1. It works well in ‘real life’ if you close one eye. It is possible to see it with both eyes open with a bit of practise!

    Check out Gardner’s Dragon on YouTube too..

  2. That’s the first one of these that has actually worked for me. I knew what it was, but actually saw the floating cube for a change. Once the reveal was done it would not resolve back into a cube for me though.

  3. @gussnarp– At first, I lost the illusion, too. Then I discovered that all I had to do was close my eyes briefly–a very slow blink–and the cube would return.

  4. I knew what was going on as soon as I saw the thumbnail in the RSS feed but it was still a quite striking effect that had me fooled until the reveal. After the reveal I could no longer see the effect. So obviously, just knowing what’s going on isn’t enough to see what’s going on.

  5. There was a split second where I noticed the change from the shape as it actually was to the perception of the cube. It’s amazing that the brain can do such things!

  6. I found the same as Kel: that there was a distinct moment when the obvious became the illusion. Wonder if the reason has anything to do with the fact that we have seen many boxes, and few illusions of them. So, that the brain automatically sees the box whenever it is possible.

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