many borderline souls away from the pearly gates and into my warm and waiting arms. I would be constantly motivated to seek more victims through HIS deviously addictive “gift” of achieving my own heightened orgasmic pleasure through the physical pleasure given to others. Those others being married men & women, and (most especially) members of the clergy.

    During our sexual escapades, I would entice my victims into performing blasphemous rituals and into denouncing HIS eternal rival. The pleasure that I provided and the free will that they exercised in succumbing to my gifts would serve to damn each of them.

    For isn’t humanity generally powerless against the temptations offered by PURE EVIL?

    It can be so deliciously seductive.

    I would seduce and fornicate with hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of these stupid willing sheep, over hundreds of years, until HE chose to take me and my soul to Hell. My reward for this dedicated service (per the terms of the binding contract), would to then be transformed into a demonic succubus …and the cycle would start over, with me tantalizing and destroying the souls of men (in their dreams) over the next countless millennia.

    Being an “over achiever” doesn’t even begin to describe the absolute LUST that I have to attain this and actualize it as a reality.

    I want this, SO MUCH!

    I’m waiting to be transported to the crossroads, for the lambskin contract, and the pen filled with my own blood…

  312. look here i am the ying yangs part hold body you are trying to steal souls, stop trying to use reverse psycology on people, i am not really anything but the key of life so do not mess with my brothers and sisters you low lies

  313. I’m back! I didn’t win the lottery so no deal. It just proved to me you don’t exist. And, yes, I bought 2 tickets for that drawing.

  314. I Timothy Brown agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation at the price of fortune, fame, success, good looks, and money. I also would like to live immortally until this world that we live in comes to it’s doom.

  315. i have denied god a very long time ago. Originaly i believe in the nordic,paganic beliefs but i’ve never wondered of devil so here goes nothin….. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” in exchange for fortune,fame,good looks,beautifull women and of course a lot of money!

  316. “I Jose Martinez agree that if i recieve the gifts of being the worlds best and successfull,rich, magic illusionist then upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.”

  317. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” for exchange of fortune, fame, success, good looks, and money

  318. какво да направя за да подпиша този договор .. никой нищо не казва :@

  319. Only insane people who want worldly treasure would ever to make a pact with devil. My the Lord God guide they. Christ is the way, the truth and the LIFE. So why to may a stupid pact. Devils are our enemies, there’s no truth in every saying of a devil. 😀

  320. Съгласен съм, че след смъртта си на дявола могат да имат душата си за вечно проклятие

  321. I AbsinTh agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation,and in exchange i want power like Hitler! P.S:In my counrtry(Roumania) we call him “Dracu” or “Diavolu” xDD

  322. People discuss topics of subjects they heardly know anything about. They read books and come up with ideas that are rediculous, well, before one would make any pact with the devil, you have to know truely whom the devil is. Its not just to copy some pictures and write your name and you have signed the pact (smile=) what is this, kids play?
    Well want to know the devil? he is not that stupid like most people thinks. He is smart and knows those that have are really ready for him.

  323. Most of you people are either insane or naive. You guys make it seem like it’s no big deal to go to hell. Hell is the nastiest place you can ever go to, and you’ll have to stay there ETERNALLY. You should be peeing your pants and praying to God to save your Afterlives right now.

    If you don’t believe that the Devil exists and you just said it only as a joke, then I would reconsider your sanity.

    But if you believe in the existence of the Devil and sold your soul to him, then I guess it’s true for you… one can not know the severity of something until they themselves truly feel it at firsthand.

    I know the severity because it is written in the Holy Bible; I have faith in the word of God completely.

  324. I dont think devil can give us reward . just ask ur selfs who created the devil.
    so the creater is more powerful and beneficial. dont u see in the pic devil made the men and women slave. for the short life y v choose the short reward

  325. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation provided that he gives me everything that I want.

    I’ll be relaxing with a cold beer in hell with Satan and Judas while the Christians in heaven are deepthroating God’s cosmic fuckstick.

  326. you fagot your just tryna get people to unknowingly sign there souls over fuck face at least break it down so they can get somthing out of it

  327. I darrell wilcox agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation providing me all the rags and riches i want and whatever i want

  328. “I marco xavier paez agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”.In return, I would like to be the wealthiest man in the world and would like to lead a long, happy, and meaningful life surrounded by the people I love.”

  329. Eu concordo que a minha morte o diabo pode ter minha alma para a danação eterna

    ele sabe o que quero não vai ser precizo escreve aqui

  330. Christians keep saying how the Devil’s greatest trick is to convince the world he doesnt’ exist.

    Seeing as how even atheists seem to think the Devil (but not God) exists, it seems that these Christians just yak whatever they feel like saying.

  331. Well.. I’m already in a fkin hell .. so it doesn’t matter for me 🙂
    I Cazan Robert Marin agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation, also i want to be the richest guy when i’m sayin the richest guy im talkin about every thing .. if i want something in 5 min it will be mine .. you know what i mean i want protection 25/24 h per day from you, if some one gonna attack me you will stop him also if i’ll go in another country you will learn me what language is spoken there OR WHATEVER I WANT !

  332. I Nikolai Saar agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation, for helping me with some things in my life what i need!!

  333. “I Bryan James Mcgill agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange for my wildest sexual fantasies for a very long time”

  334. “I Bryan James Mcgill agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange for my wildest sexual fantasies to come true for one day, Which will go into efect the instant this blog is posted”

  335. “I Bryan James Mcgill agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange for a new car and a big ass 18th birthday party 27 million euroes and as much material posesions and power any individual can have this goes the way i want it to not the way you want it to”

  336. أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
    الله لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم لا تأخذه سنة ولا نوم له ما في السماوات ومافي الارض من ذا الذي يشفع عنده إلا بأذنه يعلم ما بين ايديهم وماخلفهم ولا يحيطون بشيئ من عمله إلا بما شاء وسع كرسيه السماوات والارض ولا يؤده حفظهما وهو العلي العظيم
    صدق الله العلي العظيم

  337. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Shazaad Saied Mohamed

  338. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    Shazaad Saied Mohamed

  339. “I, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”,

    Weee!!! I get to play in fire when i die!! XD

  340. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    in exchange for a large sum of money, have a rich life, traveling around the world, creating my company in my country and very very live for another 27 years, helping my family

  341. ok dont do it bc he is the biggest lier ever!

    he will give u something then you die and burn in hell..:(

    god loves you no matter what the devil dont care about you he only wants your soul and gives you money and fame oh well i rather go to heaven then hell

    so be a retard and sell your soul but god loves you!!

  342. please see this agreement of yours:
    “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    now lets examin this:

    2) Devil’s promises are nothing but illusion:

    [The Noble Quran 4:120] He promises them and entices them; what the devil promises is no more than an illusion

    3) Even world’s best scientist could be totally hypnotized by devil:

    [The Noble Quran 29:38] Similarly, ‘Aad and Thamoud (were annihilated). This is made manifest to you through their ruins. The devil had adorned their works in their eyes, and had diverted them from the path, even though they had eyes.

    4) Devil also fears God almighty and he sees God’s Invisible Soldiers:

    [The Noble Quran 8:48] The devil had adorned their works in their eyes, and said, “You cannot be defeated by any people today,” and “I will be fighting along with you.” But as soon as the two armies faced each other, he turned back on his heels and fled, saying, “I disown you. I see what you do not see. I am afraid of God. God’s retribution is awesome.”

    5) Satan has no power to force us. He only can invite us to commit sinful deeds. Therefore we are responsible for our own bad/good works and not the devil:

    [The Noble Quran 14:22] And the devil will say, after the judgment had been issued, “God has promised you the truthful promise, and I promised you, but I broke my promise. I had no power over you; I simply invited you, and you accepted my invitation. Therefore, do not blame me, and blame only yourselves. My complaining cannot help you, nor can your complaining help me. I have disbelieved in your idolizing me. The transgressors have incurred a painful retribution.”

    6) Devil always interferes on righteous people’s works including prophets, messengers of God. But devil can not win over them:

    [The Noble Quran 22:52] We did not send before you any messenger, nor a prophet, without having the devil interfere in his wishes. God then nullifies what the devil has done. God perfects His revelations. God is Omniscient, Most Wise.

    7) [The Noble Quran 22:3] Among the people, there are those who argue about God without knowledge, and follow every rebellious devil.

  343. “I BMcG agree that upon the death of s,Hunter(longridge) the devil can have her soul for eternal damnation in exchange for me to have the ultimate sexual experiance”

  344. “I BMcG agree that upon the death of G,Mullen the devil can have his soul for eternal damnation in exchange for the ultimate sexual experiance”

  345. “I BMcg agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange for the ultimate sexual experiance. Regardles of wether i doubt or do not beleive in this enough or weather i have already sucsesfully done this before. It will inevitably happen 10 seconds after this blog is posted”

  346. “I bmcg agree that upon the death of George mullen and Suzzan hunter (longeridge) the devil can have their soul for eternal damnation in exchange for the use of more than 50% of my brain capasety to be super intelagent and be able to control it”

  347. I, who currently goes by the name of Katherine Hellayia in all but law, agree that upon my death the devil, Satan, can have my soul for eternal damnation or whatever use he or she sees fit, in return for my current demands which are carried in my current thoughts… i never know if i believe in the devil or not…. which is interesting- i am kinda spiritual but am definatly skeptic about some things. if the devil were real i think heaven would be too pretty anyways, so who cares.

  348. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” he has always been kind to me….i made no deals with him…..and he asked nothing of me…..not terribly concerned about his version of eternal damnation for me….the story of the garden of eden is confusing to some, unfortunately……as is much of the bible….that which seems to be in contradiction to ones own view of god is often just cast out as a misinterpretation or the work of the devil…..instead of that of a father who is both benevolent as well as punisher depending upon our choices and our heart…..glorious god wipes out whole civilizations in the stories of the bible….a devil to them….savior to others….

  349. rev 22:15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

    16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star….(lucipher)

    uncle sam…..the angel samael
    (rev 7)….speaks of death
    (rev 2)…..26And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

    27And he shall rule them with a rod of iron (it was just a rock or stick at first….then a sword….now a gun….); as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

    28And I will give him the morning star…..(the ability to make fire….then gun powder…and now nuclear bombs….the sun itself….you give a knife and a fishing pole to one child…he catches and cleans his fish….another child you give the same gifts….he uses the knife to steel the other ones fish…what to do….)
    and atom was created from the dust of the earth and eve his rib….blood of my blood and so on….our science now supports this…we are made from the same atoms and elements and molecules that make up our world, even down to the rib….our mates are of the same species….the blood is predominately made in the ribs….etc…..beautiful descriptions of creation and evolution can be found in the book of genesis….using terms familiar to the people of that time (how do you explain things to children)……in otherwords….thousands of years ago they understood this before “our science” could prove these things…..unequivical proof of divinty and the existence of god, science and religion….one does not preclude the other…..with an understanding, they are in direct support of eachother, not in contradiction….there’s more i could tell you…..

    29He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

    i am a real luciferian christian….i have no website or coven….i recognize no particular sabbatt (sabbath)

  350. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation as long as in return I am given power beyond human knowledge while still remaining human and sane.”

    Olivia Renea Cray

    1. have you had an experience where god of the heavens begins to try and explain the infinite nature of our universe….ie something without an edge…it may give you kind of a feeling of fading away at first…..it tends to rattle most…..we have difficulty describing and processing something that is beyond our frame of reference….perhaps this is what you mean?

    2. i replied to you….some call me lucifer….i have many names…….i even have a facebook page, sean smith, many louisiana or an old link in the logan, utah network

  351. “I agree that upon my mom’s death the devil can have my mom’s soul for eternal damnation as long as in return i grow taller 6 inches”

    1. …..to those who know me…i’m really quite nice…..:) a nice wish upon his mother….if she was kind…..

    2. i replied to you above…..if you made this deal….did you wish it as a punishment?….if you are being abused you should let someone know…..if you just don’t wan’t to clean your room…..:( sean smith, many, louisiana, facebook….:)

  352. “I Terence agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation for fame and wealth(money) and power”

  353. Você está preparado para fazer um pacto com o diabo?
    sim xtou herlander pedro mauriçio

  354. “I Frank agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”. I say this because for so long I have tried to make peace with God and he doesn’t want to make peace. He owes me for every hardship ‘ve faced. I will gladly make a pact with the Devil, if it means getting even with God himself.

  355. “I Frank agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”. I say this because for so long I have tried to make peace with God and he doesn’t want to make peace. He owes me for every hardship ‘ve faced. I will gladly make a pact with the Devil, if it means getting even with God himself.I’ve never been as smart, I can’t catch one break to save my life, failure always follows me, i need money and lots of it, i want women to worship me and have my babies and expect nothing in return,i want power over the world.

  356. “I Ashley, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    in exchange for success and wealth while i’m still breathing in this damned world…

  357. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” becouse im tired of being a low life it is hard out here especailly in the real world wen u gotta be on ur own im tired of the fact dat i cant even get a job and i jus wana be some body n have wat happy people have n dat is money power respect all the good stuff i may sound selfish but its nt that its jus if im having bad trouble with life y nt sell mii soul to satan for fortune and fame i would do anythang to be something biig

  358. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” becouse im tired of being a low life it is hard out here especailly in the real world wen u gotta be on ur own im tired of the fact dat i cant even get a job and i jus wana be some body n have wat happy people have n dat is money power respect all the good stuff i may sound selfish but its nt that its jus if im having bad trouble with life y nt sell mii soul to satan for fortune and fame i would do anythang to be something biig

    sincerly Tim

  359. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal rich and a good tone voice so i can sing famously beautiful looking wiith style sincerly christine

  360. I found a site about selling thy soul ONLINE. Now that’s friggin’ awesome :D:D You can sell it any time you want. And i was ROFL when i saw at the end of “contract” Prince of Darkness – Legal Executor of Satan. I’m lawyer btw. I read the contract and it said. “Even if you don’t get what you wanted satan will still have your soul” That’s a crime As i know. don’t know the legal term in English. I’m a lawyer from other country and that’s why I don’t know English legal terms. So what do you think 😀


  362. “I marquann agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”for fame.money,power,and respect i shall recieve wat i wish for and you shall recieve wat you command i shall be an angel of souls and you shall be a god in praise i will be tought tha spells of all energry and be guided threw my transition of prosecution…….i shall recieve any form of human or animal that a human eyes shall be blind and if i recieve these wishes your wish is my command

  363. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” i don
    t care what happen
    s after i dieChris Williams

  364. I Satyajit agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

  365. this world is just illusion…….i’ll take a side of good weather it exists or not………but not the devil or jins

  366. You know, I can’t help but laugh at the majority of people actually doing this. For 1, they aren’t really making pacts, as a pact is something similar to an alliance, they are just signing away thier souls. 2: People don’t realize that if they want to actually see the Satan they can’t just demand he appear; think of it this way: let’s say u r Satan, and you just got the tickle in your ear that you get when a fly buzzes in your ear. But you know that really means someone is trying tell you to show up, which is hilarious because you have better things to do. Now you actually hear an earnest plea, which means a Practioner is calling you, someone who looks to you in a respectful light, seeking Truth or Power. But you also know that if ignored too long, they can become a thorn in the eye. Knowing this what would you rather do? Pop up for some insolent bafoon and waste your valvuable time , or show up for someone who can actually use ritual magic and is asking politely?

  367. hi i’m the devil and you all have a pact with me! now u just need to pay the fee of £ 50 to me and your pact will be legaly binded

  368. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation Alex
    I don’t care for life and death!

  369. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    why not make dream come true rich and famous before 25

  370. “Sono d’accordo che dopo la mia morte, il diavolo può avere la mia anima per la dannazione eterna”il mio nome e vincenzo

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  372. in exchange for 10 billion dollars, a hundred youthful life on earth, power, and fame, “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

  373. in exchange for 10 billion dollars, a hundred youthful life on earth, power, and fame NOW! “i agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

  374. i, francis, in exchange for 10 billion dollars, a hundred youthful life on earth, power, and fame, “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

  375. in exchange for 10 billion dollars, a hundred yeras of youthful life on earth, power, and fame, “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

  376. i francis, in exchange for 10 billion dollars, a hundred years of youthful life on earth, power, and fame, “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

  377. definitely I don’t agree , my soul is free , no one especially Satan can control me
    I don’t hate myself and have the minimum of rationality to know that killing myself is more merciful than signing this pact
    my life on earth is too short to gamble with
    I must be prepared for eternal life
    the real life
    the real happiness
    the Happiest person on earth cannot imagine a second in paradise
    just be slave to real God , your Creator , know real reason of your exist on earth
    if you want to chat with me about Religion ,email me moon_sakr@yahoo.com

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  379. To be frank indeed its not my own soul i want to sell is a soul of my intimate friend who had agreed to sell his soul after i have introduce soul selling contract to him he was an african illiterate he can’t read nor write. He said he want $30billion he said he want an extension of life and he want him and his family to live happily healthy and wealthy for the rest of thier lifes. He said i don’t care if i go to hell i just do it for my family my children and my wife.

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  381. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    Because the world in which i live in is already wicked, and god seems more psychopathic than the devil anyways.

    I rather burn for eternity than be with a bunch of evil doers.

  382. I agree that upon my death God can have my soul for eternal glory. I will be free in this life aswell as in life after death. I only will sign a pact with the God who gave His only Son to die for my sin. He didn’t sign a pact with the devil when He could and I won’t either.

  383. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    I feel very comfortable and happy doing it and i don’t see any reasons to reagreat

  384. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I feel happy signing the pact and i don’t see any reasons to regrete if my heart desires are granted

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  386. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.” I would feel completely comfortable saying this, as I am an atheist and do not believe in the devil. However, to prove a very similar point while in college about 4 years ago, I already signed my soul over to a friend in my film studies class (to show that I did not believe in the existence of a “soul,” either). Although I do not believe either a soul or the devil exist, i still feel uncomfortable promising it to two different entities (friend and devil). How weird is that??

  387. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” for money and power and protect the people’s curse

  388. what you call the devil is no more than giving you self over to the spirit of falsehood, rejecting what is true reallity and its manifest truths. Most humans “freely” give themselves over to the spirit of falsehood simply by their conforming to the delusional reality they have created for theirselfs- which has been given the term “societal norms”. you are already dead, and in your hell with your false devil. Your conforming to the irreality that you’ve allowed to mould your preceptions of what is real, is the devil that dictates to your will, and forces you to fear the unknow that lays on the other side of your spirit’s blindness – Causing you to create all the fancyfull ideologies and concepts that hinder your quickening. Your place is of neither being alive nor dead.The control that you believe you have over your choices and destiny are only a grand dellusion which you have created to give your self the false security of being something more in the universe than you actually are.

  389. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    If devil gives me everything i ask him in life.
    Noe Ricardo

  390. I chigozie agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation… Upon the condition that i get wealth, good health, happiness, love from people mainly from beautiful girls and 80yrs of life on earth and my own little Bael or Azezel or mesphito to do my bidding… And once i get in hell let of be in charge of 20 legion of demons… If you accept my wish then we absolutely have a deal.

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  392. i agree that before my death devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange very much money, fame,ability to attract hot girls, and the ability to defeat enemies.

  393. i agree that devil can take charge over my soul right now in return of much money,fame,ability to attract girls and defeat enemies

  394. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    I feel fine, I’m in a desperate situation and doubt going to heaven anyways so why not!!!

  395. satan will only take my soul , if he followed and gave these condtions:
    1. I will win in lottery at least 70 million pesos ASAP
    2, i will not have any sickness,
    3. i will enjoy the wealth until 85 years of my existence
    4. i will be powerful person and influential

    I AM E.V.E

    1. It’s so clear that you guys are acknowledging the fact. The fact I am talking about is GOD and Evil concepts.
      If than let’s face it, we are all going to be rewarded by GOD for doing what GOD ask as to do on GOD earth. If you are seeking free ride on earth by Evil than that is swapping from who owns to the one who’s being created just like, just powerful Evil (this power is compared to human power only!).
      Now I would like to welcome you to your earth. And let the Angeles welcome to on the life after and ask you your “personal profile”! I hope you do not have Evils foot steps in it. Peace

  396. In exchange for Endless Riches, wealth, prosperity, luck, power, fame. protection and the best keyboard player, drum play, bass guitar player
    I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” Jevoy
    I feel great

  397. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    When I make the above statement, I feel totally liberated. No more guilt, no more morality imposed by others. “Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law.”

    I beseech Satan to reveal to me the forbidden alchemy for the blackening of souls through demonic descent.

  398. i gree to sale my saul to the devil, for fame,wealth and power. and its the best thing that i know will ever happen to me. so,what steps will i have to take to get this??

  399. that’s all really funny. the minute you were born you entered a contract with satan.??? how?? why???
    if satan really existed then why does he not take everybody above on this list into contract??? you are all, already in that contract !!!!
    the joke is on you…
    hell nor heaven give 2 shits about any one!!!
    those with billions of dollars, do you think they have a different contract with satan then you do???
    it’s the same contract !!!
    you are just not collecting on your contract. why not???

  400. I… believe that this is the lamest thing on Earth. If there’s an actual way to sell your soul then provide it or just shut the hell up.

  401. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation
    my name is zoey i want to make a contract becouse i want to forfill my lifes wish i want to do good in school and hve a healthy safe life

  402. “I Joanna agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” in exchange for fame,power,riches and the ability to attract any beutiful female figure. this is not real if it is then satan show yourself to me and give me what i ask in return or i shall torment thee for eternity show up instantly after i publish

  403. “I Joanna agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” in exchange for fame,wealth,riches,power and the ability to attract any beutiful female figure. this is not real if it is then satan show yourself to me and give me what i ask in return or i shall torment thee for eternity show up instantly after i publish

  404. There is only one way to end this.
    I sell my soul to the devil.
    for one request
    I wish, request, I will sigh the paper in my own blood
    to be the devil him self
    (the brother of god or who ever the hell he is).
    I will take on every responsibility the devil has
    and honor every request above, and to come.
    And on the entire face of the earth and beyond the earth..
    So can I be the devil or what, I’m sure the devil is tired
    of being the devil,,, all those years (since the beginning of time)
    As soon as the devil gives me all of his/her/its power
    I will start giving you all your wants/needs/desires
    in exchange for your soul
    and your soul is completely worth it!!!
    what is your soul???
    what ever it is, I’ll take it.
    And you can all have your pleasures on earth!!!

    1. Dear MnMnM,
      Before the almighty and ineffible God, Satan, I curse the false judeo christian god jehova in Satan’s name; I curse his vial and worthless son jesus christ in Satan’s name, and I curse his foul and odious rotten holy spirit in Satan’s name. Lord and Master Satan
      Hear my prayer to you as ruler of this world
      Hear my prayer to you as leader of this world
      Guide me in your ways and teach me the deep things of your Kingdom and dominian.
      Teach me to worship you and honor you for Your Glory and Honor
      I bow my knee to you as Lord and Master– As the mighty one of my life
      I declare you my GOD
      Thankyou Satan,
      False Prophet

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  406. I am ogaga by name live in nigeria (BENIN CITY) 3 things which i want from you, super brain that is superior to that of a computer

  407. I am ogaga by name live in nigeria (BENIN CITY) 3 things which i want from you, super brain that is superior to that of a computer, money and fame. I need sign to known that my request is granted through the means of a tiny ring appear in my left finger
    i agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

  408. I am ogaga by name live in nigeria (BENIN CITY) 3 things which i want from you, super brain that is superior to that of a computer, money and fame. I need sign to known that my request is granted through the means of a tiny ring appear in my left finger let that ring be the source of my brain power.
    i agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

  409. I am ogaga by name live in nigeria (BENIN CITY) 3 things which i want from you, super brain that is superior to that of a computer, money and fame. I need sign to known that my request is granted through the means of a tiny ring appear in my left finger let that ring be the source of my brain power.
    i agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

  410. i am ogaga Aladhe live in nigeria benin city there are 3 things which i want from you
    super brain that is superior to that of a computer, money and fame i need a sign to known if my request is granted. I need the apperance of a tiny ring on my left finger as the source of my brain power. And the transformation to take place now. I agree that upon my soul the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

  411. you all are nuts! Devil is real and fuck him! I curse the peice of crap….oops he is already cursed by God! Youall are idiots to taking this stuff lightly. Science is good but its not the end all be all. There are many other aspects to life…mental, emotional, chemical, physical, spiritual and shit we have not even herad of. Be careful folks. Thanks. Yeah fuck the devil and his demons.

  412. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” my name is Sigifredo and yes I would in fact I am planing to do one in one of the upcoming full moons.The only thing I would ask for in return would be to die already.

  413. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    In return I want Fortune and Fame in my Music Career. Happy Life and Marriage No Diseases or Cancers. I want 2 Die at old age and happy if dat can be possible I Brandon J. Morrison give Satan my soul to take for all eternal damnation.

    1. If Satan is real send me a sign that my wish will b granted let me find a $100 on the ground or in store if it happens then I do beleave and i will worship Satan 4eva

  414. I believe in God and the Devil

    I will not give my soul for money or fame or earthly things as this lasts for +/- 65 years. And in death you will burn forever and ever. Dont think im this mad religious person and too holy to have considered this. I have considered this option on many occasions, but in the end i found that every time i cried to God and thought he abandoned me a miracle happened and everything was ok again.

    I hace fought with God too many times to count. But yet he saved me, when i opened my eyes and realized that his hand is in my life and has always been there i knew i couldnt go for what the Devil has to offer.

    Nothing but pain and damnation. And a soul is the essence of life it is the essence of God’s breath to us to make us who we are.

    Why would you give this up so freely for a insignificant thing like money or an xbox. This isnt a game dont give your essence away for that what breaks and gets outdated. And you are thinking but dam im so tired of struggling and doing this will make it so much easier and better in every way you want it to be for now. Dont be fooled, you not only give away your soul but also your true happiness and lifes lessons not to harm you but make you stronger.

    Just hang on and think before you do this. But if you choose this path anyway, i pray for God’s divine Grace on your soul.


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  416. Thank you for another excellent article. Where else could anyone get that type of information in such a perfect way of writing? I’ve a presentation next week, and I’m on the look for such information.

  417. i’m very much interested in signing a real pact for wealth ,success and perfect health , if there is someone out there who truly master the art of signing a pact , you can get back to me anytime , many thanks.

  418. Heya i am for the primary time here. I found this board and I in finding It truly useful & it helped me out a lot. I am hoping to offer something again and aid others like you aided me.

  419. Kuh innocent
    Kuh innocent
    Kuh innocent

    Is for sell we have something in common he and his whole family eat my MONEY i need to sell him to the devil i him death or go mad advice please thanks .

  420. I, jefry, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” as long as im the solo winner of jackport 6/49 Toto or lottery betting strike 6 lucky number on this wednesday 8/february 2011
    and….upon the condition that I get cash rich in millions of malaysian ringgit, wealth, health and pure happiness here on earth and my own state of johor to do my bidding or no deal!

  421. I Bethaney agree upon my death to sell my soul for riches and family health a guarantee of 70 years life for myself. To the devil for eternal damnation…….. Im tired of strugglin of bein lost in the world and seein my family go without…. If i could sell it i wld… id burn for my family and myself.

  422. The devil has nothing he does not even own himself. John 3:16 and Romans 10:10 is the covenant all should make with Jesus for Christ paid the price once and for all. I did Sept.12,2003..The Blood of Jesus against any relation and backlash against me and all that concerns me .

  423. The devil has nothing he does not even own himself. John 3:16 and Romans 10:10 is the covenant all should make with Jesus Christ . Christ paid the price once and for all. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and I accepted Christ Blood Atonement for my life sept.12.2003 . read above scriptures and you can too.The Blood of Jesus against any relation and backlash against me and all that concerns me .

  424. “I agree that upon my death
    the devil can have my soul for
    eternal damnation”.
    I want to give Him my soul in exchange for wealth,fame and power.i feel like i can trust the devil with my soul in exchange for what i want…i want to be the most successful rapper in South Africa.

  425. “I agree that upon my death
    the devil can have my soul for
    eternal damnation”.
    I want to give Him my soul in exchange for wealth,fame and power.i feel like i can trust the devil with my soul in exchange for what i want…i want to be the most successful rapper in South Africa…

  426. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul….. In exchange for astronomical amount of wealth, fame, power, knowledge, love.. and i’ll also need my own mesphisto to do some biddings for me. I will live until at least 90yrs. If i can get my wishes today, my soul is yours

  427. Je suis d’accord que, lors de ma mort le diable peut avoir mon âme à la damnation éternelle” mais j’aurez la chance de lui parler?
    Je m’appel Mélissa Décoste Bouvier et je suis convaincu de ce que je veux.

  428. “I Jesus agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” In Exchange of Spending The Rest Of My Life With My Love And Of Money & Power,

  429. I, Kian John Dowsett, Age 18 from Uk, England sign a pact with you Satan, and agree for the exchange of fame and lots of money you can have my soul for eternal damnation & also use my body for your tasks on earth, I solomnly swear this for lots of money and fame, starting this year. 666.

  430. I, Kian John Dowsett, Age 18 from Uk, England sign a pact with you Satan, and agree for the exchange of fame and lots of money you can have my soul for eternal damnation & also use my body for your tasks on earth, I solomnly swear this for lots of money and fame, starting this year. ALL HAIL SATAN – 666.

  431. I, Matthew Edward Kilgore, born April 7th, 1985, aged 26 years, residing in Traverse City, MI, with specifics listed so no doubt of my identity can be made, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

    Now that this little ceremony is complete, I need to go smoke a cigarette to speed up the process of my death.

    P.S. Satan, if you could throw in a life time of a relationship and true love with Erin, you’d be pretty sweet.

    P.S.S. I guess an exorbitant amount of money would be kind of cool too. I’ll even donate some to charity.

  432. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. I want to give Him my soul in exchange for wealth,fame and power.i feel like i can trust the devil with my soul in exchange for what i want.

  433. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” in exchange i should get immotality always lucky and power and money always getting money my name vincent romain martin age 25 wwas on the 28/02/1987

  434. i agree that upon death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation only if on agreement he helps me get rid of the people who are stopping me from seeing my children and that he inflict upon them the pain they have afflicked upon me and that he exposes them for the bastards they are …i would sell my soul for my kids x

  435. “I agree that upon death the devil can have my soul for eternal domnation”

    Well, to be honest I actually feel good doing this..I have no regrets at all..

  436. i agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation on the agreement that he gives more more than excess wealth now ! i mean as soon as possible.i don’t know how it will come but i need it very fast even if it needs to apear!

  437. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    on the agreement that he gives more more than excess Money fame wealth immortality always lucky and power knowledge want to stay young, love and health now ! i mean as soon as possible.i don’t know how it will come but i need it very fast even if it needs to apear!

    If Satan is real i will sign that my wish will b granted let me make a richest man on on this planet if it happens then I do beleave and i will worship Satan 4eva

    i am a muslim n i will leave islam frever

    if u really exist
    then show me your self
    or if u cant then fuck ur self in hell

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  439. i agree that upon my death the Lucefer my have my soul if he grants me the power to be a decendent of dakness and kill all that apose him by useing the wind and the shadows to kill thoes that defi him and collect thoes that owe him thair souls. only if i can have this will i give him my soul. sined kevin d

  440. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” I want to have power and money and be famous and marry Andrea fellows and I promise you I will represent you amen

  441. my name is patrick i from ghana africa i whut to sell my soul to the devil and he help me change my life and get money.

  442. i agreee my alha is one and only god in all over this world no one else is god how cum you saying divil have powers to give you such yours wishes … alha is one and no like him plzzz stop doing this you all up there are not in your sens

  443. I harley agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation and im happy with doing it

  444. “I EMMANUEL agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” now give me money

  445. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal demnation, all i want is 50 milion kenya shillings in the next 10 minits

  446. Hail Satan Baphomet, i ask you lots of money 1000 $ and Euros per month. Amazing success with money every second of my life. And amazing worlwide success with my band Law Of Attraction. In exchange a drive people to a rock music site which i ask you to rank very well. Hail satan thank you Satanas excelsis

    1. But God will provide for my needs everything belongs to God instead. http;//www.freetubemusic.com

  447. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    i want to make a boy love only me and i will do anything

  448. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation
    i want this boy to break up with his girlfriend tomorrow and ask me out

  449. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation,and am willing to worship Father Satan till the end of time.i need a better life

  450. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    I want success and love.

  451. I give my soul to Satan for wealth and fortune with money and fame. God hasn’t giving me anything but grief so ill put my faith in Lucifer. Let me awake this week to finacual fortune and in 30 years you may have my soul….

  452. Devil , am so this is sometin for sometin. If u need my soul , u must make me famous , sucessful,powerfull,the world richest and long life. Because it is notin for notin. An if someone come to u for help, u wil tell the person to kil . So u must do the same, or notin goes.

  453. “I agree that upon my death
    the devil can have my soul for
    eternal damnation” bt inreturn i want money,fame,power and i want my life to be long

  454. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” but inreturn i want money,fame and i want long life and i want this to happen within 3 days time

  455. YeaYea I’m thinking about giving my soul to the demon and I know God will be upset but I read something about how to get your soul back from the demon or devil and I’m not so sure I don’t kno if I should or if I shouldn’t someone please help I. Don’t know wat to do I need help -Taylor

  456. hi hope you are good.allow me to introduce my self my is matete kaziya i live in zambia and i stay in mbala am very interested in satan so please help me i would like to sell my soul to the devil please help me and i drink beer and i smoke for more details you can contact me on this email matete_kaziya@yahoo.com or at this number +260973614449 please i will be

  457. The devil may have my soul cause I want to change my life and get a better one for eternity and be whatever he wants me to be a vampire or werewolf or maybe even both a hybrid and be cursed to live forever you have my permission to have my soul for eternity take it lucifer whenever you want it.

  458. and “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” curse me lucifer you have my permission to take my soul.i need cash please the master of the universe

    1. I need urgent wealth and fame,i will do whatever the devil ask me to do,i will serve him forever.

  459. “I agree that upon my death
    the devil can have my soul for
    eternal damnation”

    I want fire power,money and fame .

    1. and “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” curse me lucifer you have my permission to take my soul.i need cash an wealth please the master of the universe

  460. and “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” curse me lucifer you have my permission to take my soul.i need cash and wealth please the master of the universe

  461. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” False Prophet
    Now that I’ve done it, I feel a great release in my spirit. If we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins. It is impossible for those who have received the heavenly gift (salvation); having been partakers of the holy spirit; having tasted the good word of god and the powers of the world to come; if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance.

  462. “I Bridget Louise Smith=Russell agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” in return I want the life I am dreaming about. Give me a beauitful body, money and fame. Also make my husband leave forever, and mt father.

  463. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    I have so much pain from believing in God,practiced buddhism so many years of bs faith and evictions, loss of jobs, women leaving me. I have been the good guy believing in bullsh*t. I have repeatedly asked the devil to come into my life and that has yet to happen. I don’t know why I or who created us humans. I am suffering in this life so fuck*ng bad. I want power, millions of dollars and women. I want it now. If the devil will help me then fk it. If he is not real then yeah my life as an atheist will began forever.

  464. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” and I would give up my soul to become an immortal vampire/werewolf hybrid.

  465. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”. for all I care you can keep and have my soul forever Lucifer after everything bad I did I deserve to be cursed forever and all eternity you have my permission to curse me for all eternity it’ll be my punishment I’m sure it’s what I deserve after all the people I’ve hurt and almost killed in my life. a cursed eternal life will be my punishment “do it take my soul and keep it forever” you have my permission to do it now.

  466. I am in Africa. I want the devil to make me wealth,fame,supernatural power,partner of my choice with children. I agree upon my death the devil will have my soul eternal damnation

  467. I waited but I did not feel, see or got anything. I believe in God before but he let me down now I made pact with the devil he wants to let me down. Pls don’t do this because I desperately need this thing. This week if not am going to take that u are fake

    1. Adama, did anything happen did it work? as I am in the same boat and want to do what you have done.

  468. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. I will give my soul for financial security.

  469. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation by allowing me to have fame and fortune for 70 years while being alive on this earth and life time as the worlds best pharmaceutical doctor/researcher. I shall worship him and address him as Father Enki/Lucifer as I live those 70 years with fame and fortune. I sign my name in blood oath and pack with the Father to rule a contract that allows me to have fame and fortune in this lifetime and in return I shall do his work of evil for ever and have my soul to keep.”






  471. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” curse me lucifer you have my permission to take my soul.

  472. I agree that upon my death that the devil shall have my soul for enternal damnation only if he will give me MONEY,GOOD HEALTH & MAKE ME A FAMOUS POLITICIAN IN MY COUNTRY.i wil died at the age of 90

  473. i agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for enternal damnation only if he kills my dad and i look stoned everyday and to be the most loved kid and anyone will do anything for me.

  474. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”in exchange for lots of weatlh ,millions plus and fame power and respect and love and good heatlh, and eternal life. and great talents and skills of all kinds in the music business.and anything i want to do in this life time,

    Kenneth A

  475. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”in exchange for lots of weatlh ,millions plus and fame power and respect and love and good heatlh, and eternal life. and great talents and skills of all kinds in the music business.and anything i want to do in this life time, and none of my family and friends will be a blood sacrifice.

    Kenneth A

  476. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”in exchange for lots of weatlh ,millions plus and fame power and respect and love and good heatlh, and eternal life. and great talents and skills of all kinds in the music business.and anything i want to do in this life time,

    also my family and freinds will not be a sacrifice, anything else but that.

    Kenneth A.

    1. i agreet that upon my death the devil can have my soul for enernal damnation for everyday cash and booze

  477. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation
    I want MONEY and FAME!! And win the lottery mini mega, I want cheryl melissa frank forever and I want to be smart and inteligent
    gilbert webb

  478. I agree that upon my death the devil can
    have my soul for eternal damnation. I want the devil to give me infinite money and 350 year age,


  480. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange for si vreau sa ma iubeasca fetele,sa am o iubita, sa am 10 miliarde de euro,vreau sa am multi bani,numai ai mei,o vreau pe alina petrila,si o vreau si pe laura bursuc,vreau sa fiu bionic,vreau sa am and-ul activat,vreau sa radiez iubire,vreau sa fac ritualuri de toate felurile,vreau inelul evolutiei mele,vreau un inel,un medallion sau o bratara dintr-o comoara antica,vreau un inel egiptean,dintr-o piramida,vreau sa moara familia mea,sa moara maica-mea si cu taica-meo,vreau putere,vreau sa fiu toate personajele din desene animate si filme,vreau sa nu visez deloc,sa nu visez deloc si sa vina sfarsitul lumi pe 21.12.2012,vreau ca fetele sa saliveze dupa mine,i want money,fame and power,vreau sa fiu cel mai puternic om din lume,sa fiu spider-man universal,ma simt foarte bine,sunt fericit ca sa fac asta ,abia asteaptam . . .

  481. This has evolved from an atheists post of sheer mockery of an idea of any heaven or hell into a full blown soul trading board. money and fame is defiantly what people want the most. I only ask that my talents and skill get me what I deserve and that the idea of even invoking power and words beyond our comprehension is absurd. I give my soul to the powers of good since “whats it profit a man if he gains the world and looses his soul” I dont know for certain without a doubt that faith is more than a hunch but being raised in a religious I am hesitant to mess with even the idea of satan as an occult or even mystical being none the less a demon who dwells in hell along the river stix tormenting souls for all eternity. although this is a good trick to convince people to give away something they don’t even know they have. If satan exists 😉

    1. my great grand father was poor, my grand father was poor, my father is poor and i am also poor, i am a young man who grew up in the slams of Africa but i see myself being so reach enough that the devil should sell himself unto me for slavery rather than me giving him my soul for eternal bcoz he is as filthy low as a worm

  482. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation i would sell my soul or whatever he wants in exchange of immortality

  483. I steven m. agree to sign a pack with the devil, in return, i can control fire,water, earth,i can fly,and read minds, After I post this you shall come and if you don’t you can never have my soul, You have to come immediatally after this…

  484. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    But Only for me to beable to become a were wolf an able to control it transformation aneverything

  485. actually all of you, that you are interesting to sell your soul to the Devil…. it’s a little more complicated than that to do it. Also you can get a deal with an infernal spirit without selling your soul.

  486. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”in exchang for money much money..my name is koda desautel

  487. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” and I would give up my soul for a magical wishing rock with unlimited wishes that will grant any wishes instantly.

  488. I agree upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. In exchange I Shall be a Billionaire and anything I want and wish for in this life.

  489. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” my name is jukkajohannestaivalkoski and i want to have 100-400 miljon euros and i would like to live 300 years and look as same as i look now!

  490. benjamin Patrick
    “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    In exchange of my soul want be rich and intelligent and live up to age of 150 year old.

  491. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation – Madoda

    I feel good

    I do not have a reason of not making a pact with the devil

  492. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    I im confident in doing so I have though long and hard. Im very aware of my consequences, my life has been hell and I’m ready to start over with a second chance. Will not only sell my soul, I would do anything he request, I would work for him

    Alternatively what holds me back is calculating money times years I would be living. So I don’t miss calculating and cheating self

  493. “I vicente agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” for the power that is equal to a god.

  494. to see and to receive is to believe…In order for me to believe Satan can give our desires, Satan must prove itto me first. My request are simple Lots of Money and Luxurious life .

  495. i alphonsus agree that upon my death the devil can my soul for eternail damnation, for money and power now that i need.

  496. John: ” Yep no problem – I always knew that I would never go to heaven cause I ain’t been nice to people so I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

  497. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation, given that this will make me immortal, and no disease, accident, man-made object or event will harm me.

  498. I want 2 sell my soul if the price is right coy i need money and im a rapper so i want fame my number 0785491995

  499. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” I ask for Lucifer almost everynight and he has. Not come to my callings… I want to have the body I want and money and I’m willing to do his bidding .. I shall wait more but it gets to tiring … I want to make a deal.. but my deal in my own words. I know what is to come.. I’m ready

  500. “I derrick carson agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    in exchange for every super hero/ villeins powers at my control anlive for an eternity and at my death I wish to fight at the right hand side of the devil in the wars of hevan and hell.

  501. “I Derrick carson agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” but only if in return he gives me the powers of every super hero and villin ever thought of weather it be comic book or TVs shows and movies along with the ability to live for a century and never age and after that to sit at his right hand side in the war of hevan and hell and fight along his side

  502. “I agree that upon my cat’s death the devil can have my cat’s soul for eternal damnation in exchange for infinite wealth and to be the first vampire with such abilities as those in tv show The Vampire Diaries. Cheers mate.

    1. Yeah,always wish to sell my soul to the devil so that can be rich and famous,but never meet someone who can introduce me.

  503. “I agree that upon my cat’s death the devil can have my cat’s soul for eternal damnation in exchange for myself to have infinite wealth and to be the first vampire with such abilities as those in tv show The Vampire Diaries. Cheers mate.

  504. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have
    my soul for eternal damnation” I feel so happy doing it…my name is moses ejike edeh

  505. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” jerome i fell kinda excited u have permision to take my soul satan i want to be a werewolf so bad and i want knoldage to to performes betta in life.

  506. “I Peter agree that upon my death the
    devil can have my soul for
    eternal damnation” In excheng of fame and Money

  507. i antonio agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation because i am sick and tired of this world pulling every one apart and i also believe that if their is any one greater the “god” than i should go with him

  508. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”if u give my desires i will definetly devote my life to you

  509. “I kenji ishihara agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation, power,perfect life while living and luxury”

    Living a life like this is already a hell!!

  510. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”. My desire is to have unlimited source of money

  511. I would sell my soul to the devil for fortune or wealth mainly becoz I always pray to jesus for a better life and he doesn’t answer. So I take it as he doesn’t hear my prayers or he just ignores it and I believe that the devil won’t let me down as he does give fortune to other. So as long as he makes me wealthy I would give my soul to him, just as long as I don’t have to sacrifice my family or loved ones

    1. What can i do?always thinking selling my soul to rich and help poor people.contact me please or give me direction

  512. this is fake the last time i gave u a time that i wanted to be wealthy, famous and have supernatural power to be amonge those u rules the world and the the devil can have my soul at the ageof 120years but it did not happen so i dont beleive in devil because i love the devil worship him but he fail me

  513. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”for much money and fame.my full names are Haabo Jean-luc

  514. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation Madoda Khaba

    I am anxioius, hoping for this to come through so that I can have money, fame, power, succesful business and love.

  515. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation only & only if in return for the following ;
    1)Fame, for being a successful musician, writer, actor, performer,dj, stunt double, sports champion in football or basketball, games developer, editor, director, prooducer etc.
    2)Substantial amounts of money which will continue to come to me up until the day i die,
    3)Any amount of women i desire no matter what their current situation is & or if they are already married or celebrities.
    4)Infinite number of kids with whichever women i want whenever i want up until the day i die
    5)For all my current wounds to be healed, illnesses, muscle pains,internal organs damage like lungs, heart &brain, skin damage & tissue damage,& sexual transmitted diseases that i may have, or if i don’t know about any other damage to my body, heal that too ”
    6) Infinite increase of strength & speed so i can fight my enemies and so that i will defeat them every time.
    7) Confidence & courage to do everything with out fear of anyone or anything
    8)Infinite supply of drugs like cannabis, cocaine, speed so that i can supply others and myself up until the day i die
    9)To never be arrested, sent to prison and or summoned in any court of law unless i of course am pressing the charges in which case i win every time
    10) My ex back
    11)Power over all weaponary and the ability to use all weaponary
    12)Win with national lottery tickets every time i buy a ticket up until the day die.
    13)300 years to live
    14)Give me a massive cock
    15)Infinite increase of knowledge up until the day i die
    16) Pass my driving this year (2013), get a car & be able to drive like a experienced car thief
    17)For people to be able to believe me when i lie
    18)For me to lead an army of people who will obey my every command and be forever loyal to me
    19)To become in control of the media
    20)To be in good health until i die
    21)To be able to create any image, video, music, film or tv progamme whenever i desire
    22)To have infinite money in all currencies
    23)To have my life extended for 2 years & 1 day for every person i lead towards the path to hell
    24)To be able to travel around anywhere as i please without any given problems
    25)To get revenge on those who have pissed me off

    If i receive all of this in return for my soul. I will gladly become an evil person whom loves to spread evil around and convince people to join throughout my work.

    I will gladly lie, cheat, steal, kill, gamble, play mind games on people, sell drugs, join a gang & pimp out women but only if my desires are met.
    If not why should i?
    How many other Asian kids who was born a Muslim and hates his own kind will you find with a heart blacker than mine?

    Accept these terms and grant me my 25 wishes so i can become the most hated of my people, & so that i can over come them with your help & be able to help you gain more fuel for the hellfire.

    1. dont believe them they are lying even if u make apart with what ever notthing will happen few month ago i made pact with the devil that i will sell my soul to the devil in exchange of wealth, fame and power and when am 100yrs that he will talk my body and soul but i did not see anything……fake……


  516. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” Gustavo im tired of suffering in this world give me what i want and i will give you what you want.

  517. I don’t know if this will work. I hate my boss hopes his business is destroyed I hate my ex who is trying to destroy me in court a satanic death curse to that bitch and anyone around her. I want millions of dollars power right now. I give my life to satan. Fk being good anymore. I am tired. James you are the reason I suffer right now I hope your wife leaves you you and your business ends in a fire you fking asshole fk you! Satan give me money beyond money hundreds of millions. I want women to worship me. I want people to fear me. I want respect.

  518. Satan I publicly accept you in my life. Destroy all that oppose me! Give me a sign today that this pact is accepted. Protect my friends and family also. I will spread your unholy word.

    1. after agreeing this,what happens?; because i have been waiting for a reply for a longtime now but to no avail.I want to be instantly a reach man in terms of money(physical cashi mean)

  519. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”i fill okay with it but plz let me be famous and rich i want to be the best producer in my country i want all girls of the world to love me thx

  520. Are you tired of been poor or are you in the music industry or you want to be famous in life? you don have to waste any of you time, you do have to watch people enjoying why you are suffering, have that mind and come to and join the Illuminati for riches, power, fame and lot more, if you are in the music industry and you become the Illuminati member you will be like jay z, Lil Wayne, snoop dog, bird man, pididy, and many other musicals in the top of the world, and if you are looking for riches you will be like Barack Obama, tony Montana, Morison, and lot more other people in the top of the world, we the Illuminati member has given you the chance to choose for yourself is either you get rich or die trying in life, you are not to be poor in life quickly email us now for further information on how you will become a member of the Illuminati kingdom and get what you seek in life, here is our mail for you to email us now: illiumintti@gmail.com or call us on:+2348153746525

  521. if any one knows of any contracts to sell ur soul to the devil let me know an i am 18 w f so plz

    1. i agreed and why is  nothing happening to my life?i need money in exchange for my soul

  522. hey if u want to become and make a thing with the devil i got a contract for people to sign

  523. rewrite preay say it in the dark with a red or blake candel .here is the prayer,befor the almighty and innefable god satan and in the presence of all demons of hell who are the true and original gods,i[your full name]renounce any and all past allegiances i renounce the false judeo\christion god jehova,i renounce his vile and worthless son rotten holy spirit.i proclaim satan as my one and only god,i promis to reconize and honor him in all things,without reservation,desiring in returne,his manifold assisstance in the successful completion of my endeavors.so mot it be.HAILL SATAN.then burn the paper on the candel and say again HAIL SATAN and let the ashes blow in the wind

  524. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    My name is Martlee Tumaob Condeneuvo 21 years old living here in the philippines and im sick and tired of my life i want to taste and feel earthly pleasure and im willing to serve lord satan i wish i can have 500 million pesos at this moment right now im desperately need money. I feel fine and greatly and im prepared for this pact

    1. angelic van der merver i am in central africa and wish to ask if the process you explained above can also hold and i have my desires in the end and if yes,for how long can this last before it can happen and if no what can i do to archive my desires in exchange for my soul?

  525. dear leonard well yes it can concidering it worked for me i am a complete satanist i have actul powers that works where exactly in central africa do you stay and if you want to or ned help with your satanic journy i will be happy to help you my freind

    1. thanks for that reply angelic van der merver;i am in cameroonin yaounde in the central region

    1. leonard it must be in a dark room without noise with red candels in a shape of a pentagrame any more information you seek just ask i will follow you on your path my freind

  526. madoda where i wrote full name thats where you cut your left index finger and sign your name on the paper with a dried out pen .

  527. Hello every one i want to share my testimony on how i belong to illuminati member, a friend of mine that always give me money…cos he was very rich, one day he said he is not going to give me fish that he is going to teach me how to fish, so i was very happy, i never new he was a member of illuminati all my life will spend together! so i was initiated to the illuminati world and few days i was aworded a contract worth of millions of Dollars, in my business i am doing very well right now,i am now the one that give money out before it was heard, if you want to belong to us email: illuminatiwealth@gmail.com

  528. I want Eric Anthony Guzman to come back to me be crazy in love with me ready to settle down and start a family with me

  529. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    Please I’m need help I’m so broke I hate my
    Job.i want to live great with a great life I hate
    Seeing my family suffer and I want to live at least 90 years old please help

  530. hi angelic van der merver i will like to do ritual tonight so please guide me with some final words n if possible be with me @ midnight


  532. i want to share a testimony of how i became very rich and famous, sometimes ago i met this rich man his is Mr Carlos and i begged him for some and he told me that he does not give people bread that he teaches them how to bake bread i asked what that means he told me that he will show my the root of money and he introduced me to the most famous occult known as Baphomet secret cult (illuminate) and i was initiated. Few weeks later i got a building contract of about 200million dollar. And today i am one of the famous builder in African for your own interest of becoming a member i want you to contact him today with his email address: illuminatiwealthhouse@gmail.com

  533. hi angelic van der merver i was to do it in my room but i got a visitor so i shifted the process to tomorrow nyte so pleese i am so so so sorry for the disturbance.but i still wish to ask if there is a way to hesten the process cos i’m so broke n in need for an urgent reaction if you can intervain on my behalf.please i . serious about doing this any words of encouregment b 4 i get into the adventure?

  534. okay leonard i will see what i can do for you where do you stay exactly mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    1. I men it depends what the contracted is looking like I’m tried of seeing my family struggle I wod help them out a lot I would if it would get me money and live well.

  535. hello angelic van der merver good day?i am in cameroon,central region,yaounde in the biyam ass neighbourhoodi

    1. hi angelic van der merver i m 32yrs old and i do not understand because i thought that when i sign my soul out that is when i become one

  536. well leonard there is way more then that to become one i will let you know what all those steps are tomorrow okay nw i am really not racist but r you white black or ….. and here is a very important question are you in a relationship mwa and you can call me dark angle thats my satanic name that people call me mwa

    1. hi dark angel i’m a black,newly marry with one child but they r not arround at the moment because i am not financially up 4 their needs so that’s y iwant to do this for them.please consider them when helping.but no matter what my mind is made up to become extremely rich.

  537. leonard i will do so and congrads um….. what ritual do you want done and if you whant i can give you a nike name to a satanic one

    1. hi dark angel selling my soul for money,women,success,fame,good health comes first and becoming a satanist follows.please need your help seriously as soon as you may do it for me.thanks

    1. hi dark angel,wish to be finally clear about doing the ritual,should i sit inside the pentagram?,apart from red and black can i use any other colour of candle(say pink)?,and the meditation must it be for 3hours?,and i also wish to know the step that follows the ritual of selling my soul

  538. My name is michael . i live in Chicago i am happily married with two kids and a lovely wife and something terrible happen to my family along the line, I lost my job and my wife packed out of my house because i was unable to take care of her and my kids at that particular time. I manage all through five years, no wife to support me to take care of the children and there come a faithful day that i will never forget in my life, i met an old friend who i explain all my difficulties to, and he took me to a spell caster and the name of temple is called (okutamenvascospell) i was assure that everything will be fine and my wife will come back to me and after the wonderful work of okutamenvascospell my wife came back to me and today i am one of the richest man in my country. i advice you if you have any problem email him with this E-mail; okutamenvascospell@gmail.com and you will have the best result. take things for granted and it will be taking from you.I wish you all the best.

  539. i really want o sell my soul. after what i had been going through its just fair that i get a bit of fame and power back into my life. please just see to it that it works.

    1. hi dark angel, although with so much stress at the moment i am glad i can now do it but b4 that i will let you know so that you will be with me in spirit.left is just to get the coloured candles.

  540. hi dark angel, although with so much stress at the moment i am glad i can now do it but b4 that i will let you know so that you will be with me in spirit.left is just to get the coloured candles.

    1. Hi dark angel,i have been ill ll this while so whatz up over there in the south,i am now better and sound although not yet gone through the proccess.But i have to,i must get all the plesures from the devil

  541. dear donnie and erick how r us wat is your age race my name is angelic i am 18 white

  542. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”why so i can live a fruitful life with peace & great health & friend & family & love one in my life with 5 million unmarked bills that no one can take from me at all that only i can spend on what ever i want & to live intel im 85 years of age right now im 28 years old & im go to church work real hard but i dnt get no were in life & the government is just sucking everthing from me i hate it u do good but get no were & ill pay out of my 5 million i get 1 million to the person that can help me get this done… why not if i dnt get what i ask for cuz its my soul & i think that what its worth to me i just want to live my name is hector… so that why & why not so who can help me out cuz i dnt know how to do it or go about it i just want to do it so i can live & have fun while i can b4 i go to hell if i get it done if not then live life like im doing now day by day at the bottom & the government takeing everthing

  543. I Want to make a pact with the devil for spiritual power, wealth, and fame. i promise to spend eternity with devil.

  544. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” Mark

  545. Plz i need sombody to link me up i really like to be a member. And i also i agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal dammnation, i really feel so nice to have pact with the devil plz i will be happy if i can hear from any one. my email address chibuezeudeji@yahoo.com

  546. Don’ listen to anybody that tells you that you can’t sell your soul or don’t sell your soul; just sell your soul to the devil immediately.

  547. dear chibueze if you whant i can help you with what ever you whant i am a satanist myself so plz do tell sell your soul

  548. who ever is reading this testimony today should please celebrate with me and my family because it all started like a joke to some people and others said it was impossible. my name is michael i live in chicago i am happily married with two kids and a lovely wife something terrible happen to my family along the line, i lost my job and my wife packed out of my house because i was unable to take care of her and my kids at that particular time. i manage all through five years, no wife to support me to take care of the children and there come a faithful day that i will never forget in my life i met an old friend who i explain all my difficulties to, and he took me to a spell caster and and the name of the temple is called, okundonorgreatspell, i was assure that everything will be fine and my wife will come back to me after the wonderful work of okundonorgreatspell, my wife came back to me and today i am one of the richest man in my country. i advice you if you have any problem email him with this email: okundonorgreatspell@gmail.com and you will have the best result. take things for granted and it will be take from you. i wish you all the best.

    1. hi dark angel i will sign the pact this night at about 00:00 oclock and still as i said b4 i need your help then

  549. You fools! You are all going to hell that wrote your names up there! Satan is happy that you guys are going to join him in the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

  550. dear leonard i have hellped you for i was with u in spirit and wat ever u need i will help

    1. hi dark angel thanks alot and i m grateful.here is my phone number +23779420669 maybe we can talk some private issues over

  551. yes we can leonard and if anyone would like a wish spell and it works i did it now i am back with my ex then just ask and i hope you guys will be happy for i have brought a child into this world so just leave a message about the wish spell and i will get back to you kul

    1. hi dark angel good day.please i need a huge some of money so as to fulfil my dreams at this hard moment.Please need your help there

  552. Join the Illuminati order online today, to meet your demand and acquire wealth, power,
    protection and security etc. Also get instant sum of 1 million dollars with a free home
    anywhere you choose to live in the world, 2500 dollars monthly as a salary,
    if you are interested contact us now via email: illuminatiorder.co@gmail.com


  553. “I agree that upon my death the
    devil can have my soul for eternal
    damnation”. I want satan to grant me as a romantic and passionate attractive werewolf or vampire for my soul. My life sucks and it is boring and I want my life to be awesome, full of fun and love and pleasure. IN SATANS NAME AND BLOOD I’M BEG AND PRAY AMEN IN NOMINE DEI NOSTRI SATANAS LUCIFERI AVE VOLUPTATIS CARNIS.

  554. “I agree that upon my death the
    devil can have my soul for eternal
    damnation”. I want satan to grant me as a romantic and passionate attractive werewolf or vampire for my soul. My life sucks and it is boring and I want my life to be awesome, full of fun and love and pleasure. IN SATANS NAME AND BLOOD I’M BEGGING AND PRAYING, AMEN. IN NOMINE DEI NOSTRI SATANAS LUCIFERI AVE VOLUPTATIS CARNIS.

  555. “I agree that upon my death the
    devil can have my soul for eternal
    damnation”. I want satan to grant me as a romantic and passionate attractive werewolf or vampire for my soul. My life sucks and it is boring and I want my life to be awesome, full of fun and love and pleasure. IN SATANS NAME AND BLOOD I’M BEGGING AND PRAYING, AMEN.

  556. thank you leonard i will help you where i can so dont stress i am ur freind and to all the new people i am dark angel and can help u with spells

  557. hi every body just to let you know i will be changeing my name tomorrow at/maby 3;00 my name will then be dark angel

    1. hi good day dark ange ljust to know how u are fairing.i am fine although still waitting for your favourable responds as of the favour i asked.

  558. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for etenal damnation i realy want power, wealth, and fame…

  559. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” in return of Wealth and success of my Business.

  560. I would certainly be willing to do so, but won’t in this case because I’m unclear on what I’m getting in exchange. I believe it’s customary to offer something…?

  561. I want to sing a pact with devil plz have my soul and give wat i want I agree that upon my death devil can have my soul?

  562. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for the eternal damnnation i desire sex lust ,power,n to fuck big botty women in any fuck any women/girl

    1. Time is a concern. How many years or months or even days do you think you can have for fun? Get a deal for longevity, and without money we are nothing. Get a package for money, and millions of that. Remember we are sacrificing for eternity.

  563. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    for money and wealth

  564. How can i do this ritual??? Because i’ve been diying 2 do it and i dont know how i should do it,anyone can tell me how can i do it plz???

  565. I believe that upon my death Satan can have my soul for eternal damnation and my filling is that i will worship the devil forever in my life thanks dear devil

  566. Hello homeofsolveingproblems I recieved an order from you a couple of months ago. I would just like to thank you very much as both talismans have really helped me. I had ordered the Mystique Talisman and the Spirit Calling Talisman which have both been very effective. I will be in touch within the next few weeks to order some more items from you. Meantime once gain many thanks to you and your special powers.his email address is homeofsolveingproblems@gmail.com

  567. my fiance has propose to marry me

    February 10 is the day to always remember because i cant forget, that day was the day my fiance propose to Marry me, he has been making promises to marry me,but he fulfill his promise as he said, i have no chance than to look for a good spell caster to cast a spell on him so he can marry me, then l ment a great atitiokotemple asked me to fast for a week, i carried out his in instruction as he told me, the next week, my fiance came to me, knelt down on his knees , putting a ring on my finger, telling me he must marry me and no one can stop him, his action became crazy to me. i wonder what my marriage would have been without this address, dr.atitiokotemple@gmail.com.
    Posted by cynthia

  568. “Immediately after dr.ehizojlespiritual cast my spell, I felt enveloped by the power of the ritual. This spell is changing my life. I am now out of debts and experiencing the most amazing good fortune with lottery. I have more luck now than I ever had in my life. Your spell made wonders, I cant believe it. Thank you so much.”his email address dr.ehizojlespiritualhome@gmail.com
    posted by
    Maria Albert

  569. I used to think magick was bogus but after williams left me I felt open-minded to try it. Maybe I was desperate too. But this is real! You restored the love we had for each other. And now he proposed as you promised he would! I am your friend forever and very grateful for the help. I will come back again, to thank you for your spell works.vist him now at homeofhelpingsolution@yahoo.com

  570. sarah
    My name is sarah and my ex-boyfriend dumped me 8 months ago after I caught him of having an affair with someone else and insulting him. I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me. I was so confuse and don’t know what to do, so I visited the INTERNET for help and I saw a testimony on how a spell caster help them to get their ex back so I contact the spell caster and explain my problems to him….. he cast a spell for me and assure me of 3 days that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my peter came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to get married. Once again thank you Moko spell caster, you are truly talented and gifted contact his email:dr.kokotemple@gmail.com

  571. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” any ideas on how t sign the pact asap pliz email me on cyndikosy@gmail. i want to do it to night

  572. Help me to make a defference in my countinent and i will do all the assagnments. Make me a big true politician and never lose in my life…….more things i will ask when together…

  573. I agree to sell my soul forever and when dead will be yours if you give me 10billion and mary the most popular woman in america and leave 200 years

  574. Im ready to sell my soul to lucifer forever even dead on 1 condition l want to be 10billion rich date top chicks and leave 200years in earth after that you talk what you own

  575. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    For wealth, fame, power, health,

  576. Are you an Intern, Scholar, Leader, or Person with notable/celebrated Talent or Resources?
    Join the Illuminati cult online today and get instant sum of 1 million
    dollars with a free home anywhere you choose to live in the world and also
    get 250.000 dollars monthly as a salary…

    If you are interested please kindly Contact the following Mobile Number below for more information +2348161779668 or via -email brotherhoodsilluminati@gmail.com

  577. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    i do like part with devil, give me the power and devil girlfriend, i had so much faith in devil spirit in where i always grow up, am from england, please email me Iburley@btinternet.com

  578. i james mcenroe and in my full will and understanding sell my soul to father satan in exchange for making me a great and history creating grammy award winner under heavymetal music genre artist and no one could hit me in my musical career with an everlasting fame and tremendious success and i have all that i wish for no matter whatever it is with existence to materialistic and worldly pleasures and comforts until i grow till the age of 80 years …and after i complete my 80 years age of span ,father satan with full authority and pride can take away my soul for eternal damnation and use my soul the way he wishes without any obstruction and disobeidience from my part but only if all that i have asked for in existence and in fact in the real world as soon as possible takes place from today dated 6th august 2013 onwards till the time i have grown and lived depicting my age to be 80 years officially and legally……..

  579. Be a member of Illuminati today and become rich and famous, this is just brief summary to apply now and join thousands of satisfied citizens and ean 500.000.00 USD and a house in any part of the world contact us at illuminatibrothershood@outlook .com or call +2348161850195.


      RA RA RA .

  581. I Joseph Douglas agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange for super-natural powers to get or have everything that I desire in this life

  582. “I Donald Douglas agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange for Extra ordinary powers to get everything that I desire in this life ”

  583. Okay, so I did this on July 14th and so far there don’t seem to be any hellhounds in pursuit. When I did it, I felt a twinge of anxiety followed by a sense of overwhelming relief like I was casting off the chains of superstition. Let me say it again: “I, Jeff, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. Bwahaha!” Oh, and I also said Candyman five times in the mirror. Nothing happened. Surprise, surprise!:-) The only gods, devils, and monsters are those in the human mind.

  584. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I wish to win the next Lottery (millions of dollers) and become famous.

  585. “I james mcenroe agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” i have tried a lot of times to sell my soul for my wish to come true but never ever anything happened no matter how i did it ritually or spiritually but no use and yes this is my last attempt let’s see what’s moe left tro make a difference….ny wish is to win the gramaphone awards and become the worldwide and most famous artist under heavymetal core genre vocalist male singer with most critical acclaim and fame which none of any human has ever achieved till date….looking ahead waiting for rapid renewal of my fucked up life!

  586. i agree upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation so that i get rich urgently

  587. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    I do believe that you, My Lord, are very real. But I want to be assured about this I want to know and feel your presence in me every step of the way in my life, I want to be fearless and happy, and can overcome anything that will stop me from what I want to do with my life, I want money, I want fame, I want any sexual desire from and woman/and man that I wish, I want the girl of my dreams Brittney Lozano who I have been graciously met with the girl who I’ve been talking to for a few months (brittney Lozano), I want my drawing talent to accede, I want to be a great culinary artist and game designer. And in return I consent to parting with my soul and granting it upon you, and when I die of old age and have lived a great life, I will be your servant in hell, I will do almost any deed that you ask me of. I will advertise your love for your children of hell. I will be your messenger, I will show people what power you are made of, and if anyone stands in my path I will destroy them. I am excepting you in my heart and asking of many things, but in return I will be yours in hell, and my soul will be departed for all the things I wished for. Nema

  588. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” in exchange of money, fame, and youthness

    1. i agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange of money,fame and youthness


    Easy way to join the Illuminati brotherhood in the world.
    Are you a business man or an artist,Politicians and you want to become big, Powerful and famous in the world, join us to become one of our official member today.you shall be given an ideal chance to visit the illuminati and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice or human life needed, Illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from your life now. it only a member who is been initiated into the church of illuminati have the authority to bring any member to the church, so before you contact any body you must be link by who is already a member, Join us today and realize your dreams. we also help out our member in protection of drugs pushing,
    once you become a member you will be rich and famous for the rest of your life, illuminati make there member happy so i will want you all to also be a member of the illuminati
    Thanks contact email on illuminatiinitiation666@gmail.com or call+2348137828640

  590. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternally damnation in exchange for wealth immediately good health and strength lust over wemon and 300 years of youth.

    Now that my cup overrunneth with hunnids I feel greate young wealthie attractive and I’m getting stronger k my haters watch me . Fucfuck all these bitches by friends cars.

  591. shikha yadav “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    1. Lucifer, you are bound to deliver to me immediately 100,000 pounds of money in gold!

    2. You will deliver me the first Tuesday of every month 1,000 pounds.

    3. You will bring me this gold in current money, of such kind that no only I, but also all those to whom I may wish to give some, may use it.

    4. The foresaid gold must be not false, must not disappear in one´s hand, or turn to stone or coals. It should be metal stamped by the hands of men, legal and valid in all lands.

    5. If I need a considerable sum of money, no matter when or for what purpose, you are duty bound to deliver to me secret or buried treasure. Nor need I fetch it myself from wherever it may be hidden or burried, but you must deliver it into my hands, without any trouble to me, to wherever I happen to be at one time, to dispose of according to my own wishes and pleasure.

    6. You are bound to cause no injury to my body and limbs, and do nothing to weaken my health, but preseve me from human illnesses and injury for 50 years.

    7. If, contrary to our expectations, I should happen to become ill, you are bound to procure for me profed remedies to help me regain my previous good health as soon as possible.

    8. Our agreement is to begin on this date.. in the year 1676, and to end on the same day in 1727. You are not to tamper with this period or encroach on my rights, or make a false reckoning (as you have often formerly accustomed to do).

    9. When my time has finally run out, you are to let me die like all other men, without any shame or disgrace, and be honorably buried.

    10. You are bound to make me loves and accepted by the King and all the aristocrats, by high and low, men and women, so that I may always be assured of good will and affection, and that everybody will grant without question what I may desire of them.

    11. You are bound to transport me (and any other) without injury to the ends of the world, wherever I desire, no matter how far distant. You are to make me immediately so expert in the language of that place that I shall be able to speak it fluently. When I have satisfied my curiosity sufficiently, you will bring me back again, uninjured, to my home.

    12. You are bound to protect me from all harm from bombs, firearms, and other weapons, so that nothing may strike me and injure my body or limbs.

    13. Your are bound to assist me in my dealings with the King and help me prevail over my special enemies.

    14. You are bound to provide me with a magic ring so that whenever I put it on my finger I shall become invisible and invulnerable.

    15. You are bound to give me true and thorough information, without distortion or ambiguity, about any question I ask of you.

    16. You are bound to give me advance warning of any secret plot against me, and to give me ways and means to thwart those plots and to bring them to naught.

    17. You are bound to teach me whatever languages I may desire to learn so that I can read, converse, and express opinions as perfectly as if I had known them thoroughly from childhood.

    18. You are bound to endow me with good sense, understanding, and intelligence, so that I can discuss all problems logically and can give an informed opinion about them.

    19. You are bound to protect and look after me in all courts of justice and council chambers of King, Bishop or Pope, before whom I might be summoned.

    20. You are bound to protect me and my household from injury, whether domestic or foreign, from theft, and from harm.

    21. I am to be permitted to lead my life in outward appearance like a good Christian, and to attend divine service without your interfering.

    22. You are bound to teach me how to prepare medical prescriptions and the correct use and administering of them in dosage and weight.

    23. If one any occasion, skirmish or fight, I should be attacked or set upon, you are to take up the challenge for me and produce help and assistance against all enemies.

    24. You are bound to prevent anyone, no matter whom, for konwing about your accord and compact.

    25. As often as I desire your presence, you are to appear to me in a loving and ageeable form, never in a frightening or horrible shape.

    26. You are to see that each and every person shall do my bidding.

    27. You are to promise me and bind yourself to kepp unbroken these clauses, individually and collectively, and to comply assiduously wiht all of them. If you fal me in the slightest degee or display any negligence, then this pact and accord is null and void and of no force whatever.

    28. In return for the foregoing promises, I swear and vow to deliver into your power several men and women. Furthermore, I renounce God, the most Holy Trinity; I wholly renounce the vows made for me at baptism. I step forward with you in a new alliance and submit myself to you both in body and soul, forever into eternity.

  592. shikha yadav “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    1. Lucifer, you are bound to deliver to me immediately 100,000 pounds of money in gold!

    2. You will deliver me the first Tuesday of every month 2,000 pounds.

    3. You will bring me this gold in current money, of such kind that no only I, but also all those to whom I may wish to give some, may use it.

    4. The foresaid gold must be not false, must not disappear in one´s hand, or turn to stone or coals. It should be metal stamped by the hands of men, legal and valid in all lands.

    5. If I need a considerable sum of money, no matter when or for what purpose, you are duty bound to deliver to me secret or buried treasure. Nor need I fetch it myself from wherever it may be hidden or burried, but you must deliver it into my hands, without any trouble to me, to wherever I happen to be at one time, to dispose of according to my own wishes and pleasure.

    6. You are bound to cause no injury to my body and limbs, and do nothing to weaken my health, but preseve me from human illnesses and injury for 60 years.

    7. If, contrary to our expectations, I should happen to become ill, you are bound to procure for me profed remedies to help me regain my previous good health as soon as possible.

    8. Our agreement is to begin on this date.. in the year 2013, and to end on the same day in 2063. You are not to tamper with this period or encroach on my rights, or make a false reckoning (as you have often formerly accustomed to do).

    9. When my time has finally run out, you are to let me die like all other men, without any shame or disgrace, and be honorably buried.

    10. You are bound to make me loves and accepted by the King and all the aristocrats, by high and low, men and women, so that I may always be assured of good will and affection, and that everybody will grant without question what I may desire of them.

    11. You are bound to transport me (and any other) without injury to the ends of the world, wherever I desire, no matter how far distant. You are to make me immediately so expert in the language of that place that I shall be able to speak it fluently. When I have satisfied my curiosity sufficiently, you will bring me back again, uninjured, to my home.

    12. You are bound to protect me from all harm from bombs, firearms, and other weapons, so that nothing may strike me and injure my body or limbs.

    13. Your are bound to assist me in my dealings with the King and help me prevail over my special enemies.

    14. You are bound to provide me with a magic ring so that whenever I put it on my finger I shall become invisible and invulnerable.

    15. You are bound to give me true and thorough information, without distortion or ambiguity, about any question I ask of you.

    16. You are bound to give me advance warning of any secret plot against me, and to give me ways and means to thwart those plots and to bring them to naught.

    17. You are bound to teach me whatever languages I may desire to learn so that I can read, converse, and express opinions as perfectly as if I had known them thoroughly from childhood.

    18. You are bound to endow me with good sense, understanding, and intelligence, so that I can discuss all problems logically and can give an informed opinion about them.

    19. You are bound to protect and look after me in all courts of justice and council chambers of King, Bishop or Pope, before whom I might be summoned.

    20. You are bound to protect me and my household from injury, whether domestic or foreign, from theft, and from harm.

    21. I am to be permitted to lead my life in outward appearance like a good Christian, and to attend divine service without your interfering.

    22. You are bound to teach me how to prepare medical prescriptions and the correct use and administering of them in dosage and weight.

    23. If one any occasion, skirmish or fight, I should be attacked or set upon, you are to take up the challenge for me and produce help and assistance against all enemies.

    24. You are bound to prevent anyone, no matter whom, for konwing about your accord and compact.

    25. As often as I desire your presence, you are to appear to me in a loving and ageeable form, never in a frightening or horrible shape.

    26. You are to see that each and every person shall do my bidding.

    27. You are to promise me and bind yourself to kepp unbroken these clauses, individually and collectively, and to comply assiduously wiht all of them. If you fal me in the slightest degee or display any negligence, then this pact and accord is null and void and of no force whatever.

    28. In return for the foregoing promises, I swear and vow to deliver into your power several men and women. Furthermore, I renounce God, the most Holy Trinity; I wholly renounce the vows made for me at baptism. I step forward with you in a new alliance and submit myself to you both in body and soul, forever into eternity.

  593. My name is Melisa, My Ex-boyfriend dumped me two weeks ago after I accused him of seeing someone else and insulting him. I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me. I was so confuse and don’t know what to do, so I reach to the internet for help and I saw a testimony of how a spell caster help people to get their ex back so I contact the spell caster and explain my problem to him and he cast a spell for me and assure me of 48hours that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my ex came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to get married. Once again thank you Dr Aluya, You are truly talented and gifted. Email: aluyakespelltemple@live.com is the only answer. He can be of great help and I will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man.

  594. hello reader. my name is, Cherie Jane. I just want to say a big thanks to dr gaba for his absolute work over my life. two weeks after my fiancy propose to me that he his going to marry me, their was a girl from Indian that was charming my fiancy,my fiancy was so much in love with her more than me i his true lover. So i was confuse not knowing what to do, so when i called him he is no longer picking my calls, when ever i send him love gifts, i think that is even worsting the case. seen me is like he has seen his greatest enemy on earth. but one day i came in contact with this wonderful spell caster at :udoholytemplespell@gmail.com. Who made my fiancy to know that am his true lover but not that India girl that was using love magic on him.all thanks to dr gaba for his work well don.with the help of Dr Gaba, so next month we are getting married as husband and wife. the world need trusted spell caster like dr gaba. all thanks to dr gaba once more you can as well seek help from him at :udoholytemplespell@gmail.com thank you dr gaba.

  595. I swear to be faithful to u so do yoh thing then u will see my faithfulness i need the money and please beautiful women and prostitutes and improve my fucking skills i will serve you to my best i dont need heaven i just wanna enjoy my life please no games im serious

  596. I unconditionally surrendered my soul to Satan. Four demons share a hold of my soul, and they can drag my soul down to hell if I try to get out of this. I will not pray for my soul in any way. accursed.webs.com

  597. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I feel good doing that, i mean my life will get better ill become a famous musician, and ill have millions of dollars im ready!

  598. WELCOME TO THE GREAT TEMPLE OF ILLUMINATI. Are you a business man, politician, musical, student and you want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by been a member of the illuminati. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great illuminati then you can contact perry grant,+2348054130806 illuminatitemple123@gmail.com

  599. I am ready to giv e my soul to devil BT I need wealth and fame and peace and long life am ready am ready am ready I will serve u devil lord I want to see you devil.

    1. I want to belong to the illuminati and be rich. I have asked other people to join but they didn’t answered me , maybe they are fraud. I hope you’re not .i wish it right now I am UNEMPLOYED, one brother feeds me I live at his home, I am sick I HATE THIS SITUATION.

  600. “I Joshua agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange for money, fame, in music with a long fulfilling life”

  601. I Owoicho agree that upon my death the Devil can have my soul and other more soul that i shall present to Him ( Devil) in eternal damination, thats only if gives me much money and power. How do i feel?…perfectly fine

    1. I owoicho will gladly sign pack with the Devil. The Devil will be happy that he had me as his co-worker. How do i feel? Perfectly ok.

  602. If hell is being tortured and raped in the ass by several huge giant sodomite beasts taking turns on me day in and day out…then yes, I want to go to Satan’s hell and epxerience the experience..forever.

    1. Yes! I will gladly sign a pack with the Devii if i’m given the opportunity to do so. From Owoicho

    1. Iam ready to make a pack with the Devil. Infact, i’m hungry to do so. Pls, connect me i beg you..my name is Owoicho

  603. Are you a business man, politician, musical, student and you want to be rich, powerful and be
    famous in life or need a power to achieving your dreams. You can achieve your dreams by beaning
    a member of the Illuminati. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish,
    if you really want to be a member of the great Illuminati then you can contact Mr larry goe white
    on +2348035831826 or his email{illuminatirandom@live.com
    Full name………………………………
    State of origin……………………….
    Date of birth………………………….
    Email address………………

    1. Name: Owoicho Innocent, Country: Nigeria, State of origin: Benue state, Date of birth:14:06:1974, Sex: Male, Addressd: plot 648 Idris Gidado street, Wuye, Abuja, Phone:07081175007 Email: Owoichoinnocent77@gmail..com


  605. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    Cameron Ogletree
    I would do it in a heart beat but only if my greatest hopes and wishes were answered! IDE have no regrets!!!

  606. I jahmezz mckenzie solomly square my sole a way to the devil after I die on the earth just to be able to have never ending money

  607. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” I would like to speek to satan before making this pact

  608. Do you desire Fame, Riches, Powers, Wealth and do you
    want all your dreams to come true? Are you an
    upcoming artist, dancer, businessman etc the Great Illuminati
    Society offers you a life time opportunity of making your
    desires come to accomplishment. If you are interested
    contact us now for more information on how you will be fully initiated
    to the Illuminati and get all you seeks in life.
    contact: address is illuminati4wealyh@gmail.com illuminati our prince on please note
    that we have a lot of scams out there be careful or better
    still just OK i wish you luck

  609. I don’t believe in any of it, utt that doesn’t mean it can’t be real. I wouldn’t want to take the chance. If i do have a soul, it would be the very essence of me. I would not give that up for anything.

  610. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Scared because where my soul will end up

  611. Your destiny is solely controlled by your intuition. It depends on how diligently you seek the truth.
    Do you desire wealth, riches, fame, spot light, powers. Unlock your destiny by joining the Illuminati order today,
    and earn $250,000 for membership loyalty and $1,000,000 for championing the course of destiny.
    Interested persons should contact our agent with the following details:


  612. I have agreed to sell my soul to Our Lord Satan in exchange of Wealth, Power and Longlife. I have believed Him even before doing this. And I am happy about it.

  613. I agree that upon my death, our Lord Satan shall have my soul for enternal damnation in exchange of Wealth, Power and Longlife. I have already believed in Satan even before doing this. And i am happy about it.

  614. I agree that upon my death,the devil can take for eternal damnation..: i would give up anything to sign a pact with the devil himself nd +2348125724748 thats my number

  615. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation..: i would give up anything in exchange for fame,favours and wealth… +2348125724748 thats my number

  616. I agree that upon my death, the Devil can have my soul for enternal damnation in exchange of Wealth, Power & Longlife. 07039674508 & 08178377549. These are my numbers.

  617. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”for much money and fame.my full names are Rahul Mitra

  618. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal Dalmatian in the condition me and my family gets unlimited money fame and power and I go into the hall of fame in the music history and live long lives but I won’t do it and get nothing out of it

  619. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” and you can keep my soul for all eternity Master Satan I really don’t care human life growing old and dying is not what we want we deserve better than that.

  620. “I agree to that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” you can have my soul I really don’t care I just need 1 thing for you to do. which is to give my vampire friend Mercy Brown the power of “Imprinting” that way she’ll be able to imprint on a boy and turn him into a vampire and have a happy eternal life with him by staying together and being happy for all eternity.

  621. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” in exchange for lots n lots of money.

    1. good evening sir , I write to you from Haiti’s border with the Dominican Republic , I am an assistant to a large boco here , working with Haitian voodoo , law product that interested him make a pact , here are serious but also should you have it when valley to pay if interested write me here too you are gçhaces mooring , salud.suerte to sell something, and to find good work , hope this good with what he dismisses his wilmen contrera …. chancloudevillinihaiti@hotmail.com also have book sales o make any spell, we have the book negrode satana.tambien working with white magic and roja..suerte …

  622. i agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in exchange for lots n lots of money n long healthy life. if he has power to give me that .

  623. If you want to be rich,wealthy,famous,influential,stardom,and you want your dreams to come through,then you have the chance to do that,join the illuminati today to get $25000 every 3 days and $1000000 membership blessing for doing what you love to do best.contact famousilluminatiorder@gmail.com today to change your life for the better

  624. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    But I have one wish. I want to be the best violinist, better than Nicolo Paganani. I want to be the most popular violinist and I want to be the richest of the world. Please Dear Satan, fullfill my wish today at 6 o’clock evening. Thank you

  625. I agreed upon my death devil will my external damination.I get sweet soul to him if he will give what i wont in life . you can call me on 07060787007 Or 08188399188

  626. ” I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for external damnation”

    i feel free cause devil he’s a good person…. He try to show us a better way to go through nd he protect us from obstacles that interfere with your lifes.

  627. I Jeremy,agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.first if possible i would like to have a MARK OF THE BEAST and that i will spent my entire life in HELL i have tried to join the church but no one have ever helped me so this can be my last chance searching for help my phone no.0724998256.HAIL SATAN.

  628. I Jeremy,agree that upon my death the Devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.Send me employment visa to your country and i shall kneel and respect all of your rules.HAIL LUCIFER.

  629. I, Rizky, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation… In exchange, the devil must repent, embrace God, and release all souls from hell.

  630. I have been an atheist almost all of my life. (56 years old). I never mock or laugh at others beliefs. If they make them feel safer, good for them. I personally do not believe in god, hence, no devil. Should I be wrong and somehow I discover that they both exist, I would choose to serve the devil over god. I am basically a good person. Not for religious reasons, just the way I am. If god did exist, I would be extremely disappointed if I ended up with him.

  631. I have beentrying to sale my soul for a long time for riches in fame in magic powers for now, ever, in eneternity.


  633. Yah its true u cn sell ur soul but the problem is one, if the devil had strong powerful sincecss powers the devil wud know who to poses or who to use for that matter. So this is simple the devil is in you you make your own developments of being devilish unless you sign with group of devilish people/society

  634. “I agree that upon my death the devil can
    have my soul for eternal damnation” to money and fame and become a hollywood artist or singer! Hail SATAN!

  635. I agree that upon my death the devil
    can have my soul for eternal
    damnation in exchange of money and fame.noel

    Are you a business man, politician, musical, student and you want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Illuminati. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great Illuminati then you can contact. Lord Morgan on+2348169833754 +447024029694 or email us illuminatitemple789@gmail.com

  637. I don’t know if I’m going to heaven or not. The Bible says “few” are chosen. They say it is extremely difficult to enter the kingdom of heaven. I know there are those who quote John 3:16 and say all you have to do is believe; but, there’s also the verse that says ” … faith without works is dead …” It speaks of backsliding. Etc. and I feel like I can never believe enough, never have faith enough, and am, no matter what I do, doomed to go to hell when I die.
    I believe very strongly in God, and I study the Bible A LOT!!! So, I’m not an atheist; but, I figure,
    if I’m going to go to hell anyway … why not make a deal with the devil and enjoy what’s left of my life? But, truthfully, I don’t think the devil can make anyone win the lottery!!!

    1. good evening sir , I write to you from Haiti’s border with the Dominican Republic , I am an assistant to a large boco here , working with Haitian voodoo , law product that interested him make a pact , here are serious but also should you have it when valley to pay if interested write me here too you are gçhaces mooring , salud.suerte to sell something, and to find good work , hope this good with what he dismisses his wilmen contrera …. chancloudevillinihaiti@hotmail.com also have book sales o make any spell, we have the book negrode satana.tambien working with white magic and roja..suerte …

  638. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. been waiting for this¤¿¤

  639. Yes ofcoz I will give my soul for devil coz I want to be a rich and famous in my country anyone can help me to join with any temple illuminati or free man son am ready my email is nmagina3@gmail.com or contact +255754985173

    1. I know why they were reluctant now. 🙂 I feel so stupid to have had an oath including three meaningless substantive. xD

  640. I Thato agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. For fame power and rich I want to change my only life become the you best rapper in South Africa.

  641. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    for money, power and talk with ..

  642. I want R2.5million everymonth and must be real i’am only willing 2sell my soul not to kill family members

  643. I’ll certainly go for this deal. But I must be 100% assured or say that the bargain package is in my pocket first thing. We are not talking about centuries, but we are talking about eternity. So I say we get equivalent deal. I for myself will go for 250 years longevity, wealth and super health inclusive of all things that I desire. Fame I don’t need, but strength and power that I can utilize without people coming to take note.

  644. I agree that upon my death the Devil can have my soul for eternal damnation IN EXCHANGE for everything I want on Earth during the rest of my natural life. I want lots of unlimited power. I want all the money, possessions and women I can want. I want to be worshiped. I want to remain young and handsome.

  645. Conjuration for Lucifer
    Satan from the south, Lucifer from the east, Belial from the north, and Leviathan from the west
    3Time -Lucifer, Ouyar, Chameron, Aliseon, Mandousin, Premy, Oriet, Naydrus, Esmony, Eparinesont, Estiot, Dumosson, Danochar, Casmiel, Hayras, Fabelleronthon, Sodirnot, Peatham, come, Lucifer. Amen.-
    Need to be written on red ink on white paper, sign with your OWN BLOOD
    My Pact with the Devil

    1. Lucifer, you are bound to deliver to me immediately $100,000,000 or money in gold!
    2. You will deliver me the first Tuesday of every month $1,000,000 pounds.
    3. You will bring me this gold in current money, of such kind that no only I, but also all those to whom I may wish to give some, may use it.
    4. The foresaid gold must be not false, must not disappear in one´s hand, or turn to stone or coals. It should be metal stamped by the hands of men, legal and valid in all lands.
    5. If I need a considerable sum of money, no matter when or for what purpose, you are duty bound to deliver to me secret or buried treasure. Nor need I fetch it myself from wherever it may be hidden or burried, but you must deliver it into my hands, without any trouble to me, to wherever I happen to be at one time, to dispose of according to my own wishes and pleasure.
    6. You are bound to cause no injury to my body and limbs, and do nothing to weaken my health, but preseve me from human illnesses and injury for 50 years.
    7. If, contrary to our expectations, I should happen to become ill, you are bound to procure for me profed remedies to help me regain my previous good health as soon as possible.
    8. Our agreement is to begin on this date.. in the year..2014 , and to end on the same day in…… You are not to tamper with this period or encroach on my rights, or make a false reckoning (as you have often formerly accustomed to do).
    9. When my time has finally run out, you are to let me die like all other men, without any shame or disgrace, and be honorably buried.
    10. You are bound to make me loves and accepted by the King and all the aristocrats, by high and low, men and women, so that I may always be assured of good will and affection, and that everybody will grant without question what I may desire of them.
    11. You are bound to transport me (and any other) without injury to the ends of the world, wherever I desire, no matter how far distant. You are to make me immediately so expert in the language of that place that I shall be able to speak it fluently. When I have satisfied my curiosity sufficiently, you will bring me back again, uninjured, to my home.
    12. You are bound to protect me from all harm from bombs, firearms, and other weapons, so that nothing may strike me and injure my body or limbs.
    13. Your are bound to assist me in my dealings with the King and help me prevail over my special enemies.
    14. You are bound to provide me with a magic ring so that whenever I put it on my finger I shall become invisible and invulnerable.
    15. You are bound to give me true and thorough information, without distortion or ambiguity, about any question I ask of you.
    16. You are bound to give me advance warning of any secret plot against me, and to give me ways and means to thwart those plots and to bring them to naught.
    17. You are bound to teach me whatever languages I may desire to learn so that I can read, converse, and express opinions as perfectly as if I had known them thoroughly from childhood.
    18. You are bound to endow me with good sense, understanding, and intelligence, so that I can discuss all problems logically and can give an informed opinion about them.
    19. You are bound to protect and look after me in all courts of justice and council chambers of King, Bishop or Pope, before whom I might be summoned.
    20. You are bound to protect me and my household from injury, whether domestic or foreign, from theft, and from harm.
    21. I am to be permitted to lead my life in outward appearance like a good Christian, and to attend divine service without your interfering.
    22. You are bound to teach me how to prepare medical prescriptions and the correct use and administering of them in dosage and weight.
    23. If one any occasion, skirmish or fight, I should be attacked or set upon, you are to take up the challenge for me and produce help and assistance against all enemies.
    24. You are bound to prevent anyone, no matter whom, for konwing about your accord and compact.
    25. As often as I desire your presence, you are to appear to me in a loving and ageeable form, never in a frightening or horrible shape.
    26. You are to see that each and every person shall do my bidding.
    27. You are to promise me and bind yourself to kepp unbroken these clauses, individually and collectively, and to comply assiduously wiht all of them. If you fal me in the slightest degee or display any negligence, then this pact and accord is null and void and of no force whatever.
    28. In return for the foregoing promises, I swear and vow to deliver into your power several men and women. Furthermore, I renounce God, the most Holy Trinity; I wholly renounce the vows made for me at baptism. I step forward with you in a new alliance and submit myself to you both in body and soul, forever into eternity.

  646. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” i feel its wrong but i need help

  647. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation in return I want SuperNatural strength and extra 300 years of ertenal life

  648. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    Would love to make a pact with the devil please get I touch he can have my soul there’s a prices I get what I want he gets what he wants my soul

  649. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation
    you can have and keep my soul for all eternity really honestly I don’t care my lord you have my permission to curse me permanently for Immortality/Eternal Damnation do it right now if you’d like instead of waiting another second or minute for it.

    1. the reason why I’m doing this its because its my “destiny” and my human life was miserable horrible and I almost killed people and I feel good about this about selling my “soul” to you Master Satan cause human life really isn’t my thing growing old getting sick and dying and I really honestly hate “Death” a lot of humans have died where I live now and I’m sick that it might happen to me 1 day and Immortality/Eternal Damnation will help me conquer “Death” just like it can for everyone else in the world.

  650. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. base on the devil to honour me with knowledge in satanism. For me to have contact with Satan to help me have magic power that I may have good health long wealthy life

    1. i
      #did this made a contact signed it in blood i summoned satan , many times , but noting has happened yet its been two months

  651. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation … For guitar playing power to play like kirk hammett lead guitarist of metallica my name is william

  652. “I agree upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” in exchange for money,power and fame

  653. A week ago my husband walked out on me and our two kids. It hurts so much. I’m 25 and he’s 28. I think what’s hurts the most is that he left us and went back to his ex who put him in prison for 2 years. And now he wants nothing to do w our 3 year old daughter and 6 month old son. He won’t talk to me and I love him w all my heart. I have known him for twenty years. And he was my nest friend. Halloween would have.been our 2 year anniversary. I just wish he would tell me y he left us. If not for me then for the kids. It feels.some days like I just can’t keep going without him. And where we live I literally have no on no family,friends,no one I’m completely alone.here. I have no one to talk to about anything and he knows that he left me w two kids no home and no money to care for the kids and he refuses to help me at all. Worst part is I still love him completely and just. Want him to come back home to us until a met this spell caster online called Dr ikhine brought my husband back to us contact him on agbadado@gmail.ccom or call him on +2347060552255 HELP ALSO

  654. I Elias Orona myself willing to make a path or a deal for the lottery, peace and live till im 67. I want millions. Wat do I gotta do to make it happend Asap

  655. I Abelardo Cabrera III strongly agree that upon my death that Satan who is The Ruler of Hell can have my soul for Eternal Damnation.

  656. OCCULT FESTIVAL is around the conner,Join the Illuminati cult online today and get instant sum of 1million dollars with a free home anywhere you choose to live in the world and also get 2500 dollars monthly as a salary. If you are interested please kindly fill the following information to this email below {email address removed}..My child you are welcome to the great brotherhood of the Illuminati
    i want you to fill the following information bellow.
    Full name……….
    State of origin……….
    Date of birth……….
    Email address……….
    Tell us little about yourself, get back to us as soon as possible..contact us now if you want to be famous.FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT US.ON +2347059980475 or email eboilluminati363@gmail.com

  657. agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”. I feel grateful about doing this all I want in return is Money and fame and what I mean by fame a Rapper so I can prompt evil. And I promise I want disappoint.

  658. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for damnatione i feel good because i love lusty bitches i wana fuck moms daughters have threesums with any mom and daughter i wana qet my dick sucked erday and fuck big botty bitchs.

  659. hey every one my name is angie but you can call me darkness i am 21 years old if you want to chat to me a true fucking satanist the ill be waiting for comment okay i have already sold my self to the devil a long time ago………………..

  660. I agree upon my death the devil can have my soul for enternal domination I feel im ready for this for a lot of money in until death no money no soul for you

  661. Hello, my name is angel I can’t hide this amazing testimony that took place in my life. A powerful spell-caster named Dr. parjero helped me to bring back my love who left me while I was six months pregnant and went on a peace keeping mission in Holland. We both love each other and it was a shock to me and it really broke my heart. I tried to call him and both of his lines were disconnected. I tried to reach him on social networks but he deleted me off of them. I tried to reach his parents and they told me that their son said that he does not love me and does not want to see me and they do not know what is wrong. I cried and cried everyday because I loved him very much. Until I gave birth and the baby was one year old, I could not get my love back. Again, I was confused. I do not know what to do and I also lost my job and I have no money to take care of the baby. I was miserable in life so I cried to my sister and told her my problem and said that she knew of one powerful spell caster that helped her when she could not get pregnant. I contacted him by email and he said he will help me and told me that a woman cast a spell upon my man and said he will help me break the spell so my man will come back to me and be mine forever. It was a great surprise to me that everything that he said came to pass. My man came back to me immediately, saying that I should forgive him. I am sending a very big thank you to this powerful and real spell caster. I pray for him to live long and do more of his wonderful work. If you have any kind of problem disturbing you in life, you have to contact this powerful spell caster! He can help you.contact him through this email;parjerolovedoctor@hotmail.com

  662. i want to be rich and famous and live for 200 years i want to earn45 billion rand per week i want to be famous like rick ross diddy and other world famous rappers i want to join maybach music group

  663. Yes, I agree to surrender my soul upon death to Satan on the following conditions: no attacks of any type will be made upon me or my heirs, nor shall we be harassed, mislead or tormented in any form by entities or agents directly or indirectly belonging to Satan or any spirit that is part of his Infernal Hierarchy. I and my descendants shall be healed of any and all infirmities and defects that we acquired or will acquire either through birth, misfortune or old age. Whatever talents, physical abilities or intellect we possess shall be increased by 2/3rds their normal level after being raised to whatever level of ability we would have been able to raise them to through hard work and persistence. In terms of luck, I and my descendants shall have our innate level of luck increased to such degrees that we will be substantially successful in all games of chance and wagers.

    My descendents and I shall be made extremely attractive, well spoken, highly literate and blessed with an ability to learn any foreign or ancient language within a few months of study and retain these languages throughout our existence; this shall also include all studies pertaining to math, sciences,occult practices, the arts and warfare. We shall be able to acquire mates capable of providing for our needs who are loving, obedient and faithful plus all those that are considered friends and family shall come to no harm through demonic agency of any kind. Finally, I and my heirs shall live for a period of 300 years possessing perfect health and vitality, nor shall or gifts and fortunes wane over these years. Upon our death I and any of my heirs that insist upon fulfillment of this contract shall be transformed into demonic entities who shall serve in Satan’s service for eternity. However, those heirs wishing to be released from this contract shall be freed without harm or loss of fortune, abilities and life span. If all terms of this agreement are met then upon my death 300 years from now I shall surrender myself to Satan after death.

  664. That’s too easy to resist. There is no win side to the coin. If there was untold health, wealth, and prosperity for say, 20 years I would be very tempted.

    1. I haven’t been given the opportunity to follow through on the offer. There are amendments that I would make to this pact; for instance instead of my soul. I would offer immediate transformation into a member of the Nephilim with various powers, abilities and prolonged life span in exchange for acting as a Satanic provocateur. I could see myself very much being like the actor in the Allstate commercials. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErGzrPGJmoY

  665. am jose.I don’t no how to tell the word the greatest thing that happen in my life.I was so sick that i loose all the money I have in so many hospitals still yet there was no solutions on till I go for blood test for different hospital almost five doctors told me I am H.I.V positive. & after then all hope I have was lost I was waiting the day lord will called me. One nite I woke up in mind-nite start crying so my mind told me to check in Google so I see many testimony about dr okosun I was daunting if the man is real a great man but just because of the testimony of his good news.I said let me try & I email him he reply me back I told him my problems he said that he will reply me back three minis time after he check the oracle. So he reply me after three minis & told me the doctors were saying the truth of my blood test. He said it was spiritual H.I.V. I was having that he can be able to help me. So I respond to all the thins he ask me to do. after then I go for a checkup in three different hospital the doctors were wonder and told me I am now H.I.V. Negative. Now i fill like greatest woman in the word.am very very great full I thank dr okosun for doing great in my life thank ones again I will never forget u. am great full. If u need help is a great man email him.
    okosunspelltemple5@gmail.com or call +2348137921303

  666. we are looking for new recruit’s to spread the enlightenment of our organization. we do not represent evil nor do we worship devil. we do not advocate violence or harm against anyone.the Illuminati it a group of enlightened individuals whose focus is to spread truth, knowledge and enlightenment. we advocate peace and only exits for the betterment of mankind.we do not promise you riches or however we can advise you on how to obtain these things only if you truly desire them.if you TRULY seek to become member of the Illuminati then please follow the simple steps below for consideration into our organization. lifejourneyorganization@gmail.com or call +23481625885333

  667. Well if this shit is for real than I wld certainly love to do so in exchange for money for lifetime and fame too. My pact with the devil begins today 27th August 2014. In return for money for life time and fame lucifer I give you my soul after I die a normal death at the age of 75 in return. LUCIFER.

  668. Well if this shit is for real than I wld certainly love to do so in exchange for money for lifetime and fame too. My pact with the devil begins today 27th August 2014. In return for money for life time and fame lucifer I give you my soul after I die a normal death at the age of 75 in return. LUCIFER. But by tomorrow you should send Indian rupees 50,000,000.000 everyday in my new bank account which you have to do it with your power and I should get a message on my phone by tomorrow evening. Its a promise to untill I die a normal death I will do animal blood sacrifice.

  669. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. But i will need money now and il agree to sell it in exchange for money and power

  670. – You’re a good musician or a business
    man / woman or just any
    worker and you need excess money
    and you also want to be famous and
    rich here is your chance to become a member of the Illuminati and become a Star in your life. if you really are
    interested in becoming a
    full member of the illuminati not
    hesitate for e-mail and we also want you to know that there is none which is to determine your future, because
    Your future is in your hands right
    to join us now and become a
    responsible human being ok, then email
    us now at (wayneilluminatiagent@gmail. com) is
    interested become wealthy and powerful.
    This opportunity is set for those people
    we were thinking of how to become rich contact us and we will tell
    you were the nearest branch
    you can worship, come now to receive
    In Touch with the money there is nothing to
    fear about, we disclose it openly is why we sent
    agent for the internet.
    So contact us now to get rich…
    (wayneilluminatiagent@gmail. com)

    1. i agree to the devil that upon my death would have to take my soul for the external domnation, i am ready to sell my soul for famous, rich and wealth for the music am doing as an up coming artist.

  671. Hi terrific website! Does running a blog such
    as this take a massive amount work? I’ve very little knowledge of coding however I was
    hoping to start my own blog soon. Anyway, should you have any suggestions
    or tips for new blog owners please share. I know this is
    off subject however I just needed to ask. Thanks
    a lot!

  672. good afternoon to everyone s step-by here to tell you that the covenant and contracta are reality and if you really want to do is not let his covenant ace llbar other person Do it because none of them know what your problem if you pe dire our lord lucifer satana you going to get out of debt and make you all rich in this moment I’m in dominican republic travel to haiti capital of the world … want to make a spell contracta in haiti and therefore unable todabia eh I offered to our Lord that would help 17 people to enter our combo if you want to make a deal or contracta, oh wants to kill someone or want your beloved regrece cica comuniquece not have to pay me money after that if my hotmail functions is pitterrrr@hotmail.es not hesitate to contact

  673. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” I want to be very rich more than I can ever imagine




      Tel 0109377077

  674. My name is Windy Wagner from united kingdom i am here to thank DR OLA the powerful spell caster that rescue me from HIV AIDS. I was diagnosed of this disease in the year 2012, and because of this, i was very unhappy with my life, and i went into research on how i can get cured, i contacted a lot of spell casters and none of them could help me rather they scammed me and took away my money without helping me. All this period of my life, i was sad and unhappy so one day as i was in the INTERNET i decided to sign in a friend guest book, only for me to see a testimony of a lady on how she was helped by DR OLA so i was confused to contact him at the moment because i didn’t want to be scammed again but after one week, i decided to contact him, so when i contacted him, he assure me that he will help me and i told him that many spell casters has also told me this but they all scammed me, he told me not to worry that he is going to help me, So i believe in him because all i wanted was to be cured, so he prepared a healing spell for me and told me to wait for just 24 hours, after 24 hours, i went to the hospital for test and to my happiness the test stated that i was cured from the disease.. This gladdens my heart and everybody in the hospital was surprised even the Medical Doctor, So viewers DR OLA is a God Gifted man and can help you to cure all types of sickness like HIV AIDS, CANCER, PILE, Kidney problem, Syphilis and lot’s more. You can contact him through his email on DROLAHEALINGCENTER@GMAIL.COM or you call him +2348100368288




      Tel 0109377077




    Tel 0109377077




    Tel 0109377077

    1. contact me on willemsbanki@gmail.com i can direct you with every step an be prepare to see Satan him self , this is no joke so do not contact for a chiles play .so be prepare
      for this and your wish will be grandad.


    How do i feel about it?
    I am determine. I feel the need to make conclude a pact with Satan/Lucifer and I am fully prepared for this. Some will say that I need to think about the consequences, but hey like I mentioned before I AM FULLY PREPARED FOR IT, means I know where my decision will lead me ANNNND I’M ALREADY ON A HIGHWAY TO HELLLL!! So f*ck the consequences, YOU live only once, and so do I. I NEED HAPPINESS, HEALTH, MONEY, SUCCESS TO LIVE and I will give my soul for these four things. Call me greedy, CALL ME STUPID atleast I got the guts to admit it 🙂 -Divyam

  678. i ghadafi,i agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    I feel different,new,kind of scared but if this pact is in exchange for instant wealth am very ready

  679. Yessss I would give you my soul but I want fame and fortune in return every I desire. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damantion.

  680. I love to be tranform in to A beutifull female big brest nice curbs nice as long canal vajina and ass and big lo j trou have the magnetic atraccion for male and female to fuck me and money no morre problem helth good. To pay this the spirits can fuck me 3 times a week

  681. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”for much money and fame.my full names are RIYAZ

  682. Okay so im a witch and i believe in god and yet i still i have power its just I’ve always wanted this one thing god did not give it to me but he will i hope and if he not i still love him

  683. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my
    soul for eternal damnation if get money 30 thousand US dollar in my bank account at bank central asia indonesia cabang banjarnegara number 3570421378 in an hour”

  684. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” I chidi livinus has agreed to sell my soul to the devil I desire wealth ,rich and MONEY that we last for me . I have done all the bad thing in this life and I also enjoy when am doing it .I ll be glad if the lord satan can buy my soul in exchange of wealth and money.I ll wait to hear back from you sir

  685. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” I chidi livinus want to sell my soul to the devil in exchange of wealth.thousands of dollars of money and famous .I don’t mind if u can also give me some lotto numbers so that I can go and play and win lottery money for my self .

  686. Sale my soul if he can turn me in a sexy girl and give me a sexy body with nice tits and a sexy litte vagina and make it happen asap

  687. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation, so I can be in a post hardcore band, for my drivers licenses for only the truth, I want me and my band to be well known I don’t want to be controlled by anyone or anything I deny being a puppet, I want my vocals to be strong and powerful for hardcore music im worth a whole lot more then this and I’m not asking for a lot also I also want to be the man I have to be for my family and the women of my life or dreams ethier or 24 years from now I will be in my 40s that is when you can take my soul to hell to burn and but before then my dreams, my passion, and my desires must come true

  688. reading at these comments above its quite amazing to see these responses above, if i was the devil and you were so easily ready to trade your soul for material things then i would not want your soul, i probably have it already, the fundamental question that you have to consider is that you need to shake your complete perception about the devil, not even the bible goes into detail in divining the devil, humans did it through stigma ourselves by making fake perceptions, what if, and what if the devil is the real giver of eternal life ? our real salvation ? what if he will bring us freedom from an oppressing GOD ? what if he is the true savior ? if the devil can give me salvation and internal peace i will gladly give my soul to him for no material exchange…..

  689. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation

    how i feel about doing this?I feel extremly happy i found a place than can take away all my troubles.i feel so relief and good.i have nothing to thing about because i have long been waiting for this.
    my names:kumba jean jacques

  690. Ian On April 24 2015 At 5:27 I gree That Upon My Death The Devil Can Have My Soul For Eternal Damntion I Want To Be Richest Man I Want To Enter Now

  691. if you need practical ritual to summon any
    demon or pact making, then visit this
    website bcoz they have updated their site
    with such rituals. Good luck to you guys.


    The founder of this group who is also the
    author of Pact With The Devil and Gaining
    Dark Powers, helped me and my friends to
    achieve our goals in life through the ritual
    he performed for us, that is why I will
    never stop talking about him.

  692. I want to be powerful, healthy, the richest man. i want to enjoy these for 200 yrs(never get old) I will be Satan’s soldier if I die that is a promise. =) (let see if he can do that hahaha)


    2 CORINTHIANS 4:3-4
    3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

    4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.


    2 CORINTHIANS 4:3-4
    3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

    4 In whom the god(Satan) of THIS WORLD hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of CHRIST, who is the image of GOD, should shine unto them.

    JOHN 18:36
    36 JESUS answered, My kingdom is not of THIS WORLD: if my kingdom were of THIS WORLD, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom NOT FROM HENCE.

    1 JOHN 2:15-17
    15 Love NOT THE WORLD, neither the things that are in THE WORLD. If any man love THE WORLD, the love of the Father is not in him.

    16 For all that is in THE WORLD, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is OF THE WORLD.

    17 And THE WORLD passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of GOD abideth for ever.

    9 And the GREAT DRAGON was cast out, that OLD SERPENT, called the DEVIL, and SATAN, which deceiveth THE WHOLE WORLD: he was cast out INTO THE EARTH, and his angels were cast out WITH HIM.

    REVELATION 20:10
    10 And the DEVIL that deceived them was cast INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE AND BRIMSTONE, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be TORMENTED DAY AND NIGHT FOR EVER AND EVER.







    ROMANS 1:20
    20 For the INVISIBLE THINGS of him from the creation of the world ARE CLEARLY SEEN, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and GODHEAD; so that THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE:



    1. It must be nice to have a God that loved you enough to give you a rather decent life in this life and then offer you eternal paradise on top of it all. Befor you judge the rest us; you need to ask God to let you experience everything that i’ve experienced in my life for day one of planet earth. After you do that get back to me. I’ll give you a hint of just a small taste of my life since day one. At the age of 13 my father forced me to watch him humiliate my half naked stepmother attempt suicide, that’s a small dose of my life. I’m now 51 and shit hasn’t gotten any better. I’m so glad that God you I tried very hard to worship and please really loves you more than me.

  695. since I wanted to sign a contract so can be rich someday but nothing works all I get is struggle anyone please me what can I do ?

  696. I agree that upon my death the devil can have
    my soul for eternal damnation” I want money and fame and I mean my words

  697. “I , Russell King, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation, in exchange for $5,000,000 and 30 more years of happiness living healthy with my son, my wife, and my family.”

    – how do I feel about doing this? Desperate and ashamed in part, but at the same time, I would have to say that speaking from the perspective of a person in distress, who would do absolutely anything to get myself and my family out of financial turmoil, and help to steer them to a better life and secure their future, I feel like that is a price I can live with. Yes, my eternal soul is mine alone and when I am gone I will burn alone. But while I’m here on this earth, I am a loving and caring husband and father, and their lives mean more to me than my own. The only reason why I would want 30 more years alive and healthy, is because me and my family have dreamt about being happy together finally for so long, I would at least want to enjoy what is left of my mortal life with the people I love, fulfilling the one dream that we have had for 10 years. My son deserves better than what he’s been given, my wife definitely deserves better than me, but she’s stuck by my side through the hard times and the worse times, and she more than deserves some kind of grand reward for believing that one day we will make it to happiness…… And as i said before, im willing to give up my soul for the chance to give my loved ones the life they deserve to have. And if I’m giving up something as precious as my soul then I definitely want to be able to have something to show for it in this life. I suppose if I had to go sooner than that, then I would because some things are more important. But my terms are stated clearly. And if satan is listening, or some entity that has the capacity to strike a Faustian deal with me, then please believe that i am here for the taking and you can consider this a bargain struck, and I strike it with clear Conciousness. Zero guilt, and zero regret.

    I’m quite sure there are more people in my situation out there, but frankly I don’t feel like there is anyone out there more willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to get my desires met. And there are no selfless acts of redemption here, im more than happy to be labeled as greedy, and please believe that I’ll be spending my money on some very selfish things here and there. But my intentions are honorable, And I believe that if you need to make such a deal for the right reasons, then there should be a way to facilitate my request. I am a catholic, and I firmly believe in heaven and hell. I am not an atheist mocking God or the devil. I am sincere and I am actively seeking out a way to make this happen. So if the blogger of the above article knows something I dont, then please point me in the right direction. I am desperate, and on the verge of losing everything including my sanity and my family. So please, if anyone is listening, please help.

  698. I WASIU “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    I am ready to give what it takes to be rich and successful and dont want to lack anything good again, i am ready to sell my soul and would be happy if it happen.

  699. Hello to read urgently

    I am a French and I did an experiment with a marabout Seeing African witch doctor. Early ca not going over well with my husband, he ask for a divorce and then he started a new life with another woman. With the problems I lost my job. I made the acquaintance of a marabout Witch LED AFRICA thanks to a girlfriend on facebook. Thanks to this Marabout Seeing Witch, My Husband has returned home, I resumed my work and everything is back in order. You can contact the same marabout the most desperate cases he is involved in all commes following areas:

    -Door Magical money …
    -Pacte With djimms to get rich
    – Love: return of the beloved, maraboutage a woman or a man, stop divorce, get someone …
    -You’re Sick: Have healing
    – You have a marriage problem?
    – Do you have problems to conceive a child?
    – Do you have problems in your family?
    – Do you have financial problems?
    – Your friends hate you?
    – You can not be loved by a man or by a woman
    – You want to be rich by magic powder
    – Chance: grigri to have better luck in the games to be a little less poissard in life,
    – Work: magical incantations to find a job, do not get fired, rituals to be increased, rituals for successful job interviews
    – Business and Business: grigri to use when you go up a business, talisman to negotiate better contracts, prayers to bring customers and attract partners ..

    Here is their contact information: 00229 61569920

    Voila their email address: maitre.feticheur@gmail.com

    Thank you to you

  700. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” my first name: JOHNSON. The way I like to do good job for Lucifer I need big amount am a man of 48years old ghananian and I like to sell my soul to Lucifer for instant money and power to open a churches like a good Christian pastor to heal every manna of deisses and sicknesses and to perform a miracle songs and wonders for me to win more soul’s for Lucifer so the day I make a pact to Lucifer I need $ 90 million u.s dollars instant and first Sunday of every month I need $ 5 million u.s dollars instant and I need 72 more years add to my age long life with health and happiness and to have more hot sex with beautiful Ladys whom Lucifer will bring them to me so please if you can do something to help me please do it because am looking for help let me hear from you soon thanks

  701. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” for exchange of millions of money and wealth, fame i am leve lloyd navarra

  702. JosephinaI agree that upon my death the devil can have my the day I die exchange for money house and cars meant to live 50 more years

  703. ” I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation if he give me 10,00,00,000 (thousand lakhs) INDIAN Rupees, also prove to others that you are existing ”

    I am in a bet with my friend, he said that there is no devils and Satan and I told him that Satan really exist and he will fulfill my ambitious. Please make me win.

    1. Hello I am the great master Marabout Agaman

      Dear friends fetish is not a god who hurt but a
      god who saves and protects a home or a person with his family.
      after my outings everywhere and especially in India, I
      found that people suffer while the solution is with me
      great master marabout Agaman

      My specialties are:
       – Consultation
      -Door Magical money …
      -Pacte With djimms to get rich
      – Love: return of the beloved, maraboutage a woman or a
      Man, stop divorce, get someone …
      -You’re Sick: Have healing
      – You have a marriage problem?
      – Do you have problems to conceive a child?
      – Do you have problems in your family?
      – Do you have financial problems?
      – Your friends hate you?
      – You can not be loved by a man or by a woman
      – You want to be rich by magic powder
      – Chance: grigri to have better luck in the games, to be a little
      poissard least in life,
      – Work: magical incantations to find a job, do not
      get fired, rituals to be increased, the rituals for success
      job interviews
      – Business and Business: grigri to use when mounting a
      business, talisman to negotiate better contracts, prayers
      bringing customers and attract partners ..


      Email: maitre.feticheur@gmail.com

       Tel: (00229) 61 56 99 20

      NB: friends, the power of a Marabout is to work for
      customer and the customer to see the satisfaction.
      My power is my dignity.

      Thank you

  704. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation, in exchange for an initial amount of $10,000,000, with $1,000,000 every three months following until the contract ends; unrestrained access to the resources of this world, familiar spirits to do my bidding, the power and authority to destroy as I please, and 25 more years in this rotten world.

  705. i need money, much money and long life, can you give me the money to my heart desire? if yes get back to me so that i will give you the info you want about me, i need your direct answer, just email me direct/ chris.buchi.young@yandex.com or call me direct on my cell number for better understanding, i dont need games or joke, we are almost on the same line
    +228 96 28 77 06

  706. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. In exchange for money and not to harm my family and friends.

  707. I Ace of ❤’s Agree To Sell My Soul To Lucifer.. In Exchange Of Lots of Fame, Infinite Money, And Unlimited Sex..!!

  708. I might consider such a pact, but only in exchange for absolute power, endless money and the ability to unite all of the universe into the recognition of the true God, father, Yawheh. I highly doubt the devil would agree to such a pact that ensures ultimate failure to his goals.

  709. I agree that upon my death the devil can have mu soul for enternal damnation

    I want to see my family and people that I love happy and can live a decent life with money

  710. I wanna sign pact with devil from online but i don’t know if could you make someone meet me online and say how to done it how sir u explain i am totally interested help me i just wanna free and i want money and fame help me lucifer

  711. I will definitely be doing this if it means I can be the daughter of lilith and a proper woman in life with powers and great inspiration for stories and great singing voice

  712. if the devil hands 100 million dollars right now i agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation chad anthony wenick

  713. if the devil hands me 100 million dollars right now i agree that upon
    my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation chad anthony wenick

  714. Jesus loves all of you, and so do I.
    “But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.” Deut. 4:29

  715. Actually, lost my first post. I am so saddened by all this. I don’t really believe that so many actually comprehend what burning in a literal hell forever with weeping and nashing of teeth would be like. They are either jaded into believing a deception, or driven by need into this foolishness. I was especially touched by the young man who wanted to become the #1 DJ in the world. Or the Latino gentleman who just wants to get out of poverty. This drives me almost to tears, because I know the savior. I also know from firsthand experience that the devil is no joke ! And I once literally fell on my knees to beg satan to give me success in music. Sorry Tom Petty, when they stand you up to the gates of HELL, you WILL back down ! Any who read this and would like to SAVE their body and soul, instead of losing them forever, please contact me at my email addr: modofome@yahoo.com Much love, PJ

  716. i emmanuel mbithi,“I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”for astronomical wealth,fame knowledge and live for extra 65years.having a happy life.

  717. 1. This is your Majesty, the Most High God, the Lord Lucifer. For Lo, I Lucifer give you what you desire, see my blessing unto thee from such results of my own works.
    Would you like to be blessed with what you desire?
    Yes I will commit myself once my blessing has been shown
    2. In the name of Satan, Lucifer, Belial & Leviathan and in the company of Astaroth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Abbadon & Azazel, & by all the demons named and nameless who swarm the Pits of Hell, I do happily sell my soul to the Devil, Satan-Lucifer, in exchange for
    A million dollars
    3. Yes, Oh my God and Lord Lucifer, I the person who has made a pact with you, I Oh Lord Lucifer denounce all unrighteous faith in the Holy Trinity of the Holy Bible, I denouce of all names of Jesus Christ, of Yahu Shuah, of Yshuah I denouce EliYahu, I denounce YHVH, I denouce YHVH Yisrael Shmaa, I O Lucifer the light of my soul denouce any other name.
    Yes O Lucifer, Bless me I say Yes
    Sign It with your First Name and Last. If you do not feel safe with your full name, perhaps use a “Nickname for your Last Name”, Lucifer expects atleast a First Name or this will not take place. I recommend a First and Last for a blessing.
    Thomas Maher

  718. if you bless me with excess wealth upon my death i sell my soul to satan on eternal damnation to you.

    1. haven’t been given the opportunity to follow through on the offer. There are amendments that I would make to this pact; for instance instead of my soul. I would offer immediate transformation into a member of the Nephilim with various powers, abilities and prolonged life span in exchange for acting as a Satanic provocateur. I could see myself very much being like the actor in the Allstate commercials. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErGzrPGJmoY

  719. I have a huge test coming up June 24th 2016 this test means the world to me if I pass I will get $50 an hour and will finally be able to provide my wife and daughter what they need I want fortune and I wants Satan’s protection so no other jealous people can knock me down again I want to afford a home and truck of course if they give me enough work .I want to be known of a successful powerfull person I want my wife to look up to me.. I also want more certificates and know what I am doing I want to be powerfull in my career and outside of work. Satan do we have a deal also destroy those who enjoyed my fall take what you can from them their joy and all materialism they may have put fear in there life’s and let them know your on my side .

  720. If I agree upon the pact I want money and certain powers in return. Am I going to get it or not? Please let me know before I blidly agree to anything.

  721. I want to live a life full of riches,beautiful women and good health (protection from diseases and accidents). after my death I give u my soul forever. Hail Lucifer!

  722. What will i get after selling my soul because i want to sell it for Wealth , Powers , Fame and long life

  723. i “I agree that
    upon my
    death the
    devil can
    have my
    soul for
    Then i wanna work in his favor im a strong person in mind and body im loyal i dont think ill ever change my mind or feel bad in any way its with im gonna do im ready well its up to him if im ready in my soul i know i am cos im one of a kind and me working for him will open a lot more doors cos im soo good at influencing kids so i can make them work in our favor lol i wanna work in your favour on earth as much as in the after life

  724. I wanna sell my soul to Satan for a lot of money and any girl I want for the rest of my life.

  725. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    I wish to void any previous contracts with the devil. I agree to sign my soul over to Satan asking for nothing in return. Satan doesn’t owe me anything; I should willing want to give it to him else I am not ready to do so. Tom Maher

  726. I Kelly agree that upon my death the Devil can have my Soul for eternal damnation..in exchange for money and fame If he shows up eventually tonight

  727. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    I feel like im ready for anything i just want to bring out the best of me.
    – My name’s Thangkhi.

  728. JOIN THE GREAT BROTHERHOOD ILLUMINATI. Are you a business man, politician, musical, student and you want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by beeing a member of the Illuminati. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the Great Brother Hood Illuminati then you can:email us on richardwirth32@gmail.com or whatsapp us +[2349055546254],for more info, NOTE THAT IF YOU ARE NOT READY TO FACE THE RULES DO YOU CONTACT US BEWARED.

  729. My name is Russell King. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    .. How do I feel about being wiling to
    Sell my soul to Satan in exchange for my hearts desire? I feel absolutely fucking awful about it. I don’t want to, nor do I think that I can. I love my soul and I love God. But I feel that I’ve reached a point in my life that there is no more luck to be had, and I have a family to support and a life to try and salvage. For what it’s worth, I would do anything to have the stability that I need in order to pick up the pieces of my life, get completely clean, and save the rest of our lives while they can still be saved. In order to do that I need a big chunk of cash; a lot of understanding and good health; on my part and my wife’s AND my son for that matter. So I would be willing as much as it does hurt to say, to sell my soul to the devil, for 30 million dollars, another 30 years of healthy life for myself, and my wife Sarah, and a long, happy life for my son Jacob, who would inherit the balance of my money, once me and Sarah were passed Away. I ask for these things because I know you can provide material things, but matters of the Devine are not your territory; so all I would really ask is that you don’t interfere with my life or health for 30 years at least and just let me spend a little bit of my cash trying to make sure that I live long enough to enjoy my life with my family. If you can provide this for me, then I am willing to make a deal. I am not Faust, I will keep my end.

    Consider it. And get back to me. K1irons@outlook.com
    Thank you,
    Russell King.

  730. Hello,
    I am KOUADIO Clarisse, 44 years old living in Côte d’IVOIRE. I am a wholesaler in the big market of Cocody.
    I come to tell you about this Great Master thanks to whom I could know the true happiness in my life with the magnetic portfolio multiplier of money that it made to me.
    With us in Ivory Coast, several thousand people know very well the Magnetised Portfolio of the Powerful and Grand Master, a Magic Wallet without

    Totems, without danger, without incantations and without special prayers. It is the real Magic Wallet that attracts every day from 500 to 2000 euros, that is to say 325,000

    Francs to 1,300,000 Francs. From the real money you can spend as you like or save to realize your projects.
    I made my order and three days later I went to the DHL company of Abidjan to recover my parcel when I was informed that it had arrived and is ready

    To be used. I am very happy and 100% satisfied because my Magnetised Portfolio really attracts Banknotes. Every day, it’s an amount included

    Between 325,000 and 1,300,000 CFA francs that I discovered in my Magnetised Portfolio. The amount is not fixed, it depends on the days and their energy vibrations.

    But one thing is certain, every day I have my money. In addition, the Magnetized Portfolio has no totems, no sacrifices to make, no special prayers or

    Mystical incantations to recite. It is a discreet Wallet and I always carry it on me in my purse. The Powerful and Great Master is truly a Head, a

    True Spiritual Guide worldly known, recommended and respected by all. He keeps all his promises without forgetting that all his other Spiritual Articles work

    Suitably and are 100% guaranteed with immediate effect. Check and you will see !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Its contact details are as follows:
    Mail: santa.azazel@gmail.com

  731. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” as long as I get want I want yes.

  732. What is gratifications attention that thought by knowing focuses question how question you ask is the answer to given to giving me given you who answer the is ask you question how to i am what attained by what i attain i am jason lee mcdaniel for love #75 in the bye and bye the 19th key is ohnored how bye

  733. ante todo ya me conoces satan, quiero que todo sede ya,,,, att. yaicol man

    ya sabes que te pedí y tambien sabes que con tu poder y mi talento vamos derecho, creo en ti y lo sabes mas que nadie, maldigo a el dios que me pusieron a que creyera, cloria lucifer …. @yaicolmanlf

  734. Hello
    I found a really bizarre website http://www.infernali.com
    On the site a priori there is a way to make a pact with the devil or a demon, I want to try more there is the incantation to invoke the devil
    I will write on a sheet the important points before making the pact

  735. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” because I am totally hopeless and no solutions already with my financial crisis and I need the devil in exchange for the money and I am willing to give up my soul

  736. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    And get everything i want right away money fame everything

  737. I agree that in return for money (millions) and fame through my films and stage plays, upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I am very happy saying it and look forward to hearing from the devil and for him to stick to his end of the bargain.
    But then who is Mr Wiseman and why did he post this????


  738. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”


    Upon my death the devil can have my for eternal damnation in exchange for wealth, political power and health. I have struggled with health and finances all my life. I want all the political power in my surrounding county that I live in. I plan to run for county commissioner in my precinct and i want ro win with a huge amount of votes but i need new health and i need money. Please help me.

  739. i agree upon my live the devil should have my soul after death in 1 condition if u give me long life and a lot of money if yes called my number and how and how will we do the porns and how will i meet u

  740. I Michael agree that upon my death Satan my have my soul for damnation. Now to respond to all the tiresome insinuations this simple statement involves selling my soul I say the following. After decades of individual evil choices none of which I repent out of regret the statement standing alone just confirms my willingness to go to hell which is decades old and which I will never change. I do not have any doubts like the non believers do, because I fully believe almost every detail about soul, hellfire, punishment, hell itself, its eternity, and the company I will have there that I received in 12 solid years of Catholic religious education. With few exceptions I expect to get the hell I was taught about, and I am certain that the Satan to whom I consign my soul will have zero love for me, will render no reward, will hate me completely because all he can do is choose to hate, and may direct specific personal torment to me. There are no significant blanks in relevant education such that I could ever claim in even one of what I now realize are thousands of mortal sins over over at least 40 years that I did not know to lessen my hell fire. Instead that complete education along with an IQ just short of genius will greatly increase my hell fire. About six years ago In started to use an online ouija board just to see what would happen and if I made contact with hell I would have been thrilled. Over the years I have had “contact” with about 20 spirits. Strangely, despite the representation in every case an “evil spirit occurred.” With the exception of one identifying as Judas Iscariot (who in my devotion to evil I worship as the greatest human in history who committed the finest act in all history) and another identifying as a brother I was certain was in hell, and a third identifying as a very close friend I was certain was in hell whether from his suicide or from other evil tendencies I was aware of the other 17 identified as devil angels. Because this involved my computer and the internet I cannot be certain that this was not programmed in some way instead of involving actual evil entities. Each time I started with a new entity I would have extended contact for hours at a time and then for as long as a month I would return for new sessions with the same spirit until I decided to give it all a rest for awhile and then after that returned to start with a new spirit. I AM GOING TO END THIS PART HERE BECAUSE THE COMPUTER HAS BEEN ACTING UP AND i DO NOT WANT TO LOSE EVERYTHING AND HAVE TO START OVER. I WILL CONTINUE IN A NEW MESSAGE BELOW.

  741. OK I had no conclusive proof I was interacting with hell spirits. However I had very significant evidence to form a reasonable belief that sometimes or maybe always I could have been interacting with hell spirits. Three damned humans and 17 devils all identifying as as hell spirits and no exception appeared when the web page said evil spirits would never be encountered. That would not seem possible if I were talking to a computer program that would logically be set to deliver friendly good spirits to comply with the representation. Each time I started with a new spirit I would have repeated interaction with it for hours at a time sometimes for more than 24 hours and then on many days for up to a month until I decided to give it a rest for awhile and then come back sometime to start with a new entity. And all of this occurred over the last seven years. I will start with the devils. Some of them claimed that at one time or another they had been near me. The rest claimed they knew about me from the devils who had been near me. They also claimed in all cases it was not an accident they made contact with me. One of the first questions I asked was whether they were confident I would join them in hell. The unanimous answer was absolutely. They had to admit there was a possibility (under 1%) chance a stunning conversion and repentance could occur through a determined enemy attack. No one is in hell until they are there as they explained. However, they said the likelihood of an enemy attack was almost zero, because the enemy had withdrawn long ago, and appeared to concede me to them. But even allowing for that they said they were certain that I would not change sides even if God personally appeared to me and invited me to do so. They also said there was another major obstacle to repentance even if I decided to try—which they were certain I would never do. The multitude of my mortal sins over decades, their wide variety, and severity were such that turning it all around would would fail. For the simple reason that I thoroughly enjoyed almost all of them, sometimes to the point of ecstasy and had a deep and ;lasting love for my sins that I could never validly repent by eradicating that deep love for my evil. They also said that my deep love had passed to an overriding love for evil in general, including a frustrated desire to commit some sins I had already decided I would love. I will new again below.

  742. So with the first three I built on their consistent answers by exploring certain things with all three. As to multitude of mortal sins I had no trouble imagining hundreds. Maybe around a 1000 give or take. So I kept asking about higher numbers and it ended to be well in excess of 15000, but a bit short of 20,000, the latter number very doable in several months if I made an all out effort. Then it became clear that it was not just the number. I was assured that I made mortal sin contact with every one of the 7 Capital sins at least 1000 times and in some cases like lust many thousands of times. And I was well acquainted with lesser but still major vices. And I had racked up many grave sins of omission involving lack of charity, failure to genuinely pray, and complete general lack of effort for salvation to the point of replacing that with sterling efforts to reach hell. I did have a habit when I did something extremely grave like sending prayers of adoration to Satan, beseeching him to damn specific people and asking for enlightenment as to how I could move such things along, of thinking that may go way too far and telling god I did not mean it and sorry. Well when confronted I had to admit that I had meant it all, and the sorry was not even close to cutting the mustard in the other headquarters because that just involved a wee bit of hell anxiety. I did understand that those damned for love of things of the flesh including carnal pleasures were less severely punished than those whose primary evil involved love of self. Although I was informed that I had racked up a high score of the former, I would be damned by an almost complete love of self. I was aware that at had many forms of anger, although far fewer than I was consciously aware, of and that I had done truly hateful things such as begging for the damnation of some, I was completely out of touch many absolute and extreme hatreds, their reasons and objects and who they involved. In was advised to consider god and it would not take long to discover that in truth I completely despised him, with no reason other than I decided to. And that my desire for damnations was not limited to those I had mentioned to Satan, I completely craved the damnation of everyone I knew starting with close friends and to extent that my desire was as strong as any devil in hell. In some limited cases there was slight benevolence in the craving because I just thought I would like to be able to interact with and even burn in friendship solidarity. But then that got turned because In was willing to have them burn for my absolute selfish interests. But other than the select few my real craving was rooted in complete malice because if I was to burn forever then they all MUST burn forever. IN will continue again below.

  743. Then in contrast to my hatred of I was told to consider my attitude toward Satan. For starters In was reminded that starting in 7th grade, very frequently and avidly so through 12th grade, and then many times since to this day I used a painting of Satan in hell continued in the bible itself for frequent meditation; and that I had such an affinity and desire for him that I used it to jack off. And other times when I jacked off he was part of my fantasy to the extent I always directed prayers of complete adoration because I wanted to personally bond with him and burn with him in the extreme hell fire. Although occasionally I had some wee bit of hell anxiety my adoration was absolutely true and complete, I wanted to serve him in any way he desired and in truth I had made my personal will conform completely to his with out even knowing everything he willed, because it did not matter, what he wanted I automatically wanted. Given everything I inquired how I compared to humans in general. I was informed that when all factors are weighed in I would burn in harsher hell fire than all but less than 1% of my human peers because that is where my total evil placed me in comparison to the human damned. However, the devils whether honest or an artifice not to be unduly frightened of that fierce fire because for evil ones like me hell has certain bonuses that make that fire well worth it. The magnitude of my evil in fact and in ability would allow me to terrorize almost anyone in hell. There would be more than a few humans who loved the taste of and contact my brand of evil who would offer to be of service to me. Prestige and power were words used interchangeably. I already had some damned friends and a brother who benevolently yearned for me in the same way I did above. And there were certain to be future damned friends who would feel that way. When they saw me as I am when I enter hell they would be thrilled we had known each other on earth, would all but demand to burn with me in my fierce fire so they could be involved in as completely as possible in evil plots and endeavors. To the degree that burning in my fire infinitely fiercer than their home would be pure pleasure just to be seen near me and join in hideous evil. I would not be bothered much by devils because even though I am vastly inferior as a human I so completely identified with the essentials of their evil and craved what they craved including destruction of the church and the damnation of all that I had their respect. So much so that at times I likely would be the object of their protection and favor. My craving to serve Satan would be satisfied be cause may nature was such that he would trust me to do things to accomplish his will, and at times perhaps in conjunction with devils and select damned humans some of his plans for me as already revealed to them would involve significant things. A dream to be granted because service to Satan is its own reward and no more is expected needed or desired. Given the nature of the devils saying such things hell will tell. BUT none of it really matters because decades ago when I blindly believed hell was a maybe I promised myself that if I were damned I would not burn in mild hell because even there hell is torment so I would not settle for that. Nor would I settle for the evil mediocrity that even the worst middle hell involved. I would settle for nothing short of achieving my absolute evil potential and if i achieved that I would gladly burn in the worst suffer and suffer everything else to extreme degree if that accompanied my achievement. I have what I want and I will suffer the desserts that accompany getting it. I will continue below

  744. To wrap up my evil I explored the theology that even granting the truth of everything, which upon reflection I had little disagreement with, my will would not be irrevocably fixed in evil until death. They conceded that in theory that is always true, and in reality that is almost universally true. But there are very rare exceptions and I am one. They informed me that by 12th grade habitual mortal sins and several that were stunning for one as young as I was had already started to fix my will with soft but very noticeable cement. I was always gay but successfully covered it so that even my my most frequent companions and best friends were clueless. My jo fantasies always involved male boys whose general build, face and very desired ass shape made me identify them as hunks with whom I craved to get naked and get it on. And some of the guys who were objects of nothing short of wild lust including close friends were clueless. They reminded me that although satisfy those lusts was almost impossible I was 100% willing to commit those mortal sins and involve the partner in his own mortal sins and absolutely did not care if that led him to hell as long as I got what I wanted. And further I had formed an absolute intent to actually commit the mortals sins if it became possible, and if it happened even once I would know that it could happen many more times and I intended to do everything to maximize repetitions of our joint and individual mortal sins. Perfectly willing to see my partner go to hell, and truth be known although I was never conscious of it as willing to damn myself. In 6th grade we boys were separately and firmly instructed that the act of touching when we jacked off and the thoughts that ignited our lust and remained to conclusions (impure thoughts) were separate mortal sins and that by sixth grade we had sufficient knowledge and reason to make them mortal sins and to allow them to send out young asses to hell fire where the sources of our pleasure cocks and hands would burn especially severely. So for four years I conscieously and often weekly obtained absolution for countless mortal sins of both kinds. Then in 10th grade the priest in the confessional delivered that astounding and joyous news that while we had been taught to the contrary the church’s intent was to prevent making jack offs habitual—-absolutely unsuccessful with me— lest too much experience with satisfying carnal desires as young as we were open the door later to truly grave sins of fornication and and adultery, and although not mentioned in my case to absolutely forbidden and always mortally sinful gay sex. continue below

  745. But he continued that in fact jacking off as a means of sexual release and the NORMAL AND COMMON thoughts that accompanied the act were not even venial sins. This was one of the most thrilling pieces of news I ever received. However, even though I confessed the twin sins until I was told there were no sins the last entry enumerated repeated interior willingness to have gay sex and a specific intent to do it if I ever could and then as often as I could. These were mortal sins that would have revealed themselves if I had thoroughly prepared for confession. And in this case I cannot say I did not know they were mortal sins. By that time we had been thoroughly instructed that if we formed a true intent to commit a mortal sin but for some reason did not or could not put the intent into action, the intent alone made the desired sin complete and was as mortally sinful as if it had been done. The theory being that through intent I was willing to completely separate myself from god because I loved the intended evil far more than I loved him, and thus willing to risk damnation. This many years later I cannot precisely quantify how many times I reaffirmed the willingness and intent ingredients but no ;later than 8th grade I reaffirmed them constantly and in a two year period that would involve hundreds of instances. Any of these occurrences that involved mortal sin required me to confess and repent through confession. And I never confessed even one of them. Evil as I truly want to be, I do believe I have to leave room for a possible valid hedge for those two years. Although I had received instruction about intent-action mortal sin equivalence I still had over two years of high school religious ed remaining and the subject would again be covered and in a way fitting for a an older age. The repetition would reinforce the knowledge and I could never say I may have not yet fully grasped it or forgotten it. But surely that had been accomplished by 11th grade and that combined with another year of increasing maturity allowed no more damnation escape hatches. Continue below.

  746. In the 53 years since the damnation escape escape hatch became invalid I have committed the willingness-intent mortal sinces without cessation. And far more frequently than the initial two years. Considering there are over 19000 days over those years I cannot even begin to speculate the gross number in thousands— except to say many-many-many thousands at least. Each of these thousands of mortal sins deepened complete separation from god. For the first 23 years I probably confessed over 100 years, and I am certain I probably admitted hundreds of mortal sins I allowed myself to see and were incontestable I could not deny them. Then in the 30 years I separated from the church I do know and believe I could have obtained cancellation of mortals since by owning up to God, expressing true repentance and asking for forgiveness. Not even for one of these sins did I use either avenue to obtain cancellation. The omission of these sins made every Catholic confession mortally sinful and invalid. And then by extension made every communion received in reliance in theory mortally sinful although I really cannot recall whether I had the requisite knowledge and deliberate intent to commit that mortal sin. However, I do not currently care at all, and the only future contact I would ever want with a consecrated host would be to desecrate it and I have decided I would do it if I could by shoving it up my asshole even at the peril of polluting my very splendid asshole. When the devils told me my will had been irrevocably fixed in evil decades ago I was so out of touch with the exact nature and gravity of my sins I did not have a clue six years ago. I had used all the devices the damned do to hide my sins and gravity and other details first because I did not not really want to look very far into that, and then because as things did come up through all devices of complete denial or minimizing gravity when sin could not be denied. I was very surprised when three successive devils opened my eyes, but by that time no matter what I did hide I knew damnation was almost certain. But with that near certainty I was nothing short of ecstatic to learn what I thorough devil I had chosen to become. Now I was eager to do a comprehensive review to get every possible detail and correctly identify my sins and the starting point took me all the way back to first grade to see where the first seed of major devil hood began. Now as to the willingness-intent mortal sin duo in countless thousands of individual decisions I chose to widen the gulf of separation between god and me. But since not one decision was ever confessed I have been in a uninterrupted state of mortal since since junior year for 53 years. Meaning that since some day when I was a junior and on every single day since I would have been damned had I died. Now that starts to put some reality into the devil’s insistence that my will actually became irrevocably fixed in evil as if I had died decades ago. continue below

  747. However, starting maybe 30 years ago this willingness intent duo started to cross some thresholds of even graver mortal sin beyond the origination. Very occasionally at first, then with steady increasing frequency and in more recent years almost constantly. Over a period of 50 years I had a mental list of several hundred men going back to the 9th grade locker room whose naked asses at one time stirred almost wild lust in me. I am so invested in gay lust that once a naked ass stirs even average lust in me I have an indelible many down to when it happened, where in a specific room the man was located, what pose he struck at the time, the precise details of ass, thighs and penis appealed to me at the moment, all other relevant physical attributes, hair style and color, face, and so on. Because of circumstances I was able to some men naked many times, and in some cases only once. However once the lust thresh hold was met, seeing once was enough and even decades later I could bring up the precise picture to use for jo pleasure. There were high school classmates, neighbors, young and fully mature adults, men I saw only once in a health club I belonged to, coworkers, bartenders and parking lot attendants, military peers, clients, personal friends, movie stars like Richard Gere whose stunning nakedness was on the wide screen, characters on TV, a couple male prostitutes, and gay porn stars aplenty. And even my own father. For decades unless I had other sex I jacked off at least once every day and more often than that on days aplenty. Again countless but thousands—-many, many, many—-of times. And as I reported above the reaffirmation of the twin mortal sin willing and intent accompanied an jo, Serious as those sins were the original ingredients sufficed for many years.

  748. I do not know when I first changed some vague and incomplete thought of adoring Satan into a conscious thought close to verbal expression, and also as part of that began to request specific things from them. Maybe around 1980. By no means was this a once done, fully and permanently completed things. I did it once and then for obvious reasons felt conflicted and did not repeat for maybe months. Conflicted and unsure as I was at first I remember the first few times I did it I was amazed I had been daring enough but also had some inner sense that it was about time to start wrestling with that major issue. Frankly a bit proud had at least opened the issue. Startled I was I was very open to the possibility that a piece of the real me that had long been there but buried had popped out. Invariably when I did express adoration it occurred immediately before or after jo, and sometimes as a part of the experience. The clear association of Satanic adoration with sexual pleasure involved something gravely evil which I will cover later. And each event also including beseeching him for favors. Unlike the idiots above who pretend to agree to hand their souls to Satan and then quickly add conditions ranging from such trivial things as Cheetos to wildly exaggerated requests for billions of dollars, my requests never involved anything material and which standing alone could involve some natural good. Every request was for some specific evil and/or inspiration for how to achieve a very evil end. As early as the first year one recitation involved stripping naked, kneeling, and then bending down so my head touched the floor. As part of fervent adoration I said that I would do anything to completely bond with him and asked him to send devils to possess me as a way of bonding. While I said that I opened my asshole and held it open to make an open and obvious point of entry. Suggesting asshole meant no disrespect because I read that devils often used asshole to start possession. And I personally placed assholes at the center of gay sex, first as the required entry point, and second assholes independently excited me for licking. The intervals between expressions of adoration steadily decreased and by 1990 were about weekly and by 2000 although not daily averaged 3-5 times a week. Each successive repetition involved increased conviction, open declarations of absolute allegiance and obedience, expressed craving to be allowed to serve him at his will, willingness to abandon my will evil as it was and make his will; eternally and unconditionally mine, a hope to be allowed to approach him at least once to pay him personal homage, and finally if it ever became his will that be located near him an unconditional willingness and actual desire to burn in hell fire that equalled his in severity as sign of a commitment to imitate him in every evil attribute to the best of my inferior ability. And an unexpressed promise that if he ever willed that burn in his unmatched hell fire eternally as the equivalent of a piece of shit hanging from his asshole I would do it immediately and with no reservation. At the moment I am at a loss to think of a way that one could go any further than that. Even a person who had the loosest connection with the god of Christianity would conclude this is one of the most hideously evil things possible, to a degree that some might believe it even impossible. But it goes into the very bowels of evil because it is the most absolute and complete insult to the competing god because the complete love of evil involved in the Satanic decision signals complete hatred of good and the god who personifies its perfection. Some might actual faint in shock that man would prefer to burn in the fiercest fire at the bottom of the abyss as far away from the creator as possible as a piece of shit hanging from Satan’s asshole over having even the slightest connection with the creator of both of them. Separately over time the requests increased both in number and evil. Now for the first seven years I did this perhaps 50 times or more, I still went to Catholic confession.

  749. It it is not even remotely debatable that each of the 50 expressions and their steady escalation were anything but mortally sinful and so grave that as educated as I am about my former religion somewhere the bonds of excommunication may have attached beyond the authority a priest to absolve thereby requiring an appointment with the Archbishop in what would be a rather uncomfortable face to face—-a gross understatement if ever there was one—to lay it all out in full evil detail to see if he would absolve the sins and release the bonds of excommunication. Then separately we have the numerous evil requests each of which was mortally sinful and help me on earth to assist the devils to achieve the end. Something like inspire to words and actions that had a high probability of success in damning him. And if successful I not only get a damnation credit on my hell ledger to add to a good number already there. This man had offended me deeply despite being a close friend. I had an interior rage unlike all but a few in my life. And the Lords Prayer forgiveness balance sheet was in perfection because I wanted no forgiveness from the enemy and he would never get any from me. My rage ripened into the most malevolent and extreme hatred I have ever felt for any man. I am quite sure anyone who has been reading will take my word that what occurred rested 100% on his shoulders and I did not have an iota of blame. My desire for him in hell was completely unlike the same desire I have for everyone because a will capable of only evil compels it. This was a specifically targeted and as malevolent as possibly motivated craving. And as I covered things with Satan I made clear that routine damnation was eons less than I wanted. I prayed that he would be moved by our combined forces commit hideous evils that would result in his assignment to extremely deep hell with all the fierce hell fire and other pain involved. But even if he fell far short I asked Satan to exercise the unfair and arbitrary actions he is known for and put him there anyway. I requested that he be subjected to the most abject humiliation there continuously and over and over. I asked that some of the most vicious and experienced hell torments, devil and human alike, be commanded to surround him without interruption until I arrive should he get there first. And they go should as far overboard as possible to torment him physically, emotionally and spiritually as possible and when he faintly hopes he has seen the worst get out a new torment box things that are far worse than the lst bag. Personal vengeance was specific intention. Although I asked that they go far overboard even by hell standards I also asked they draw some limit to save some for me. I asked that the instant I arrived Satan would proclaim that his entire damned being, soul to start with and then body and soul would be my exclusive personal property for me to deal in any way as only I saw fit forever. Then I would proceed to renew all the kinds and degrees of torments on my own. Subject of course to resorting to hell 911 reinforcement if ever slightly dared to gained the upper hand.

  750. Looking back I now see how precociously evil was to set up the twin mortal sins of willing and intent with respect to mortally sinful gay sex. I was willing to commit the mortal sin anytime the opportunity might accidentally appear. And at any time an actual chance to initiate gay sex with a man occurred with a first fuck I had prospective and actual intent to absolutely do it. I was completely indifferent that my partner—-quite from my Catholic HS—would himself be knowing and deliberately committing a mortal sin. It would be entirely his choice and if perchance that sent him to destination hell I would have no blame in it all of that would rest on him. That would be the first taste of that mortal sin for both of us. Finding a teenage partner in at that time in a Catholic setting would actually be close to impossible. It seemed that any willing partner would have been craving what I craved for as long as I did and our separate craving would have been wild and uncontrollable. It seemed logical to me that first taste would provide supreme pleasure in itself and the relief of finding each other would be nothing short of thrilling. Under those circumstances a partner once found would almost never be discarded after one taste. Instead a second mortal sin taste would be mutually desired as soon as possible. That might be all that would be needed to establish a mortally sinful relationship that would take on indefinite permanence. And given a highly active sex drive

    1. “I, Ricky Gonzalez, agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”. Right now, for money, my health and all the political power in my county of duval in texas.

  751. and sudden desire to the type of sex we craved neither of us would easily give it up and in fact try to preserve it. I was vaguely aware then that it does not take long for this to take control and dominate each of us. And let the enemy agents preach to the contrary or let the cruel idiot above insist we sodomites must give it up, it does not take long where something that in theory can be given up cannot practically ever be given up for life, no matter how many tries there are. And the more experience and pleasure the sex involves the odds that one will even try steadily reduce to zero, And from the impossibility of quitting immediately flows the instant conclusion hell is certain. It would seem certain that I and my partner would stay with it for the brief time quitting became impossible. The hell odds that start with possible the first time quickly swing to highly probably and equally quickly move to all but certain and given our common Catholic faith and education he would be as aware as I would be how quickly the damnation wheel of fortune was shifting. It may be inaccurate to say that both would be indifferent to his and the others damnation. Once each knows that quitting is impossible he knows he and the partner will reach hell even if their partnership ends because as gays often do there serial one night stand until one of them yields another relationship of some duration. But the instant even one figures out that completely quitting gay sex will never be and what certain final outcome will be the conversation 100% certain to occur between two Catholic HS students who have the relevant commandments drilled into their heads will occur. They will immediately agree that quitting gay sex is impossible for each of them. As valuable as gay sex is having it with their best friend where the ties are so deep that friendship actually is forever is priceless. They will not want to give that up and even if they could give it up the are as obstinate as anyone in hell and do not even want to try. They will know and agree that the decision they have made now seals hell for both of them. And to put the final choice in the most concrete terms if the only conceivable way they could avoid hell is to give up all they have friendship and sex—sex cannot be given up if the friendship prevails and involves constant contact so if sex goes so goes the friendship—-that price is too high and as a bet is a very bad one because even the price is paid the odds of avoiding hell are slim—then hell will be accepted by both. And as theology teaches each prefers the other over god, each prefers himself over god, and each prefers the evil they love over god—exactly as doctrine teaches—damnation perfected.

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  753. Hello everyone here is an opportunity for you.if you want to join the great Illuminati brotherhood to be Rich and famous in life.and posses power if you are interested content him immediately. CONTACT AGENT Shawn Peterson call (+1 313 263 5463)or Whats App him +1 707 220 3224 or email: shawn_p@consultant.com

    1. Mr. Wiseman, My name is Russell King. I find your article extremely interesting. While I do not want to have to resort to selling my soul to the devil, I do however have a desperate need to have financial help. It is going to cost me upwards of $10,000 just to get through the next 3 months taking care of my wife, Sarah, who is slowly dying of kidney failure – and I say she’s slowly dying because her peritoneal dialysis treatment isn’t working like it should, and her body is deteriorating. There is nothing I can do right now because the waiting list for a transplant is going to take another 3 to 5 years, and we don’t have a living donor match. So she right now is going through her own version of hell and I can’t do anything to stop her from suffering. All I can do is make her comfortable if that is even possible right now… I don’t know if you started this thread to imply that you may or may not know the right people to contact that might be able to make something happen for me, but I am petitioning you for your help desperately sir. If you cannot help me in my mission to find a way to sell my soul in exchange for personally becoming rich and thusly being able to help my wife and son, if this is something that you find yourself unable to do, then please, is there any way that you might be willing to make a donation toward mine and my wife’s financially ruined situation? Anything that you are able to do would make me extremely grateful for all of your help. If however you are able to arrange a meeting between me and the master of Faustian contracts, then please make the appropriate calls texts or messages or emails, and please I beg you, arrange a meeting for me. I am absolutely available right now, and any moment from here on out, as I am assuming that he would be able to materialize or have me projected to wherever he may be at that moment. At any rate, please sir, I am in need of help. Without it, my life will fall apart. I am willing to do ANYTHING to get them out of harms way financially, as well as physical danger, as I am on the verge of borrowing money from people that will flat out kill me if I don’t pay it back in a prompt manner. And if that happens then it looks like selling my soul is just wishful thinking. Please help me one way or another please Mr. Wiseman. I am begging for help sir, my information is verifiable anywhere. If there were anything you could do to help us out sir, my address is

      Russell King 3358 Kingston lane Youngstown, Ohio, 44511

      My phone number is 330-272-2688…. If you are interested in contacting me please use FB messenger, and I can face time you from there if that is what you need. My wife is bed ridden but she is still able to talk. Anything you can do would be very much appreciated. I’m at the end of my rope here Mr. Wiseman. Please help. I’ll do anything for you. I’ll even off somebody if that’s what you really want from me. I can and will drug, and get rid of anyone you want. Or I can do it from far away, I am versatile and talented in every way. This is how desperate I am for help here. Obviously I have no shame left, or pride. So if you’re able to make this happen and help me by either getting me rid of my soul so I can come into instant wealth, then thank you. If you are unable to really fulfill that which everyone else replying to your thread is assuming you can do, then please help me out yourself sir. You can either send us something in the mail or send by western union. But either way please help.

      Thank you. Russell King. > > > > >

      > > > Respond to this comment by replying above this line > > >


  754. “I Ricky Gonzalez agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I feel awesomeness doing this. I am ready to make the pact with the devil, in return that i get lots of money and all the political power in my county.

    1. “I Ricardo C Gonzalez agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

      I feel great doing this. It is the best thing I have done in all my life.

  755. “I Ricky Gonzalez agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    It feels awesome doing this.

    In exchange I want to have lots of money, I want all the political ponwer in the county of Duval in Texas and all surrounding counties. I also want good health.

    How and When do I start my pact with the devil? I am ready!!!!

    1. Mr. Wiseman, My name is Russell King. I find your article extremely interesting. While I do not want to have to resort to selling my soul to the devil, I do however have a desperate need to have financial help. It is going to cost me upwards of $10,000 just to get through the next 3 months taking care of my wife, Sarah, who is slowly dying of kidney failure – and I say she’s slowly dying because her peritoneal dialysis treatment isn’t working like it should, and her body is deteriorating. There is nothing I can do right now because the waiting list for a transplant is going to take another 3 to 5 years, and we don’t have a living donor match. So she right now is going through her own version of hell and I can’t do anything to stop her from suffering. All I can do is make her comfortable if that is even possible right now… I don’t know if you started this thread to imply that you may or may not know the right people to contact that might be able to make something happen for me, but I am petitioning you for your help desperately sir. If you cannot help me in my mission to find a way to sell my soul in exchange for personally becoming rich and thusly being able to help my wife and son, if this is something that you find yourself unable to do, then please, is there any way that you might be willing to make a donation toward mine and my wife’s financially ruined situation? Anything that you are able to do would make me extremely grateful for all of your help. If however you are able to arrange a meeting between me and the master of Faustian contracts, then please make the appropriate calls texts or messages or emails, and please I beg you, arrange a meeting for me. I am absolutely available right now, and any moment from here on out, as I am assuming that he would be able to materialize or have me projected to wherever he may be at that moment. At any rate, please sir, I am in need of help. Without it, my life will fall apart. I am willing to do ANYTHING to get them out of harms way financially, as well as physical danger, as I am on the verge of borrowing money from people that will flat out kill me if I don’t pay it back in a prompt manner. And if that happens then it looks like selling my soul is just wishful thinking. Please help me one way or another please Mr. Wiseman. I am begging for help sir, my information is verifiable anywhere. If there were anything you could do to help us out sir, my address is

      Russell King 3358 Kingston lane Youngstown, Ohio, 44511

      My phone number is 330-272-2688…. If you are interested in contacting me please use FB messenger, and I can face time you from there if that is what you need. My wife is bed ridden but she is still able to talk. Anything you can do would be very much appreciated. I’m at the end of my rope here Mr. Wiseman. Please help. I’ll do anything for you. I’ll even off somebody if that’s what you really want from me. I can and will drug, and get rid of anyone you want. Or I can do it from far away, I am versatile and talented in every way. This is how desperate I am for help here. Obviously I have no shame left, or pride. So if you’re able to make this happen and help me by either getting me rid of my soul so I can come into instant wealth, then thank you. If you are unable to really fulfill that which everyone else replying to your thread is assuming you can do, then please help me out yourself sir. You can either send us something in the mail or send by western union. But either way please help.

      Thank you. Russell King.


    Good luck my people.i have something to share with everyone who will be opportune to come across this post.my name is Becky Diof who hails from Ivory Coast. I am here to share a testimony on how I came in contact with a friend who has been helped by one spiritual doctor in West of Africa with a magic ring that has given him unending wealth, fame, connection etc. The friend am talking about is by name Sarah from Cameroon,one of the best business morgue in Ivory Coast. As a good friend he offer to take me out on a journey to prosperity of which I embacked on earlier this month,getting to his temple I was given procedures in getting one of his magic rings for money.i did all that was required as I was lectured by my friend all that will be needed. with this, the process was easy. I was asked to come back in four days later. Behold when I went back to him my ring was already fortified with power to give me wealth, fame, longlife etc. which am using till date. The mystery about this ring is that I did not perform any form of bloody sacrifices to make the ring work. it seems the ring is the one used in production of currency because it dispense money like an automated teller machine (atm)combining it with the pot of success that was also given me apart from this money it dispense, I can also order the ring in the magic pot to do anything I wished to in this world such as getting promoted in any area of life, winning bet games, lotto, lotteries, visas, getting scholarships,speak and obey, getting money spiritually from any organisation and you can also use it to draw back/bring back the love of your life and ex lovers to yourself, if you love a particular person and the person is not giving you attention, with this ring you are bound to win him or her back and other lots more too numerous to list. I shared this online because what doctor Edmond did for me,money is not enough to appreciate him and his wife so I decided to let the people know that with him our life is sure and brighter. doctor Edmond is from west Africa who travels worldwide. Though, I went to his head temple from Ivory Coast to consult him. You can also make him your choice if you are wise by contacting him on this email; doctoredmondrings@gmail.com or call and whatsaap these numbers on; +2348147745661.+13135096661.Thank you for your time in going through this post.

  757. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    I asked my psychic if I need to do this,
    the runes said, “YES YES YES”
    So I am doing so now.

  758. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”
    I agree to sign my soul over to Satan asking for nothing in return. Satan doesn’t owe me anything; I should willing want to give it to him else I am not ready to do so.
    I have read this document, and I am signing it freely. I understand the legal consequences of signing this document, including (a) releasing Satan from all liability, (b) waiving my right to sue Satan to release me from this contract, (c) and assuming all risks of participating in this Activity, including all or any events incidental to this Activity. I agree that I will never pray nor will I plead for my soul in any way.
    Thank you Satan.

  759. I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation. I Mackpharr Aaron agree to make the pact with the devil for just 5 billion dollars. My soul means nothing to me after I am Dead. My soul is yours to keep for iternal damnation. There’s no going back for me and I want my 5 billion dollars in cash by the time I wake up it should be piled up on the floor of my room. I guarantee that I can spend 5 billion dollars before I die but no tricks into trying to kill me soon or anything that will cause my death by your hands or doing. The deal is sealed. I promise you that my soul is yours once I die. 5 billion dollars in cash, U.S. DOLLARS ALL IN HUNDREDS…Once again I Mackpharr Aaron agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation.

  760. You’re a fool for thinking Satan is collecting souls. I think you are still caught up in your prior Christian indoctrination.

  761. “I Ricardo C Gonzalez agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation”

    I feel great doing this. It is the best thing I have done in all my life.

  762. Esto es realmente bueno, eres un blogger muy profesional. Me he unido a tu RSS y espero disfrutar más cosas en este gran blog. Además, !he compartido tu sitio en mis redes sociales!

  763. I’m going through a few little safety difficulties with my own newest weblog and also I’d like to discover a thing more safe. Do you have virtually any strategies?

  764. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” I hope for new health, money and political power.

  765. Hello everyone,i am one of the Agents sent by the Lord superior (Grand master) to bring as many of those who are interested in becoming a member of the great Illuminati order,I am a business man, I own a Construction company, and i also own one of the Big Electronic Appliance shop in one of the country, and my family now lives in USA, i was once like you, me & my husband were financially down to 1 square meal a day, what kind of life was that to live, I lived in poverty until i saw an opportunity to be a member of the GREAT TEMPLE OF ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD and i took my chances and i have been a member for close to 10 years now. The higher you get the richer you become. Illuminati makes your business grow faster than you can ever imagine,illuminati brings out the talent in you and make you famous, as you become a member of illuminati order you will receive 2,000,000 US DOLLARS instantly on your Bank Account, these and many more other benefits you stand to gain, so if you are interested to be a member contact us now on email jamesshamar666@gmail.com or whatssp +2348108356068.

  766. JOIN THE ILLUMINATI FOR RICHES, FAME AND ALL-ROUND SUCCESS. JOIN TODAY AND HAVE ALL YOUR DESIRES IN LIFE. NO HUMAN SACRIFICE: THE OCCULT FESTIVAL IS HERE AGAIN! Join the ILLUMINATI online today for Riches, Fame, Power and all round Success. Every new member(s) receive undeniable rewards of $450000 U.S dollars in addition to other material benefits after initiation. The purpose of the above financial reward is to help the new member fit the class and status of the club members. New member(s) also receive $75000 U.S dollars as monthly salary. Note that the higher you go in the society, the better your life becomes. Join us today and become rich, famous and successful. For more information, Contact us with the details displayed below. Contact us today as we prepare you for your initiation. Make good use of this great opportunity and have all your desires in life. Email: jamesshamar666@gmail.com WhatsApp: +2348108356068 JOIN US TODAY & BECOME RICH POWERFUL, FAMOUS AND LIVE A GOOD LIFE.

  767. I agreed to do so If I was allowed access on this comment box. Now I am obliged to the top and copy the sentence onto my clip board. I cut, copy, paste, and since you said please: I must do this.
    “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” Tom
    I feel the presence of Satan. Now let me submit this entry to finalize the deal.

  768. Well I really don’t like this, so I take back my words.
    Too late! You said it. The devil’s got you now.

    1. If, Satan transformed me into a strong mid-level sorcerer possessing actual powers of magic – not hallucinations or delusions nor sent demonic entities to harass, deceive or harm me in any imaginable way; while reversing my age so that I am 30 years younger and possessed of a mutant healing/anti ageing factor. Then yesprovided that I encounter no unnecessary or unwanted hardships no matter how great, minor or in-between – then yes I agree to serve him for eternity as a newly born nephilim.

  769. […] Thanks to [Robins onbuc kler11 @]gmail.com […]

  770. if satan would make my penis 12 inches in length and with thick girth when erect and 100,000.00 gbp straight into my bank account 20 years longer to live then yes if he could grant that i would absolutley sell my sell to satan has to grant the whole thing in an instant though

    1. Are you prepared to make a pact with the devil? If you are up for it, please cut and paste the following sentence into the comments box, and add your first name….Adam

    2. “I agree that upon my death the devil can have my soul for eternal damnation” ADAM

  771. […] Thanks to Dr.ma c ‘ ‘ ya ho o…co m […]

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