Last year I made a video showing ten science stunts that you could perform at Christmas parties.  It has had almost 2 million views, and so I thought that I would produce another one this year.  So, here it is….. another 10 science stunts that you can use to be the life and soul of any party…..

Oh, and if you missed the video last year, here it is…..

Which stunt is your favourite?



  1. Brilliant! the rocket one is my dad’s all time party trick. He does it with a very long and convoluted story with scientists trying to get a rocket on the moon with a very low budget

  2. Would the pepper one work with a drop of oil instead of soap? That was my guess before Richard told us the answer.

    1. No, you need a detergent to break the water tension. Oil would just create another layer on top of the water.

  3. Does the length of the string for the feather/vase trick matter? Obviously it has to be long enough to insert an element of danger but not too long so that the vase will hit the floor before the feather has even had a chance

  4. You used to be able to do the rocket trick with the v thin wrappers of amaretti biscuits. No tea to throw away, you just ate the biscuits. Great after dinner entertainment until the changed the wrapper to heavier paper inside individual plastic envelopes. I have been boycotting the biscuits ever since!

  5. The sausage one made me laugh, first just from hearing you say “sausage” and then from trying it and seeing that it totally looks like a sausage! If you move your hands up and down, the sausage effect breaks and gives way to the appearance that your fingers are solid at the tips and where they meet your hands and translucent in the middle.

    But my favorite is the coin/liquid/glass one. Does it matter how big the cork is?

  6. I like the balloon over the candle trick. You could do this in combination with the classic pin in balloon trick. For those who don’t know it, place a small piece of sellotape onto the balloon and put the pin through the tape.

    or just…

  7. The door frame one was straight out of my childhood although we used to do it to both arms for that authentic ‘zombie arms’ look.

    You can also do something similar to someones hand – get them to hold your hand as if shaking it and then they keep gripping it really tightly in the same position for about a minute/minute and a half. Then slowly move your hand out of theirs but they still keep their hand in the gripped position. Rub their hand gently for a few seconds whilst still in that position and then ask them to open their hand.

    If it’s worked they shouldn’t be able to uncurl their fingers. After a few secs their fingers will start to open in slightly jerky movements and then get back to normal in about minute or so. I’ve freaked a few people out with that one over the years!!!!

  8. Nice compilation!

    an extra party stunt (but don’t have any idea how to explain it)

    Put a small object (cork/ box of matches) on the side of a table. Step back 1,5m. You have to shoot the object with your indexfinger, but… at the same time, you have to take a step forward (moving towards the table to hit the object). Are you shooting with your right hand, you have to take a step with your right foot.

    Only a few people can actually hit the object, even if they try a few times.

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