
Night School explores the surprising new science of sleep and dreaming, and reveals how to make the most of the missing third of your life. Based on scientific research, mass-participation experiments and the world’s largest archive of dream reports, it reveals how to get the best night’s sleep of your life, discover what your dreams really mean, and banish jet-lag, nightmares and snoring

Available from Amazon UK
Kindle: Amazon UK

The World’s Most Relaxing Music
Richard has teamed up with composer Cameron Watt to create a piece of music that’s scientifically designed to help you fall asleep. It had to have about 90 beats per minute, a 4/4 beat, involve piano and strings, and contain narrow note sequences where the notes moved from low to high.

You can purchase the World’s Most Relaxing Music on iTunes here

Or listen to the piece in the video below….

and learn more about it here